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Elsa POV

Anna: Elsa are you sure? Why don't you keep looking

Elsa: Anna, calm down. I'll be fine. I want to experience all these kind of stuff. Am not saying being a maid is going to help me choose my path but I want to experience all my opportunities

Anna: *sigh*okay. But if you ever get a job at being a janitor there's no way I'm letting you do that missy

Elsa: *giggles*Aren't I the older one here

Anna: I don't care we both have to protect each other and we're keeping that promise to mama and papa

Elsa: I know. Well I packed everything

Anna: I'm going to miss you

Elsa: Anna I'm still living in the same city as you

Anna: I know but we won't see each other a lot. You must call everyday

Elsa: Yes mom

Anna: Alright sweetheart

Elsa: Giggles* come on we have to go

I'm Elsa Arens Winters, I am 20 years old on my way to find my path. I gave up being a CEO to find my dreams. My sister Anna Arens Winters is driving me to my new boss's house. Where I will be a maid to the Jack Frost. I am not as excited as girls are when they see him. To be honest I've never really seen his face before even though he is famous for owning 3 companies. We own 1 and still we are pretty famous and good in the eye of publicity. 

Anna: Well here we are. I'll help you un load

Anna help me get my 3 suitcase out. Two of them was with clothes and shoes and the other was with decorations for the room he assigns me. I hug Anna

Elsa: I'll miss you

Anna: You better. And I'll miss you too. Oh also no dirty mind things. I know you Elsa, no dirty mind when starring at him

Elsa: I don't think he's that hot

Anna: seriously I have a picture but you won't look at it

Elsa: I want to see him with my own two eyes

Anna: but you are .....but....You know what your are the most complicated person ever

Elsa: *smiles*Thanks little sis

Anna: Whatever. Now come on you have to go. The guards are about to open the gates

Elsa: Thanks for understanding Anna*hugs* I love you

Anna: I love you too Els. 

I get my suitcases and start rolling them in, I enter the yard and the guards close the gates. I wave at Anna who was starring at me from behind the gates. I made my way in the mansion. There my boos stood waiting for my arrival

Sooo How was the Prologue

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Love you all

The New MaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora