L.o.v.e Waits - Yulsic (2/2)

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Present Day
Yuri felt a bit self-conscious as she made her way to the ballroom. Most of the other women
were dressed in near formal attire, none in slacks. But she reminded herself she was what she
was, and she was who she was. And formal attire and Kwon Yuri did not mix.
"Screw it," she murmured as she entered, no longer caring. She glanced around, instinctively
knowing Jessica wasn‟t there yet. She found it amazing-and a little disconcerting-that she could
still feel Jessica‟s presence, still find her in a crowded room. All this after twenty years.
She spotted Hara and made her way over to her. While she and Hara had never really been
friends, only tolerating each other because of Jessica, she found Hara‟s personality had grown on
her. No longer the airheaded cheerleader, yet every bit as gregarious, she was the perfect hostess
for the reunion. She smiled and waved Yuri over.
"Yuri, do you remember Sarah Reed?"
Yuri smiled apologetically. "I‟m sorry, no." She shook Sarah‟s hand. "It feels like I left here
the day after graduation and just forgot everyone I‟d ever known."
"That‟s okay. This is my first time back too. I joined the military," she explained.
"I see. Been around the world, huh?"
"A few times. Well, I should go find Mark. Good to see you again, Hara."
Yuri raised her eyebrows.
"Well, you didn‟t remember her. Should she have said „nice to meet you‟?" Hara stood back
and appraised her. "Wow. I never really could picture you in a gown, anyway."
"So you wouldn‟t be shocked if I told you I didn‟t own a dress?"
"Not in the least. You were always the jock. In fact, I used to think you were gay. It never
occurred to me Jessica was."
Yuri just smiled and shrugged.
"But wait." Hara frowned. "You never married."
"A lot of people don‟t marry," Yuri said easily. Then she tilted her head, feeling Jessica‟s
presence in the room.
"Oh, my God," Hara whispered.
Yuri turned, following Hara‟s gaze. Oh, my God, indeed. Jessica stood in the entryway,
looking like a vision from heaven. Yuri felt that old familiar tug at her heart when Jessica smiled at
her. Yuri stared, her eyes greedily traveling over Jessica‟s body, the tiny black strapless clinging
deliciously to every curve...every curve that Yuri once knew intimately.
She finally looked up, meeting Jessica‟s eyes. She couldn‟t believe the nervousness she felt as
Jessica came toward her. It was like she was in high school all over again when Jessica‟s mere
presence sent her into a tailspin. But she wasn‟t in high school and Jessica was no schoolgirl. She
was a beautiful woman. A woman who still took her breath away.
"You look...stunning," Yuri said softly.
"Thank you." Jessica moved closer. "You look quite handsome yourself."
Yuri felt a blush cross her face and was thankful for the muted lighting in the room.
"Jessica Jung, good grief, woman," Hara said. "You now have all the married men drooling
and the women thankful you‟re a lesbian."
Jessica laughed. "Thanks a lot, Hara. I‟m sure you meant that as a compliment."
"You look gorgeous in that dress." She leaned closer. "Are you sure you‟re gay?"
Jessica met Yuri‟s gaze. "Very."
"Pity. I see Siwon Choi making his way over. Apparently, he‟s got that crush going again."
"He never could take a hint," Jessica said.
"Maybe it‟s the dress," Yuri said, unable to stop herself from staring, her eyes glued to the
plunging neckline, the swell of Jessica‟s breasts visible when she turned.
"Glad you like it," Jessica said as she caught Yuri staring.
Yuri blushed immediately. "Sorry. I...I‟m-"
"Gosh, Jessica, you look fabulous," Siwon said, saving Yuri from further embarrassment.
"Thank you, Siwon."
"I came by to claim a dance," he said. "The only opportunity we had was the prom, and you
got sick. Remember?"
"I remember," Jessica said, chancing a glance Yuri‟s way.
"So is that a yes?"
"Of course. Come find me," she said, albeit a bit awkwardly. When he finally moved away,
Jessica turned to her. "I swear, it‟s like we‟re back in high school and he‟s got that look in his eyes
"Which look is that?"
"The I‟m-so-horny teenager look. When I first talked with him, I got the feeling that he was
gay, just closeted. But maybe not. Maybe-"
"Maybe he‟s carried a torch for you all these years?"
Jessica smiled. "Yeah, that would be crazy, wouldn‟t it."
"Very crazy."
Jessica moved closer. "Will you dance with me?"
"Determined to get tongues wagging, aren‟t you?"
"I don‟t care what any of these people say or think, Yuri. They‟re not a part of my life."
"And they‟re certainly not a part of mine." Yuri was surprised at how badly she wanted that
dance. Jessica was dressed in next to nothing. To think she‟d be in Yuri‟s arms again after all
these years made Yuri‟s heart race just a bit faster. "Of all the scenarios I played out at the
prospect of seeing you again, dancing was not one of them."
Jessica laughed. "God, mine either. I envisioned meeting you with a curt nod and then not
speaking to you the entire time."
