Shadowlight <Chapter 1~23> (more to come)

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This is the first bit of my book that I'm writing. There are sure to be some errors, but please bare with me. Please comment and enjoy.


The Commencement

By Justin Crawford

Keep those you love in your heart, keep those who worry you in your mind, and keep those that fear you at your side.

-The Emperor of Shadowlight

Chapter One

A Pair of Thieves

The sun was rising in the land of Shadowlight. In the small village of Mele, a pair of young twins was sleeping in their beds. Their small farming village was awakening as they slept. One of the boys grudgingly opened his eyes and examined the room he shared with his brother.

Their room was on the second floor of their shabby house. Along the wall were a few windows that let in long shafts of light from the morning sun. They had a bedside table that held a candle with which they lit their room. The only other adornment was a small closet that held their clothes.

His brother was still sleeping heavily; his snores rang loudly throughout the room. The boy stood and dragged his feet to his twin's sleeping body.

He looked at the features of his brother's face. It was like looking into a mirror. His hair was golden auburn and unkempt and his face striking. The only difference between them was their eyes. His eyes, which were hidden under his heavy lids, were a silver-azure, while the waking brother's were an olive-russet.

It's a wonder I can sleep at all with this racket, he thought.

He watched as his brother's chest rose and fell, as drool ran down his cheek and as his snoring continued. He nudged his brother.

"Wake up Elemant." the boy said, his voice a sudden noise that quelled his brother's snoring instantly.

"Okay Elemane," the newly awakened brother yawned, stretching his arms. "I'll be downstairs in a minute."

The first one, Elemane, went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. The kitchen was a small cramped room, cluttered with cooking utensils, pots, pans, and a small fire-lit iron oven.

The living room joined the kitchen but was a bit larger. On the wall opposite Elemane, there was a large fireplace.

The flame in the fireplace danced on top of the dry wood. It flickered and bounced as Elemane stared deeply into it. He watched the wood crackle, pop, and he saw the fire move and shift.

"Mornin' Elemane." Elemant said as he came down the stairs. Elemane didn't notice. Elemant snapped his fingers in front of his eyes to pull him from the trance.

"Its time to get to work." Elemant said. They went to their chores; cleaning the house, doing the washing, and making their sick grandfather breakfast.

Their grandfather had recently fallen ill. The village healer had told them it was nothing to worry about and he would heal in time. Until he recovered, they were taking care of him. They had to prepare his food, clean up after him, and tend to the house. They did not mind, because their grandfather had looked after them their entire lives. It was the least that they could do.

After their chores were finished, they left their home to buy food and other necessities.

The pair exited their home and breathed in the fresh spring air. They could hear birds chirping in the forest as they walked along the narrow street. Clouds had covered the sun, making the world seem bleak and dull.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2009 ⏰

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