the enemy

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They were woken up by a small group.
They were full of panic and harer.
James:what's going on?
Jeff:were being attacked.
Shaun:attacked by what?
L.Jack:by zalgo.
Ben:he's like our arch enemy of sorts.
Well him and his army.
James:ok were is he?
Jane:what do you plan to do die?
James:no I'm going to kick his ass!
E.Jack:kick his ass?
James:ye because of him I had to get out of bed for some piety scwoble between you guys!
Now we're is he?
Slenderman:there you all are.
We need to leave now!
Sally:would you talk some sense into him.
He wants to go up against zalgo.
Jeff:sounds like a good plan to me.
L.Jack:ye me to.
T.tobby:I'm in.
E.Jack:guess if there going I am to.
Jane:don't count me out.
Slenderman:if your up to it then you six fight I'll get the other's out then join you.
They then split up into two groups.
James and the other's we're on there way when they ran into zalgos followers lost silver, sully, scarecrow, and clockwork.
Jane:we got this James Jeff go get zalgo!

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