The DJ Hara had hired was all set up and music started. She‟d promised he‟d do a mix of
current favorites and oldies from when they were in high school. She didn‟t, however, warn of the
reenactment of the prom dance.
"Hello everyone," Hara greeted from the microphone. "Let me first say how grateful I am for
the large turnout." She stepped away, leading the applause. "I see so many new faces here, those
who didn‟t make the ten-year reunion. Thank you for coming," she said, her glance landing on
Yuri. "Before we get started on a fun evening of dancing and partying, let me remind you of the
brunch scheduled for tomorrow morning, for those of you who don‟t have to leave early. Now, as
a special treat, let‟s go back to our senior prom. Some of you may remember that Jessica Jung
was voted prom queen, but got sick the night of the prom."
"Oh my God," Jessica whispered. "I‟ll kill her."
"I had to settle for runner-up," Hara said, "and was forced to dance with TaeYang." She
rolled her eyes dramatically, drawing laughter. "Well, I think Jessica needs her due. How about a
prom dance?"
The music started and Jessica nearly clung to Yuri as
TaeYang made his way over. He bowed gallantly, holding out his hand. Jessica took it,
glancing quickly at Yuri before going out to the dance floor.
Hara joined Yuri on the sidelines, her smile contagious. "Oh, I so owed her for that," she said
as she held up her camera and snapped a picture.
"Jessica hated the whole prom thing," Yuri said.
"I know. She hated the whole cheerleader thing too." Hara clapped as TaeYang spun Jessica
around, her black dress flowing out, exposing tan, lean thighs.
Yuri‟s breath caught at the sight. After twenty years, she still felt that desire she always had
for Jessica.
"My God, that dress is a killer," Hara said. "Is she beautiful or what?"
"Gorgeous," Yuri said.
The dance finally came to an end and relief washed over Jessica‟s face as she and TaeYang
came over to them, the applause dying down as another song started, prompting the others onto
the dance floor.
"You know I‟m going to have to kill you for that, right?"
Hara laughed. "I owed you." She linked her arm through TaeYang‟s. "And now I‟m going to
dance with my husband." She glanced behind Jessica. "Word of warning. Siwon is coming over."
Jessica‟s eyes found Yuri‟s and she moved closer, again causing Yuri‟s pulse to race. "I so
wish he‟d leave me alone."
"Tell him."
"Tell him what? He knows I‟m gay." She stepped away from Yuri as Siwon approached.
"Jessica, may I have this dance?"
Yuri saw the smile Jessica forced to her face.
"Of course, Siwon."
Yuri felt a tiny stab of jealously as she watched Jessica move into Siwon‟s arms. She
recognized it as the same jealously she felt in high school when Jessica‟s mother talked her into
accepting a date with Siwon. There was nothing she could do about it then and nothing she could
do about it now.
She turned away from the dance floor and went to the bar. As many times as Jessica had
mentioned them dancing, she didn‟t really think they would. Despite Jessica‟s assertion that she
didn‟t care what anyone thought, it was still Calloway, a small, conservative south Texas town.
Would they really go on the dance floor together-two supposedly best friends from high school?
They‟d kept their secret then, but surely everyone would put two and two together. Jessica‟s
broken heart in college before coming out, Yuri‟s "never married" status, the two of them
inseparable in high school, both without boyfriends.
And really, was there a reason for them to dance? Jessica was involved with someone. She
was in a relationship. The fact that they‟d somewhat repaired their friendship was one thing.
Completely different to fall into old habits and flirt with the attraction they both still had. Yes,
Jessica felt it too, she could see that. And the dress? Good Lord, it was enough to send her over
the edge, as Jessica must have known it would. So what would a dance possibly do? What would
she do if Jessica slipped into her arms? Would she hold her at an appropriately proper distance
away, as a friend would? Or would she be tempted to pull her close, to feel Jessica‟s body against
her own, even if for only one last time?
She knew the answer would be the latter.
Yuri downed her drink, thankful the reunion was coming to a close. She needed to put some
space between them. The last thing she needed was to go back to Corpus, her head and heart full
of Jessica Jung again. Perhaps she was right to have dreaded the reunion, although for
completely different reasons.
"You‟re hiding?"
She turned to find Hara standing beside her, a questioning look in her eyes.
She held up her empty glass. "Just a quick drink."
Hara leaned on the bar beside her. "Forgive me for speculating, but I was watching you when
Jessica went to dance with Siwon. Well, at first, I was watching Jessica and she had that same
look she used to get in high school whenever we went out and Siwon thought it was a date. Then
I looked at you. And it finally hit me."
Yuri turned to her, not knowing what to say. She raised her eyebrows.
"You and Jessica were already seeing each other in high school. You‟re the one she called
whenever she needed to escape from Siwon. So I‟m guessing you‟re the one who broke her heart
in college. That‟s why, after being best friends in high school, you‟ve had no contact all these
years." Hara bumped her shoulder. "Am I right?"
