Harrowing Desertion: Now You've Crossed The Line

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A/N: This is an acrostic poem written in iambic pentameter (ten syllables in a line). Any feedback is greatly appreciated since I'm thinking about entering this in a competition. 

Now you’ve crossed the line, point of no return

Obscuring a clear path to victory

Why did you desert us in times of need?

Yearning to see your familiar face

Overt shakes of the head, bountiful tears

Underlying resentment for your choice

Voraciously stealing what is not ours

Endangering entire families

Ceaseless begs and shouts, only an echo

Rendering all strong defenses useless

Obvious glimpse of you siding with them

Sealing both our fates for eternity

Sworn enemies starting right this second

Ending our once inseparable bond

Danger lurking around every corner

Threatening to kill poor, innocent souls

Half-hearted attempts to fend off evil

Entering a new world with suffering

Left and right, people dropping like small flies

Initiating a full-blown bloodbath  

Never breaking through your cold demeanor

Eating my will to fight another day

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2011 ⏰

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