Message From The Sister

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What you just read was my sister's "Diet Journal". As you know, she was suicidal and in a treatment center. I don't know how she did it, but she finally succeeded.

In the middle of the night, she waited until the cop fell asleep on duty. Then she slowly slipped out of the restraints and quickly ripped out the sedative IV. Only a small amount of sedative got into her bloodstream, so the effect was delayed. She took her tube out and, with all of the little strength she had, managed to open the window and jump out.

Thank You for reading my sister's story. She always said she'd want people to read it, and now they can. Stop bullying, it just causes tragedy.

I miss you, Amanda. I know you felt pretty, even at 64 pounds, but I wish you could have felt pretty being yourself when you were 107 pounds. I'll always remember you as beautiful.

R.I.P Amanda DiLaurentis, Age 11.

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