The Message

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A/N: I've not read Neverseen yet, so don't be too harsh on me. :) Remember, this is a fanfiction, so anything can happen. I'm trying to keep this as close to the books as possible.

Sophie awoke in the morning, and pulled on her hideous Foxfire uniform. No matter what she was told, she would always believe that she looked hideous. As she brushed her hair, her thoughts toned down Vertina's insults. (Which were mainly on how odd her eyes were and how her eyelashes still were not the same amout) She, Keefe, Biana, Dex, and Fitz were all going to join the Black Swan and attempt to defeat the Neverseen, an evil group that had tried to kill her and Dex. They had also come close to stealing Silveny, a hyper alicorn who was currently residing in the Sanctuary on Mount Everest in the Forbidden Cities. She noticed the time on her iPod, and dashed downstairs for a quick breakfast. 

"Morning, Grady, morning, Edaline!" She greeted them happily. How could she not be? Today, she had Telepathy with Sir Tiergan and Fitz Vacker. Her heart fluttered even at the mention of his name.

"How did you sleep?" Edaline asked, conjuring up their breakfast.

Sophie shrugged. "More or less. I kept having nightmares about the others getting killed by the Neverseen."

Edaline patted her shoulder. "You'd better hurry. If you run, you'll have just enough time to get to Elementalism."

She nodded and dashed out the door, causing Iggy to look up in surprise as he chewed on a shoe. Iggy! No! Don't chew on the shoe! She transmitted as she headed to the Leapmaster. "Foxfire!" She yelled, and the crystals spun to life, transporting her to the glass pyramid building. Sophie ran inside and licked open her locker, which tasted like mint. 

"Hey, Foster!" Keefe called loudly, causing prodigies to stare at Sophie as she headed to her Elementalism Mentor. "I've got something you need to see at lunch, okay?" 

Sophie gave him a thumbs-up, a stitch appearing in her side as she threw open the door. "I'm here!"


Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Keefe, and Dex were sitting at a table. "So what did you have to yell at me from all the way down the hall about?" Sophie asked, a bit irritated now that she wasn't in a rush.

Keefe smirked. "I got a message from the Black Swan." He said quietly, so the other prodigies wouldn't hear.

"So did we," Fitz jumped in.

"And me!" Dex proclaimed, holding out a slip of paper. "It was in my locker this morning."

Sophie took the scroll. There was no mistaking the mark, though the was a bit sad that she hadn't gotten anything yet. 

"Hey, Foster. Don't be disappointed. The Black Swan's favorite hiding spot is in that cave, remember?" Keefe said.

Sophie shrugged. "I know. It's just odd that they don't put them in my locker like they used to."

"Maybe it's because it's so risky," suggested Biana. "I mean, the Council has made them their primary public enemy now, right?"

Sophie nodded. "You're right, Biana. What did the Black Swan say?"

"They have a mission for us." Fitz said, leaning in closer and looking straight at Sophie. Her heart fluttered as their eyes met and shifted away from Keefe so he wouldn't detect anything. Not that it would do much. "It's got something to do with the Neverseen, but they were pretty vague. We need to meet them in two days' time."

Sophie nodded. "Wow. I guess I never really thought that they'd give us a mission, especially since we're so young. But they need all the help they can get."

"Hey, Gigantor's missing." Keefe pointed out suddenly. "Didn't he just get, like, run off of a mountain?"

"Yes. He won't be shadowing me for a while, and believe me, when he got told that he was angry." Sophie shuddered. "I think I'd almost rather have him watching me when I think about that, but it will be nice to have some freedom."

At that moment, the bell rang, and all the prodigies who were eating lunch jumped up. Sophie and Fitz returned to the Level Five floor to have their Telepathy session, taught by Sir Tiergan. 

"Hello, Sir Tiergan," Fitz greeted the older elf. 

Tiergan winced. "Please don't use the title. I despise it so."


"It's quite all right. I thought we might--"

Sophie jumped in then. "Tiergan, when we were fighting on Mount Everest, Mr. Forkle showed Fitz how to get past my blocking."

Tiergan had to sit down in a chair, so great was his shock. "What?"

"He left a trail of warmth in her mind and told me to follow it. Then I had to say something that would let her subconscious open up for me." Fitz told him excitedly.

"What did you tell her?"

Sophie's hopes rose at that, hoping against hope that Fitz would tell Tiergan what he'd transmitted.

"I-He told me that she didn't need to know that," he said quietly, his face flushing. Sophie's face fell. There went that answer.

Tiergan squinted at the two of them, then nodded. "And what was it like?"

"Crazy hectic. Mr. Forkle said that those with photographic memories can be. Can you teach me and Sophie to make that trail of warmth?"

Sir Tiergan nodded, his face breaking into a smile. "Certainly, Fitz. Now, put your hands on my temples ...."

Love Unknown -- A Sophitz FanFiction [[incomplete]]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora