Liz's House of Craziness

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I pull my bike up the dirt road that leads to Liz's house. The sense of danger doesn't leave the pit of my stomach. That or my belly still is grumbling about the food that was disagreeing with it still.

I had eaten all of my burger and most of my fries on the way to the house. Sadly half of the food didn't agree with my stomach. It did not end all. But I kept going despite the slight delay.

My legs begin to stiffen as I padal towards the two story Victorian house Liz now calls home. I park the bike on the porch, grab my bag, and walk over the old hickory door. I loudly knock on the door and wait patiently for a few minutes. I pull out my phone from the bag to check the time.

It's 1:49 and Liz still hasn't responded to any of my texts. Nothing from her about the newest chapter in my book. She would at least say something to me about it!!! It's like she was sent to a different planet or something!

I decide to search around the porch for a spare key but my search only leads to plenty of dirt on my clothes and a nice cut on my arm. I finally give up after a close encounter of the garden snake kind.

Perfect. I've got nothing. Zilch. Nada. Now how will I get in? It's not like the door will open itself for me...

Right then I hear a long high pitched sound from the door. I turn to see the old hickory door slowly creak open. It beckons me to enter a house with an unknown amount of horrors within its very walls.

"That's not creepy at all," I mutter under my breath. I dig through my bag and grab my tye-dye pepper spray and prepare for the worst.

I push the door open all the way and walk in, pointing my pepper spray everywhere like the agents on NCIS do when they enter a suspect's home. After I check the entryway, living room, and kitchen, I take a good look at entryway.

I'm in awe of its beautiful peculiarity. The thing that catch my eye first are all the doors on the walls. There were multiple doors with many different styles, colors, and woods types on all the walls. It was almost like all the broken doors from Monster's Inc. were moved to this house.

From what I saw of the walls, it wears an extremely ugly flower wallpaper. Some of it peeling off the wall to reveal the original peach colored walls. I really wanted to rip out the wallpaper to show the beautiful peach walls and its lovely designs.

I whistle as I walk over to a stairwell going to the second floor and to the basement. I touch the cool mahogany handrail with my left hand and look up in awe. "Wow," I muttered to myself, "I would love to live here. That is if it wasn't for the creepy front door, the obsessive amount of doors on the walls, and Liz's really strange phone calls."

I'm about to go upstairs, when I hear creaking from downstairs. I turn to see a strange light shining from downstairs. My intruder-sense begins to tingle causing me to panic. I quickly turn around and run to the living room which has an large amount of doors in it like the rest of the house.

I panic even more when I hear the creaking coming closer. I quickly try to open one of the doors hoping it was a closet that I could hide in. Thankfully it opened for me.

I quickly enter the room when I can clearly hear footsteps on the hardwood floor coming towards me. I close the door and put my back to it. I breath a heavy sigh of relief and close my eyes.

That was to close. Way to close.

I open my eyes to see that I wasn't in a closet but a dimly lit hallway. On the walls were even more doors of sorts of different sizes and colors. The hallway goes well beyond what I could see.

My eyes widen as I pace around the room trying to make sense of this strange hallway. "This doesn't make any sense," I mutter to myself, "The door should lead to a closer or outside. Not to an extremely creepy hallway."

My back hits something hard causing me to stop pacing. I turn around expecting to see a door but instead I see a large blue telephone box. It has the words "Police Public Call Box" top edge of it and has a small light on top of it that helps to illuminate the room.

I look at it with extreme confusion. "How did that get here?" I pull at the door handle only to have random images pop into my head. All I could really catch was a red light shining in my face, an almost alien chair with restraints, a blue phone box like this one, and a strange screeching sound.

I pull away from the creepy blue box and run to the door where I entered this hallway of craziness. I yank open the door and run out of it. I run into the kitchen and into something firm.

I immediately look at what or who I hit. It is a dorky looking man with short brown hair and blue eyes. He is tall compared to me and was extremely confused.

My first reaction to El Dorko is something extremely natural for anybody who bumps into a complete stranger in your friend's house. I scream and spray him in the eyes with my pepper spray.

He quickly falls onto his knees where he proceeds to cry out in pain and cover his burning eyes. I was still freaking out extremely about him and this house. In my freak out, I grab a frying pan from the kitchen counter and hit him in the back for the head.

I look at the frying pan than at the man sprawled on the floor at my feet. I resist the urge to scream and freak out even more.

"Tangled was right," I almost pant, "Frying pans are really good as a self-defense weapon."

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