Chapter 4

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Sherlock walked inside his lab. Molly was there too, doing something with a microscope.
he walked towards her.
"Molly", he said and grabbed her arm.
she looked up at him. "what is it? what do you need?"
"I've asked Moriarty to be my partner in solving crimes", he said.
"I know, you don't understand. but there is something between us, me and him. something special."
"but what about John?" she asked.
"that is exactly the problem. I wont work with him anymore, nor will I ever work her again", he said. "thank you again, for everything", he said and touched her cheek. "goodbye, Molly Hooper."
tears filled her eyes as she watched him walking away. so it would end with the man she loved working with her ex boyfriend. ofcourse...

Sherlock walked out of the lab towards the Scotland Yard.

he opened a door and saw Lestrade sitting there drinking a cup of coffee.
"Sherlock?" he asked surprised. "what are you doing here?"
"I need to tell you something, Graham", he replied.
"Greg", Lestrade corrected him.
"... Greg", Sherlock repeated quickly. "I will have a new partner to help me solve crimes. Jim Moriarty", he added.
"and you are asking me if I'm okay with that?"
"sort of.."
"that's no problem", Lestrade said and raised his shoulders. "hang on, you mean Moriarty? THE Moriarty? who tried to kill you?" he added and widened his eyes.
Sherlock nodded. "you already have given your permission. and it would happen otherwise if you hadn't", he said.
"Sherlock, you can not mean this, he will try to kill you again, hes a bloody psychopath!"
"you don't even know him!"
"neither do you", Lestrade replied and took another sip of his coffee.
"well, I'll see you again, George."
"nevermind", Sherlock mumbled and left.

"hey, freak."
he was about to leave the Yard when he heard Sally Donovan saying something. he turned around to face her.
she and Anderson were standing behind him.
"what were you doing here?" she asked.
"yes, indeed", Anderson confirmed.
"I had to speak with detctive inspector Lestrade", he answered.
"and what did you have to say?" she asked.
"nothing special. I'm replacing John as my assistent. Jim Moriarty will be my assistent now."
it sounded so mean if you said it like this.
her eyes widened.
he nodded and put a fake smile upon his face. "I'll better be off."
he walked away.
"seems we are losing our favourite sociopath!" he heard Anderson saying.

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