Another Night on Mars

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A/N: A huge help in any writing attempt is to really know your characters. For this one shot I tried using the Myers-Briggs test and it worked really well. You can go here: 16personalities .com to take the test or to read all the possible combinations. Mars is a INFP, and I assumed PJ would be an ESFP bordering on a ISFP. It was super helpful to develop the characters and I highly recommend giving it a try if you are a writer. Okay, enjoy!

The atmosphere here on Mars, Oh lord it's quite bizarre

And will remain this way for years and years and years

Sometimes it felt like she lived on a different planet. She laughed. It would probably be Mars, because though she was close enough to see what was happening, and though she was about the same size as the Earth, there was something radically different somewhere that made her... distant. Take tonight for example. She had been dragged along clubbing by her borderline belligerent flatmate, who insisted that she couldn't just leave the room for classes, though she was perfectly content to. And so she had been forced to sit at the bar and order while her flatmate's good friend Amanda had signed up for the Open Mic.

All the nights in shitty bars

It was too loud in here, and someone was smoking, even though there was a sign that said it wasn't allowed inside. Reluctantly, she scooted forward on her stool and leaned forward to the bartender.

"Gin and tonic please." He nodded, eyes skimming her and apparently finding her lacking. She shrugged, knowing that she was not as beautiful as many of the girls in the club tonight. She was dull even in comparison with her flatmate.

That seemed to be the conclusion in most aspects of her life. She had always hoped to be an astronomer, captivated from a very young age by the planets. Unfortunately, it was a hard field to enter for someone with mediocre grades who was better at talking to kids than people her own age. So she had re-evaluated and decided to become a teacher, which she was now studying to do.

Someone got up on stage and started playing, a quiet guitar strumming. The bartender slid her drink toward her and she began sipping, looking for Amanda. It really shouldn't take this long to sign a piece of paper, should it?

Her search unsuccessful, she turned back to her drink and played with the little straw. She wasn't much of a drinker, but at least this way she could exist on Mars peacefully, and without fear of someone trying to socialize with her. Across the dance floor, she could see her flatmate already cozying up to a guy, who had mildly interested eyes and a hand a little too close on her waist. She rolled her eyes at Mylo and felt satisfied that she was acting as a safe base for her to retreat to if things went sour with this guy. While Mylo was fine with these late night interactions, she found herself draw to conversations more than kissing, and to intellect rather than attraction. That was a hard place to be in as a college student, and so she mostly stayed by herself on excursions like these.

Then there was a tap on her shoulder, and she was pulled out of her thoughts. Apparently she would not be staying by herself tonight. It was a tall man with curly dark hair. His eyes were so green and alluring, and vaguely she realized it was the same man who had just gotten off the stage.

"What's your name?"

"You can call me Mars."

"Is that your real name?"

"No, but it's what I feel like tonight." He laughed, a rare sound that sent her plummeting down from space and straight into the Earth.

"You seem like the kind of person I would be friends with." Her brain whirled. Right, because she knew what kind of a guy he was, and what type of girls he liked. She thought they probably didn't introduce themselves by saying that they felt like a planet. Still, a smile crept over her face.

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