The bullied one- New school.. New life.

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I woke up the my alarm clock, I murmured "Shut up!" I shut the alarm clock off and flipped my legs over the bed pushing myself up. I shuffled to my drawer pulling out my outfit for the first day of school, I quickly slipped it on, brushing my hair and teeth. I walked down the stairs to the smell of Eggs, and bacon. Mikasa glances at me while she continued to cook.

"Good morning sleeping beauty"  she hummed.

"Hey! Im not sleeping beauty! You just get up early!" I scoffed.

She giggled, "Yeah, yeah" She set two plates on the table.

"Breakfast is ready~" 

"Yeah, I see that." I sat down and began to eat.

Mikasa is my sister or should I say the only person I have left in my family, My father and mother were  in a fire. Me and her have been living on what we could, me and her both have jobs. I work at Mc Donalds. Sadly.... And shes a police in training. Todays my first day of 10th grade... 'Yay...'

My phone buzzes as the alarm goes off. "Alright I'll be back in 6 hours. I hav to go catch the bus, bye!" 

I stand at the bus stop waiting for the bus as a raven colored man, about 10 cm shorter then me walks behind me carrying a black bag with skulls on it, his face had no expression. But his steely grey eyes went perfect with his face and hair.'he was beautifu-.. Wait what!? Get those thoughts out of my mind Eren Jeager!'

"Oi" A low voice spoke.

"Ah.. Y-yes?" I asked nervously.

"the bus is here move so I can get on first or you'll have some bruises." He said with no expression.

"O-o-of course, sorry!!!" I took a jump back with hesitation.

He glanced at me without expression.. You really cant tell what hes thinking.. Maybe I should speak up? "I-Im Eren Jeager.."

He turned to face me "Levi Ackerman." Again... No expression.. At least I learnt his name.. Hm? He spoke once again.

"What school are you heading to..?" He glared at me.

"U-uh well Titan High.." I smiled nervously scratching behind my head.

"Huh weird, same."  The bus drove up and opened the doors, the bus was jam packed, I sat in a seat that Levi sat in also.. We both sat in an awkward silence.

I entered the school before him and sighed 'This is going to be a long day..'. 

People were staring at me and my eyes whispering to each other.. I can tell im going to be bullied already.. A group of taller people approched me and asked "Hey bug eyes." I looked and saw Levi in the back of the group. One of them pushed me on the ground "Hey I was talking to you!" My facial expression turned to pure terror.

Levis P.O.V

I saw Eren bring pushed on the ground by some of my crew, I decided to avoid eye contact with him and act like I didnt see him, but he noticed me. I decided to join in.. "Oi brat were you following me!?"

"N-n-n-no I wasn't I promise!!" His blue aqua eyes met with mine, damn his eyes were beautiful. Why did they hate them so much.. Jealousy? Hm. I guess so. I swung a punch at him right in one of his eyes.. Man I wish I didnt do that.. Wait why did I do that..  Fuck I messed up bad.. 

                                        This is going to be a hard year.. (Levi)

                                        This is going to be a hard year..(Eren)

End of part one YEY (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧I Hope you enjoyed.. Cya in part two~

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