"It‟s a little more complicated than that, but yes, you‟re right."
Hara grinned broadly. "I knew it. And now here you meet up again, you‟re both single. You
are really single, right?"
"I am, yes. Jessica‟s not."
"Of course she is. She‟s always been single."
Yuri shook her head. "No. She‟s in a relationship. Has been for several years."
"Jessica? No, she‟s not."
"Yes. With Faith."
"Who? Look, I saw her at Christmas and she was dreading coming to the reunion and still
being single. In fact, she said I should shoot her and put her out of her misery if she turns forty
and is still single."
Yuri frowned. "But-" Could it be true? Was that why the mention of Faith was such a shock
to Jessica‟s mother? "Why would she tell me she‟s in a relationship then?"
"I don‟t know. Maybe she-"
"Hey, you two."
They both turned as Jessica walked over to them. Yuri‟s mind was still racing and she couldn‟t
meet Jessica‟s eyes.
"He insisted on two dances. I think that was my quota for him," Jessica said. "What are you
two doing?"
"Just visiting," Hara said. "Catching up." She moved away. "I should find my husband though.
Talk to you later."
Jessica turned to Yuri. "She‟s acting weird."
"Is she?"
"So are you."
Yuri smiled. "She figured it out."
"What out?"
"About high school. Us."
"She did?" Jessica stood against the bar and raised her hand to the bartender. "Well, I‟m
surprised it took her this long." She looked at Yuri. "You want another?"
"Yes, please."
"Hi. Me again," she said to the bartender.
"The good stuff?"
"Yes. Yuri, what are you having?"
Jessica smiled at the bartender. "Two of the good stuff, please." When he went to make their
drinks, Jessica said, "I tipped him twenty bucks last night. I‟m glad he remembered."
"A twenty-buck tip in Calloway? How could he forget?"
"Here you go, ladies."
"Thanks." Jessica again shoved a twenty at him. "Keep the change."
"Enjoy your drinks."
They sipped their drinks quietly, standing close, saying nothing. Yuri could feel the electricity
between them. She wondered if Jessica felt it too.
"I still want that dance," Jessica said quietly.
Yuri nodded. Yes, she feels it.
"Unless, since Hara figured it out, you‟re afraid others will as well."
"Doesn‟t matter to me," Yuri said truthfully. "I don‟t plan on returning to Calloway anytime
soon. And you know, these people, they were never really friends."
"No. You weren‟t close with anyone, were you?"
Yuri shook her head. "Coming in late, in the ninth grade, everyone had already established
friendships. Besides, I had a secret then. I didn‟t want anyone to find out."
Jessica smiled and moved closer. "I never told you this before, but I used to feel you
watching me. Sometimes I would catch you watching me. It wasn‟t something I was afraid of. I
think, on another level, I knew what it was. And when we finally got a chance to be around each
"At HyoMin‟s swim party."
"Yes." Jessica laughed. "They were trying to set you up with TaeYang. He thought you were
Yuri turned to face her. "I thought you were hot." She was surprised at the quick blush that
lit up Jessica‟s face.
"I never, ever, felt any kind of a spark with someone," Jessica said. "Until that day. I got out
of the pool in my bikini and you were watching me. The look in your eyes...well, it gave me chills.
I knew then I was attracted to you."
Yuri stared at her, meeting her gaze without flinching. "Why are we talking about this?"
"I‟m not sure. Maybe just trying to make sense of it all."
Sense of their attraction? Or sense of their breakup? Yuri decided it didn‟t matter. They‟d
spent twenty years apart. But that old attraction was still there. What sense did that make? And
what about Faith? Did she exist or not? Again, right now, it didn‟t matter.
"Dance with me," Yuri said, her voice quiet. She couldn‟t place the song and had no idea if it
was a current favorite or an oldie, but it was slow enough for them to dance. The look in Jessica‟s
eyes took her breath away.
"I‟d love to."
Yuri ignored the curious stares of the others, blocking out everyone but Jessica. When she
pulled her close, she felt a slight tremor in Jessica‟s body.
"Nervous? Or embarrassed?"
Jessica smiled. "I was never embarrassed to be with you, Yuri. I‟m certainly not about to start
It was Yuri‟s turn to tremble as Jessica‟s arms circled her neck. Yuri gave in, pulling Jessica
against her, letting in memories from so long ago. Their feet shuffled aimlessly as they moved and
Yuri felt Jessica‟s rapid heartbeat against her breasts. She closed her eyes, pretending, just for a
second, that this was how it would have been, had they stayed together.
"You do realize we‟re the best looking couple out here," Jessica said as she whispered into
her ear.
"Must be the dress." Yuri pulled back slightly, seeing the flirty look in Jessica‟s eyes. Ah, so
she wanted to play. No harm in flirting when there was a roomful of people to keep them in line.
"You always did like to go braless," she said, her eyes lowering to the swell of breast that was
exposed. "It used to drive me crazy."
Jessica arched an eyebrow. "Used to?"
