Plane ride

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Today was finally the day. You and your best friend Jackie from grade school were finally going on the trip of your dreams. London! You two have been talking about this trip for as long as you two could remember. Of course, you loved New York, your hometown, but you wanted to experience something different, and what's better than London.

You've spent about 7 hours in the plane until the flight attendant said a few magical words. "Good evening everyone, we are landing in London."

You turned to Jackie, who had a huge smile on her face. She was extremely pretty with brown hair and eyes. She always came to you for boy problems because she had recently broken up with her boyfriend for 3 years. She squealed a little and squeezed your hand. You were lucky enough to get a window seat, and she was sitting next to you, so you both just looked outside admiring the view. You had finally landed in London.

"Thank you for flying with American Airlines and we hope to see you again". the flight attendant said. We grabbed our bags and headed out to the airport. Once we arrived in London Heathrow Airport we immediately walked to the food. Jackie looked around. "Damn, there's so many places." she said. "For real." I said. "I think I might just get a salad though. We definitely have to go to a pub tonight."  After we ordered our food, Jackie met up with me again and agreed.

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