Chapter One

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"Marisa, are you sure this is what you want to do?", My mother asked.

It was the day when I finally left boring Delaware and head back to Maryland to be with my father. I absolutely loved living with my father because he gave me more freedom. Being his only biological daughter I got whatever I wanted. I mean, being 13 I wasn't really able to do much, but I got to go to a friend's houses and spend the night. In Delaware, I barely had friends and I honestly couldn't wait to leave. The downside was my 5 year old brother had to come with me too.

The upside is I didn't have to deal with my mother's constant nagging and her random change of attitude. It was scary living with someone who could be smiling and laughing one minute then yelling about something the next. It was weird because my mother would yell about nothing to something that you didn't even do. Also, she would assume before she even really asked which means that she'll be yelling before you could even figure out what you were getting yelled at for.

"Yes mom. I'm positive I want to leave this place.", I responded.

I know my mother was upset that both of her youngest children were going to be with their dad, but she had her original two daughters and a niece to take care of. I made sure not to leave anything of mines behind, except for the bed that I slept on. I took a last look at my room and I left. I was already thinking of all the things I was going to do when I got back out there and I couldn't wait!

It wasn't that long of a drive from Delaware to Maryland and I was anxious the whole time. I saw the sign welcoming us to Maryland and I knew the Baltimore exit wasn't that far off. Growing restless, I forgot I hadn't had any sleep the night before. I tossed and turned thinking about all the things I could get into when I lived with my father. I don't remember falling asleep, but I was awaken to the sound of banging on the passenger window. My eyes popped open and there was Isis staring at me like she hadn't seen me in years.

"Marisa your finally back! I was starting to get annoyed with just having Taryn over. She always wants to spend the night", she said. Taryn was our other friend who just so happened to live next door to me. I laughed because I knew exactly how she was.  We've been friends since we can remember, but Isis and I are the best of friends. My oldest sister and Isis's sister are also the best of friends. Isis just so happens to live right around the corner from us too!

I got my stuff out of the car and began to put my things away in my room. I had to go to the back of the house because I had to give my brother my old room in the front of the house. That room was right before my father's room. I guess my father wanted to keep an eye out for him so he moved him closer. I wanted to protest, but I didn't want to start any unnecessary arguments.  After I was done I realized I had yet to see my father. I walked around the house yelling his name and got no response. I decided to check in the backyard because he practically lives back there. And there he was playing with one of our two dogs on the far side of the yard.

"Hey Daddy!", I yelled. He turned around to see me standing there. He waved and threw down the stick he was using with the dogs. He came up the back steps and opened the gate. He held his arms out, but I was reluctant to hug him knowing he smelled just like dog.

"How's my favorite little girl been?", he said. I rolled my eyes at the words "little girl" and said, "Dad I'm not little anymore and I've been doing great, even better now that I get to stay with you. I'm glad that my mother finally realized she was holding me back."

We went back into the house and there was Isis and Taryn in my room waiting for me. Taryn was already touching things on my dresser while Isis was on her phone.

"So Marisa, have you heard of that new website Facebook?", Isis said. I've heard of Facebook because I knew my mother was using it to reconnect with her old friends and stuff. I was kind of curious as to why Isis was talking about it.

 "Yeah I've heard of it. My mother uses it to connect with old friends. Why?". Isis looked at me as if I was dumb. Taryn even stopped her snooping and looked at me from my mirror attached to my dresser. She turned around with her eyes all wide and said, "Are you serious Marisa? Like everyone in B-more have been using this to keep in touch. I know you aren't still using Myspace? But then again, you act very old so of course you would still be using old stuff".

I rolled my eyes and said, "No you dummy. I'm not using Myspace still, I'm not using anything. If people wanted to keep in contact I do have a phone. And I've had the same number for a year now".

Isis got off the bed and started to look around. "Dude what are you looking for?", I said. "Dude I'm looking for your laptop". I got it from out of my computer case and said, "Here, now what are you doing?" She didn't answer for a while and then she said, "I'm making you a page".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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