Yuri pulled her tight, their breasts smashing together. "Still does," she whispered, surprised at
how daring she had become. She nearly stumbled as Jessica moaned into her ear.
"We should stop," Jessica said.
"You started it."
"I never could control myself in your arms."
Yuri turned them around slowly, her hands keeping Jessica pressed close. "Did you wear the
dress for me?"
The song ended and Jessica pulled away, her grin wicked. "Why would you think?" She
tugged Yuri‟s hand, leading her off the floor and toward the table where Hara and TaeYang sat.
"Oh, God, you are so busted," Hara said.
"What do you mean?"
She held out her camera, showing it to them. Yuri‟s breath caught, seeing the two of them in
each other‟s arms, their bodies molded together. There was no doubt they‟d been lovers. Their
bodies were too familiar with each other.
Jessica turned, meeting Yuri‟s gaze. "Maybe dancing wasn‟t such a good idea."
Jessica made her way back from the ladies‟ room having to stop no less than four times to
say, yes, she and Yuri had been an item way back when. All that from one dance. Yet a dance she
would never forget. God, how wonderful had it been to be in Yuri‟s arms again? But how crazy
was it? How could she still be attracted to her after all these years? How could she have dreaded
the reunion, dreaded seeing Yuri again then end up flirting with her-shamelessly.
And why was Yuri flirting back? Surely they both knew how dangerous it was. There was a
time when only a look between them would send them into each other‟s arms, into bed, making
love. It only took a look. No words needed to be spoken. Then why did she think it would be
different now? Because they were twenty years older? Because she‟d made up a phantom lover in
Faith? Did she think she could flirt with Yuri and nothing would happen because there was Faith?
What have I done?
Indeed. She was now embarrassed for the way she‟d acted, the way she‟d flirted. What must
Yuri think of her? Here she supposedly had a lover, yet she was flirting with another woman. Did
Yuri doubt her now? Did she think that perhaps yes, Jessica had been cheating on her in college?
She let out a heavy sigh, then avoided the others, making her way to the bar instead. She
obviously couldn‟t be trusted to act like an adult in Yuri‟s presence.
She smiled quickly at the bartender. "Make it a double. High school reunions are brutal."
"So they say."
She turned her back to him, not wanting to make small talk. He seemed to get the hint as he
left her drink on the bar and walked away.
She spent the next few hours nursing two drinks, avoiding Yuri, avoiding Hara but dancing
with TaeYang, and finally dancing with Siwon again and admitting to him that yes, she and Yuri
had been lovers in high school and that‟s the real reason she wouldn‟t date him. He said he
always suspected there was something between her and Yuri but still didn‟t believe it, even when
wordgot out that Jessica was gay.
It was a crazy way to end the reunion, she knew. But thankfully, end it did. And tomorrow,
they would all go their separate ways. She‟d already decided she‟d skip the brunch. She would
head over to her mother‟s and spend the day by the pool. Yuri would head back to Corpus and
that would be that.
She turned, feeling Yuri watching her. For all the avoiding she‟d done, Yuri hadn‟t been
exactly searching her out. But she walked toward her now, her eyes intense as they peered at her.
"Share an elevator?"
Jessica nodded. It would be rude to refuse the offer. She walked beside Yuri, the effects of
her double bourbons catching up with her. She leaned against the wall, waiting for the elevator.
"You did an effective job of avoiding me," Yuri said.
"Something I did?"
Jessica shook her head. "Not you. Me."
The doors opened and Jessica went inside, again leaning against the wall, watching Yuri. Yuri
looked at her questioningly.
"Third floor," Jessica said.
Yuri pushed both buttons for the second and third floors. "I‟m on two," she explained.
"Are you heading back to Corpus early?" Jessica asked.
Yuri shook her head. "Actually, I‟m staying in town for the week. I promised Aunt Lou I‟d
spend some time with her."
Jessica sighed. "Imagine that."
"Why? What time are you leaving?"
"I‟m staying for a few days too. Krystal is coming down from San Antonio Monday. We‟re
going to catch up."
Yuri took a step toward her and Jessica braced herself against the wall. The bell chimed,
signaling the stop on the second floor.
"Maybe we‟ll run into each other then," Yuri said, her voice quiet.
Jessica nodded, unable to take her gaze away from Yuri.
"Goodnight," Yuri said. She turned to go, then paused, looking back at Jessica, her eyes
lowering to Jessica‟s lips. Unconsciously, Jessica wetted them, waiting. She was breathing fast,
she knew, as Yuri lowered her head. To her embarrassment, she moaned even before Yuri‟s lips
touched hers. The kiss was very light, but enough to conjure up delicious memories and leave
Jessica wanting more. Her eyes must have said as much because Yuri‟s mouth found hers again,
this time harder, their quiet moans echoing together in the empty elevator. Jessica‟s hands
gripped Yuri‟s waist, holding her close as the kiss deepened. She felt her legs grow weak as Yuri‟s
tongue brushed against her lower lip before pulling away.
