Chapter 2

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The teacher was calling everyone's names and we would say 'here' when He called ours. He said it was 'calling attendance'.

I thought it was weird but we were gonna be doing it everyday so I might as well get used to it.

I suddenly felt the feeling in my fingers get even stronger and Blake's eyes widened at me.

"A-are you okay?" He asked me seeming scared. "Yeah why?" I forced out through my clouded head and all the pain surging through my body.

"It's just that your eye darkened. And it's kinda near black." He told me quietly so only I could hear him. He handed me a strange device of technology.

"You can look at yourself in the camera." He told me. I tried not to make it obvious that I didn't know how to use this device.

"Umm can you put on the camera?" I asked him. "Umm yeah sure." He took the device and with a few taps and swipes he handed it back and it was like a mirror.

I looked into it and the eye that didn't have the strange clear item on it was black. I quickly put my head down and slid the device back to Blake.

I thought I remembered something about someone telling me what to do if something was wrong.

I looked back through my thoughts but couldn't seem to go back because of the cloudiness filling my head. I could hardly think at all.

"Blake?" I asked quietly, scared of what was gonna happen to me. "Yeah Oliva?" He asked seeming worried too. "Please help me." I said quietly.

I felt a new feeling, I felt hurt, but it wasn't like a real pain, I felt hurt in my heart and brain. Water drops started to come out of my eyes as I slightly looked up at Blake.

It was like something in His head clicked because he jumped out of his seat and grabbed my arm.

"We will be back sir." He told the teacher guy.

He dragged me out of the class and we were going down the hallways. He stopped outside of a door with a stick figure wearing a dress.

"You can go in there and do your stuff that girl do when they are crying." He said awkwardly not knowing what to do as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well why not come in with me?" I asked as the tears started to slow.

"Well it's the ladies room I can't come in there." He said kinda surprised.

"Oh okay are you gonna wait here?" I asked worried to be alone for too long.

"I'll be right here." He said with a small smile.

After that I walked through the door into a room filled with dividers and toilets inside each one. There was a row of mirrors and sinks across from them.

I walked up to a mirror and saw my eye was still black. I took the weird clear thing off my other eye to reveal that one was black too.

I felt scared of myself but the surging feeling came back to my head and fingertips but this time instead of just my fingertips it was my whole hand.

I looked down at it and they started turning reddish. "What's happening to me?" Suddenly shocks sprouted upon my hand.

I jumped back ward. I looked back down and they started again.

I Put my other hand near them to try and feel it since it wasn't hurting the hand they were on.

With my two hands the electricity spread between them. I spread my hands apart slowly and the electricity spread out.

I made my hands into fists and it stopped.

Suddenly the hurting feeling in my hands was gone. I looked up into the mirror and my eyes were back to normal.

Which was good and bad because I had lost the clear thing that's made to change my eye color.

I walked out of the room and Blake was right there waiting like he said he would.

"You okay?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm good." He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

It felt like a normal gesture but no one had ever done it to me before.

I wrapped my arms around him too and laid my head on his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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