We Can't

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"Oh my god! Oh my god! You have a crush on Seth! You have a crush on Seth! You have a cru-" I cut off AJ knowing that if I didn't she would go on and on.

"Ok I like Seth, but so what? None of that matters because he doesn't like me."

"So? You don't know that. He likes you."

"No, no he doesn't."

"Yes he does."



"Whatever! He doesn't!"

"Come on! Have you seen the way he looks at you? How crazy he is for you? How-"

"How he's so protective over me? Yea yea yea. I know I've heard it all before, and all of that doesn't matter! Because, guess what?! It doesn't matter!"

"yea, sure. But one way or another I'll get you two together." AJ thought.


Seth's POV

"Hey guys."

"Hey Seth." Dean said.

"Hey dude." Roman spoke.

"So what's up?"

"What's up with you and Kaitlyn?" Dean asked.

"Yea, it's obvious you guys have feelings for each other." Roman backed him Dean up.

"Yup. So are you going to make a move or what?"

"What? No. Why would I? We're just friends."

"For now." Roman added.

"Ok, two things, one, she probably doesn't want a relationship right now. Two, she probably doesn't even like me."

"So you do like her?"

"What does those 2 things have in common?" Dean asked.

"Maybe and what?"

"They both have 'probably' in it. So that means there is also a chance she wants a relationship or wouldn't mind a relationship with you, and that she possibly does like you, which she does." Dean stated.

Wow, first time Dean's actually using logic and it for this, I thought.

"Whatever. We're never gonna happen."

"We'll see about that." They spoke at the same time.


Kaitlyn's POV

Seth walked in the room

"Seth looks so perfect, well he always does, but oh my god. I want him to be mine but I can't! He doesn't feel the same way." I frowned because of that thought.

Seth's POV

I just walked into the room, and Kaitlyn sitting on the couch.

"Oh my god, she's just so cute. She needs to be mine but she doesn't feel the same way so I can't." I thought.

Kaitlyn's POV

I guess Seth noticed I frowned because he asked me if I was ok while coming to sit next to me.

"Yea, I'm fine." Putting a 'fake' smile on.

"Oh ok. Good! You need to be happy all the time!" He smiled.

His smile just makes me smile all the time.

We both looked at each other, he was leaning to kiss me, but right there my phone lit up, it was AJ. He chuckled and got up and went to his bed.

"Hey Kaitie, how's you and Seth?" The text read.

"Well he was leaning in to kiss me, but you just had to text me!" I replied while walking to my bed.

"Oooh shit! I'm SO SO sorry!"

"It's ok, lol. Not your fault, you just have bad timing. A lot." I texted back.

"I do don't I? Well can you tell Seth that Dolph wants to talk to him about something to do with Crossfit?"

"Sure. When does Dolph wanna talk to him?"

"Right now is great. He can come to my room now, Dolph's here."

"Ok. I'll tell him to go down the hall rn lol."

AJ is just 2 doors down from us in the hotel.

I put my phone down and told Seth.

'Seth, Dolph wants to talk you about some Crossfit thing."

"Ok. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"He wants to talk to you now...so go!"

I said while getting up from my bed and pulling his arm off his bed and walking him to the door and pushing him out while smiling.

Seth's POV

I knocked on AJ's door and perky AJ opened the door.

"Hey A-" she cut me off by pulling my in her room.

"Ok then... where's Dolph?" I said scanning my eyes around the room finding Dolph on the couch watching 'Batman and Robin', probably because AJ wanted to watch it.

Dolph came up to me

"Hey man! What's up?"

"Hey dude, nothing much. But umm what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Wha- what are you talking about?"

AJ clearing up the situation said, "Ziggy, I uh kinda used as an excuse for Seth to come over."

I was so confused at that moment.

"An excuse? An excuse for what?" I said trying to understand.

"Look we both know you like Kaitie, and she likes you. So-" AJ spoke.

"Wait what? She, she likes me?" I had to ask that, I couldn't believe it.

"Dude, it's obvious." Ziggler stated.


"Really!" They both said knowing it was obvious.

"Well what do you want me to do?"

"Go back your room." AJ started.

"Right now." Dolph said.

"...And ask her out." AJ finished.

They pushed me out the door and at the same time they said...

"Now go!"

They're just like Kait. Well here goes nothing.


Kaitlyn's POV

"Hey Seth. What did Dolph want talk to you about?"

I had feeling Aj was lying about Dolph, but who knew?

"Oh it was nothing big. But can I ask you something?" He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him.

"Ummm sure, Seth. What uh, what is it?" I was so nervous I had no idea what he was gonna ask.

"I know this is coming out of nowhere, but, will you go out with me?"

I was so ecstatic and speechless but I couldn't, I couldn't risk putting him in danger because Cody could possibly get to him.

"Look Seth, I would love to be your girlfriend but I couldn't possibly put you in danger because of Cody."

I was all most tearing up that I couldn't be with the person I love.

"But Kait-" I cut Seth off, 'I'm sorry Seth."


So what do ya think?

I was gonna make this chapter a whole LOT longer but I decided to just put whats gonna happen next

So the next chapter should be published in like an hour

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