Then she was gone, slipping away before Jessica could make a total fool of herself and beg
Yuri for more. Beg her for much, much more. The doors slid closed, leaving Jessica leaning
against the wall, her fingers touching her lips where only seconds before, Yuri‟s mouth had been.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Jessica splashed water on her heated skin as she lazily floated in her parents‟ pool. Her father,
while at retirement age, couldn‟t seem to give up his job at Foster‟s Natural Gas, saying the place
would fall apart without him. Actually, he was one of those people who had to have a job in order
to feel productive. That, and driving around the area inspecting natural gas wells gave him the
freedom he still needed. She suspected he would go crazy-and take her mother with him-if he
was stuck in the house all day.
Her mother was off to the grocery store to stock up for Krystal‟s visit. Her mother loved to
cook and no doubt they would have all of their childhood favorites while they were here.
So, alone, Jessica donned her bikini and got in the pool, swimming laps before pulling one of
the floats into the water. She had done a remarkable job of keeping Kwon Yuri out of her mind.
Yesterday, Sunday, she‟d shared both lunch and dinner with her parents, talking for hours as they
caught up. She‟d slept soundly, the quiet of Calloway lulling her into a blissful sleep. Now, today,
with no distractions, she found her thoughts going to her former lover. Wonder what the odds
were that they would both stay over in Calloway after the reunion? She‟d suspected Yuri would be
on the road back home as soon as it was over. But no. She was here the week. Maybe we‟ll run
into each other. And maybe they wouldn‟t. Because if the scene in the elevator didn‟t tell them
they still had an attraction between them, nothing would. She had been ready to shed her clothes
right then and there and make love.
Make love?
She closed her eyes, letting the gentle rocking motion of the water take her back twenty
years, seeing them, not as adults, but as teenagers. There had been nothing awkward about them
being lovers. The most awkward thing was finding time to be alone-and not getting caught. But
their lovemaking? No, it had none of the clumsiness-or ineptness-that comes with being
teenagers. They always had a connection between them, a sixth sense that guided them. Even
the first time, the first time for either of them, they just knew.
She opened her eyes, looking across the water, seeing Yuri splashing in the pool, her long
dark hair slicked back. She remembered the torture she endured, Yuri walking around shamelessly
in her tiny bikini, teasing and flirting, and Jessica could do nothing about it as her mother or
siblings would undoubtedly be about. All Jessica could do was stare-andwait. Wait for nighttime,
when they could be alone in her room. She got her revenge then, her mouth and tongue teasing
Yuri mercilessly, making her beg for the release she sought. Even then, as teens, they were
playing adult games.
What would it be like now? What if Jessica hadn‟t invented Faith? They would both be single. The
old attraction was obviously still there. That was evident from the dance, from the kiss in the
elevator, from the looks between them. Both single, was there then any reason they shouldn‟t
explore the adult attraction they had?
She flipped off the float and into the water, sinking below the surface. No, the only thing
stopping them was Faith, her imaginary girlfriend. In the elevator, she could tell by the hesitation
in Yuri that she was considering the fact that Jessica was involved with someone. But still, they
couldn‟t resist a kiss.
Yuri paced aimlessly in Aunt Lou‟s living room, waiting while her aunt dressed for lunch. Yuri
was taking her to one of the new restaurants that had opened on the north side of town. It was
Tuesday and she‟d decided that she had been over-ambitious when she said she would stay the
week in Calloway. She realized that she and Aunt Lou communicated much better over the phone
than in person. And why wouldn‟t they? That had been their relationship since she‟d left Calloway
twenty years ago, except for a handful of times, the last being her father‟s funeral. After two days,
the effort-for both of them-to keep each other entertained had reached new heights when Yuri
had suggested lunch out, anything to get them away from the house. Thankfully, she‟d kept the
hotel room for the week and not accepted Aunt Lou‟s invitation to bunk with her.
It didn‟t help that she couldn‟t get her mind off of Jessica, either. Jessica and the kiss. She
knew she owed Jessica an apology for that. How arrogant of her to assume Jessica wanted her
kiss in the first place. But the dance, the intimacy of it all, begged for them to kiss. Whether
Jessica was involved with someone or not-and according to Hara, she was not-that didn‟t
matter. Jessica told her she was in a relationship. That should have been enough to deter any
thoughts of kissing. And it nearly was. But in the end, Yuri couldn‟t resist. The pull was too strong.
In all fairness, it wasn‟t she who prolonged the kiss, it wasn‟t she who gripped Jessica‟s waist,
holding her in place.
No, Jessica turned her brief kiss into more. Jessica was the one who held tight to Yuri when
she tried to pull away. All of which only confused her more. Instinct told her to get the hell out of
Calloway...and fast. Leave. Go back to Corpus, back to her life. There were too many memories
here, too many luscious memories of the two of them. She closed her eyes, remembering the
countless times they‟d touched, kissed and pleasured each other. Two teenagers in love, sneaking
off any chance they got, hiding in shadows, stealing kisses, throwing caution aside as they made
love, unable to stop, unable to wait even a second longer.
