Your my tutor?

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(Songs for Chapter:
A Thousand Years- Christina Perri
Brave- Sara Bareilles
Infinity- One Direction
Sorry-  Justin Bieber)

I dedicate this chapter the_weirdo_me1234 . Thanks for being there when I wanted to get my mind off things. :)

More dedication for lucky Never Alone fans.

I was actually up at 1 writing this, and I did have school later sooo

Enjoy :))

01:54 am

I sigh against my pillow. I hate when i cant sleep. It frustrates me and worst being I have school later.

I plugged in my earphones into my phone and went into my music list.

I headed straight to my favourites, needing to listen to the songs I listen to on repeat.  I scrolled down looking for the song i needed and quickly pressed play.

A smile tugged on my lips as I heard Harry Styles's voice starting the verse .

I maybe or maybe not have a HUGE crush on him......

Not the point. I quietly hum along with the chorus listening carefully to the words as if they were apart of a love story.

"How many nights does it take to count the stars"

"That's the time it would take to fix my heart"

"Oh baby, I was there for you"

"All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah yeah"

"How many nights have you wished some one would stay"

Never Alone(Late Bestfriend Dedication) Where stories live. Discover now