chaper 10 a the red reaper and the end of the volume1

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The new hero the red reaper has save the city agan in the last 3 weeks the red reaper just showed up and stopes everyone in doing a crime
With ruby
Ruby was walking to the park to get a rose for christopher but on the way the ruby looked up from her scroll and seen a finger in a dark red cloak and the fenger just look at her (ruby)look at the fenger and seed hi red reaper or fake me
The fenger takes a hold of ruby and run to in a building and tock off her cloak and sad hi ruby and kiss ruby but (ruby)will you stop kissing my it is werd to get kiss by yourself you know
(R reaper sorry ruby just i love you (ruby) sorry but i am takin by the love of my life christopher (r-reaper)grr ok but if you chang your mind ill aways love ypu goodbye (ruby)whet will you join me and help stop cinder (r-reaper) ok ruby but i get something out of it after it ok (ruby)fine reaper

Somewere ales with cinder
(Cinder) let get this party stared
(Bad ass song )
The empire to drop clone troopers at beacon
Ruby run there after she saw thew big ships coming in and the empire dropes off all of the world of darkness(a.k.a the all of the bad guys) the hartless anad nobody's and run run cuting throw the army of grimm,hartless,and nobody's alike she swoing her scythe and killed a big grimm and thine she looked up and seen 100 of bulkheads and everyone of her friends juming out and and attacking the army of darkness and sora and christopher were sronded by 100000 enemy's os ruby came and ran and jumped in the middle of the army and fight off as many as ahe could to geve sore and christopher time to get some rest and they got back in the fight all three of thim were back to back to back fighting of the army all three in sync with eachother and that kill thim all and after that thay looked to see king mickey yoda ozpin and summer fighting off and army to and thay thay her ozpin sey to all 4 of thim like old times right hhim thay loke over to blake yang and weiss all fighting a elete members of the white fang ruby see someone that strok free in her face (new voice) helo ruby has my loving cousin doing (ruby)you why are you here dante (dante) play a game ruby he walks up to her and she trys to kiclk him but he grab her leg was a bout kill her but stopped she looks to arond to see that every one but 5 peopke still standing ruby looks to see sora fighting hes nemist christopher fighting the leader of the white fang luke fighting darth vader blake fighing adam and ozpin fighting Slade and looked up and sees and see scythe of the grim reaper stoping a sword form in inch from her head and looks to see the grim reaper him self saving her
(Grim reaper) go ruby stop cinder at all cost

The big fight

Ruby ran up to the top of the tower of beacon and finds cinder there (cinder) ruby your here good the real fun can degen and ruby arn at cinder and cinder an at ruby red and black clided in a brst of power and a shock wave wenet throw the hole world of remintes and ruby and cinder throw punches and kicks everyone hiting them and ruby use a move that she didnbt wont to use buthad to and an expolsin

(Auther note sorry
cliff hanger to if you like this story and i am making a nother volume so stay rond for to find out what happened to ruby and cinder and sorry if my spalling was bad and geve me ponter on an thing that youy think i need to work on)

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