"It was incredible," she murmured quietly. Yes, it had been. Twenty years ago. And no one
had touched her that way since. It was rather distressing to realize that probably no one would
ever touch her like that again.
"Sorry that took so long. I couldn‟t decide what to wear."
Yuri pushed her thoughts away, turning with a smile to Aunt Lou, seeing her in a pretty
summer dress. "A dress?" She pointed at her own shorts and sandals. "Too casual?"
"Oh, don‟t be silly. I just haven‟t had a lunch date before. In case someone from church sees
me, I wanted to be dressed appropriately."
Yuri bit her tongue, knowing her words would fall on deaf ears. This was Aunt Lou‟s town,
these were her people. If she wanted to put on airs and play a part, that was her business.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
"This is heaven," Krystal said as she lazily drifted on her float in their parents‟ pool.
"And judging by your pasty skin, you don‟t get to experience it much."
"And judging by your obnoxiously tan skin, you don‟t work for a living."
Jessica laughed. "I work plenty. I just choose to spend my free time outdoors."
"And I prefer to spend my free time indoors with my husband," Krystal shot back. "Something
you would know nothing about."
Jessica splashed water on her. "You spend your free time with your nose stuck in a book.
Your husband would be the first to tell us that."
Krystal returned her splash. "So, what‟s with your love life?"
"What love life?"
"Mom says you‟re seeing someone. Faith."
"Oh God," Jessica groaned. "She told you?"
"Of course. You dating anyone is big news."
Jessica debated telling her the truth, deciding it would do no good to keep pretending Faith
"You‟re going to think I‟m crazy."
"Probably, yes."
"You remember Kwon Yuri?"
"I should. She spent nearly every weekend here with us."
Jessica leaned her head back into the water. "Oh, great," she muttered.
"Great what?"
Jessica stared at her. If she told about why she made up Faith, she‟d be confessing to her
affair with Yuri during high school. That was something she wasn‟t sure she wanted Krystal or her
mother to know.
"What?" Krystal asked again.
"Look, promise me what I‟m about to tell you, you will never tell Mom."
"Jessica, you‟re nearly forty. Is it necessary to still keep secrets from Mom?"
"Telling someone they‟re nearly forty is not a compliment. You know that, right?"
"Will you just tell me already."
Jessica sighed. "Well, it‟s the reunion. And the fact that Yuri was coming."
"What about the reunion?"
"I assumed Yuri would be involved with someone, be in a relationship, and I didn‟t want to be
single. So I made up Faith."
Krystal stared at her, eyebrows raised. "You made up a girlfriend? Because of Yuri?"
"You made up a girlfriend and you told Mom about her? Yeah, you‟re crazy."
"I only had to tell Mom because Yuri came over to the house."
"And what does Yuri having a boyfriend have to do with you needing a girlfriend?"
Jessica rolled her eyes. "I swear, for someone as smart as you are, you are clueless."
"I‟m pretty sure that wasn‟t a compliment."
"Yuri wouldn‟t have a boyfriend, Krystal."
"She‟s married then?"
"No, she‟s not married." Jessica waited, still seeing a blank look in Krystal‟s eyes. "Hello?
She‟s gay."
"Yes, Yuri."
Finally, a glimmer of light, then her eyes widened. "Yuri‟s gay? Then...oh my God," she
whispered. "You and Yuri?"
Jessica nodded. "Yes."
"Oh my God!" she shrieked. "Are you serious?"
Jessica glanced quickly to the house, hoping her mother wouldn‟t come to investigate
Krystal‟s antics. "Keep your voice down."
"In high school?"
"Yes, in high school."
"All those times she-"
"Oh my God. I cannot believe it." She tipped over her float and swam to Jessica‟s, holding on
to the side. "That‟s so cool."
"You‟re a doctor. You‟re old. You can‟t say that‟s so cool. It‟s just wrong."
"I should have known. I think I did know, I just didn‟t put two and two together."
"You did not know."
Krystal grinned. "Remember how Mark had such a huge crush on her. When she‟d come over
to swim, he used to just stare at her."
"Yeah, Mark, the big queen, had a crush on my girlfriend."
Krystal laughed. "But that‟s how I should have known. You used to stare at her too."
"I did not."
"Yes, you did. You couldn‟t keep your eyes off her. I used to think it was envy of her body or
something. I didn‟t know you were like, really looking at her with lust or anything."
"It wasn‟t lust." Jessica turned serious. "Well, not just lust. It was love."
"She‟s the one who broke your heart in college."
Krystal led them into shallow water where she could stand. "How did you ever pull that off
without Mom and Dad finding out?"
"I have no idea."
"When did it start?"
"Down at the coast. The summer before our junior year."
"I remember. Hara always went with us, but that year you invited Yuri."
"Yes. I had no idea I was gay, but I knew that I was attracted to her. I just wasn‟t sure what
it all meant."
"Yuri knew she was gay."
