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Staeven was visiting the barn with Lapis and Pearidot. "Yo, Peri!" He said. Perrydot's head came out.

"Yes, Steve?" Peri asked.

"Apologize to my dad!" The cinnamon roll exclaimed.

"Why should I? That happened a month ago!"

"He's still waiting for an apology!"

Bob woke up. "Hey, if you're going to live here you have to keep quiet when I'm sleeping!" She yelled.

"Sorry, Lapiss!" Purridot apologized.

"If you can do that to Lazuli, you can apologize to my dad." Steven said.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiine." Dot fell flat on her face and Stephen had to drag her.

Time Skip Brought To You By My Weird Side Of Hamiltrash

Steven and the angry little slice of pie went to It's A Wash to where Greg was in his van.


Greg came out of the van. "What do you want, Ste-" He cut off when he saw Peri.

He blushed.

Perry blushed as well.

"What is she doing here?" Greggy asked, redder than a tomato.

Steven just said, "Tell him, Dot."

Peridot gave the father a flower with a white inside and yellow petals.

She blushed. "I'm sorry." She muttered.

Gregory hesitated before taking the flower from the Peridot's hand. "Thank you." he said.

The space dorito just nodded and went off with Steve. What is this feeling? She thought.

Greg just stared off as Peridot and his son were leaving. Oh no. Not again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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