"She didn‟t force you or anything, did she?"
"Good Lord, no. If anything, I started it," Jessica said. She raised her hand. "But I don‟t want
to talk about all that. The thing is, we haven‟t spoken in twenty years. I have secretly hated her
for twenty years. So when I found out she was coming to the reunion, I panicked. Here I was, still
"So you made up a lover?"
"That is so childish."
"Okay, so now Mom thinks you have a girlfriend. Just break up with her when you get home,
call Mom, and all will be back to normal."
"Yuri also thinks I have a girlfriend."
"Yeah, I thought that was your plan all along, wasn‟t it."
Jessica splashed water at Krystal again. "Yes, that was the plan. The problem is, Yuri is
"So? So you one-upped her. She‟s still single and you‟ve got a girlfriend. What‟s the big deal?"
"God, I swear, you are clueless."
"Well, if you would quit talking in circles, perhaps I could follow you."
"I dreaded seeing her again. It turns out she was dreading it as well. But we talked. We
cleared the air about some things. There were some communication issues in college and some
misunderstandings. So we talked."
"Good. You were best friends."
"We were best friends and lovers. And Yuri is single. And I‟m technically single. And the
attraction is still there."
"After twenty years? Come on."
"I‟m serious."
"Just because you talked, doesn‟t mean you could rekindle anything."
"Well, there was the dance. It was incredible."
"You danced? Oh my God. So you think Mom won‟t hear about that? It‟ll probably make the
paper. Two Women Seen Dancing in Hotel Ballroom," she teased.
Jessica met her eyes. "And then the kiss in the elevator."
"You kissed in the elevator? Jessica, you do realize you‟re in Calloway, not Houston." She
leaned closer. "You kissed?"
"Yes." Jessica grabbed her hand. "I nearly melted right there. And I wanted more than a kiss,
Krystal. I think she did too."
"Well then?"
"Duh. There‟s Faith."
"Oh my God. Your fantasy lover is keeping you from-"
"I know it‟s silly," Jessica said. "But the fact is, Yuri thinks there‟s a Faith, and so she won‟t
pursue anything. I know her."
"So tell her the truth."
"No. She‟ll think I‟m a pathetic, lonely old woman."
"She may just think you‟re insane, which is the direction I‟m leaning."
Jessica sighed. "Or I could just do nothing. I‟m leaving tomorrow. I doubt I‟ll ever see her
"Wait a minute. Yuri‟s still here? In Calloway?"
"Yes. She‟s staying the week so she and her aunt can catch up."
"Why didn‟t you say something?"
"What for?"
"That‟s why you haven‟t wanted to leave the house. That‟s why we‟ve been in this pool for
two days. You‟re afraid you‟ll run into her."
"Well, that‟s just crazy."
"You keep using that word. You‟re starting to make me consider it."
"Let‟s invite her for dinner tonight."
"No! Now who‟s talking crazy?"
"Come on. It‟ll be fun. Dad‟s doing steaks. We‟ll be out here. It‟ll be very casual."
Jessica shook her head. "I don‟t think that‟s a very good idea."
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
"Of all the invitations I thought I might get this week, getting a call from Jessica‟s baby sister
wasn‟t one of them." Yuri patted the leather seat. "And a chauffeured ride at that."
"I wanted a chance to talk to you."
"I take it Jessica doesn‟t know I‟m coming to dinner."
"Well, she won‟t be totally surprised. It went like this. Me, let‟s invite Yuri to dinner. Her, I
don‟t think that‟s a very good idea."
Yuri laughed. "She‟s afraid to see me."
"You could say that."
"I take it you know."
"Oh yeah. She spilled her guts." Krystal reached across the console and playfully tapped her
leg. "And I can‟t believe Mom and Dad never caught you."
Yuri looked at her thoughtfully. "Why is Jessica afraid to see me?"
"Why do you think?"
"The kiss in the elevator."
"That. And the dance."
"The dance was innocent."
"Look, my sister‟s been single forever. So when she starts talking about attraction and
melting from your kiss and all that crap, well, I couldn‟t stand on the sidelines and let her make a
complete fool out of herself."
"Krystal, she‟s not single, so don‟t try to play matchmaker."
"You mean Faith?"
"Yes. And I may have done a lot of things when I was younger, but now, no way would I
come between two people who are in a relationship. I just don‟t do that."
"Okay, just between you and me, my sister‟s an idiot."
Yuri laughed. "What‟s she done?"
"I can‟t tell you. She‟ll never speak to me again. But if you can get into that tiny brain of hers,
maybe you can figure it out." Krystal pulled into her parents‟ driveway and stopped.
"Of course, when she sees you, she may not be speaking to me anyway."
"But your mom knows I‟m coming right? I‟m not just crashing dinner?"
"She knows. Jessica thinks I went to pick up some rolls or something." Krystal opened her
door and Yuri did the same. "By the way, I left her out by the pool, if you‟re interested."
Yuri grinned. "Bikini?"
"Tiny black one, yeah."
"Okay. Let me at least say hello to your mother first."
And she did, sticking her head into the kitchen as Mrs. Jung was stabbing a fork into several
large potatoes. Mrs. Jung winked at her and waved her out to the patio. Apparently the whole
family was playing matchmaker.
She walked outside, finding Jessica immediately. She‟d just pulled herself out of the water,
her back to Yuri. Yuri stared, taking in every inch of exposed skin, glistening wet as the last rays
of the evening sun touched her. She remained quiet, watching as Jessica reached for a towel,
tousling her hair before dabbing at her body. Then Jessica‟s shoulders stiffened and Yuri knew
she‟d felt her presence. Jessica turned slowly, using the towel to cover herself.
"I‟ll kill her," she said.
Yuri walked closer. "It‟s getting a little bloody around here, isn‟t it? First Hara, now your
Jessica nodded but didn‟t say anything else. Yuri couldn‟t tell if she was angry that Krystal
had invited her for dinner or still upset by the kiss they‟d shared in the elevator. Yuri assumed the
"Look, I should apologize," Yuri started, waiting for Jessica‟s response.
"For?" she asked vaguely.
"I had no right to kiss you. I‟m sorry. I know you‟re in a relationship and I didn‟t mean to
belittle that by kissing you."
Jessica looked away, feigning sudden interest in her towel. "Why did you kiss me?‟ she finally
"I don‟t know. I guess it‟s just being back here...all the memories, all that stuff. I realize
we‟re not in high school anymore, Jessica. We‟re two completely different people than we were
back then. I‟m sorry. I crossed the line."
Jessica gave her a slight smile. "Yeah. Just memories and all. And you know, that dance
didn‟t help."
"Your idea."
"So? We‟re friends? You‟re not mad?"
Jessica took a deep breath, watching Yuri as she exhaled. She nodded. "Friends."
"Good." Yuri stepped closer, arching her eyebrows teasingly. "It would help immensely if
you‟d put some clothes on though."
Jessica sipped her wine as she watched Yuri being grilled by her father. Well, perhaps grilled was
too harsh a word. Her father had always been straightforward and to the p oint, no need throwing
pretty adjectives in to gloss over things.
"Is it just me or does Dad seem extremely interested in what Yuri‟s been doing the last
twenty years?" Krystal asked.
"I blame the whole evening on you," Jessica said, straining to hear what her father and Yuri
were discussing.
"It was fun, you have to admit. I had forgotten how charming Yuri was."
Yeah, she was charming. And just like in high school, Yuri could flirt with her in such a subtle
way that no one knew. At least, Jessica didn‟t think anyone knew. She, however, was attuned to
each and every glance and comment. The fact that Yuri was flirting with her in the first place
didn‟t disturb her as much as her reaction to it. She‟d never been able to resist Yuri. Never. Now-
like back then-she found her body responding to Yuri. She recognized the pull, the attraction. It
was no different than it had been when they were young. Each glance drew her nearer, each
innocent touch made her crave more. Even now, she couldn‟t take her eyes off Yuri. She blatantly
stared, taking advantage as her father distracted Yuri. She followed the length of her bare legs, as
long and muscular as she remembered-runner‟s legs. The body she looked at now wasn‟t the rail
thin image of a teen, however. It was the full, mature body of an adult woman, curves and
softness blending with the firmness that comes with regular exercise. As her glance settled on
Yuri‟s breasts, a vivid picture suddenly popped in her mind and she drew a sharp breath, her
mind‟s eye reflecting an image of her mouth settling over Yuri‟s hard nipple, her tongue teasing
her until Yuri was begging for release.
"You okay?"
Jessica felt the hot blush on her face and she reached for her glass, the wine nearly spilling
as she hastily drank. She took a deep breath. "I‟m fine."
"You don‟t look fine." Krystal leaned closer. "I think you should tell her."
"Tell her what?"
"Now who‟s clueless?"
"Look, I‟m leaving tomorrow. Going back to Houston. Everything will be back to normal."
"Yes. You‟re going back to your empty condo, your loveless life. Going back to the job you
hate in a city you hate."
"All of which has nothing to do with Kwon Yuri."
"Tell her you‟re still attracted to her."
"I will not."
"Because. It‟s far too late. We‟re too old. Too much time has passed."
"Those are silly excuses. What are you afraid of?"
"I‟m afraid-" But she stopped, closing her mouth as Yuri finally escaped her father and came
back to the table to join them. "Sorry," Jessica apologized. "He gets carried away sometimes."
"Oh, it‟s okay. I always liked your dad. Besides, he gave me some tips on grilling the perfect
"I‟m sure he did." Krystal laughed. "Did he share his secret rub?"
"As a matter of fact, he did."
"Wow. You must have really charmed him," Jessica said. "I don‟t think he‟s ever told anyone
his recipe."
"I‟m sworn to secrecy, so you won‟t get it out of me."
"More wine?" Krystal asked.
Yuri shook her head. "No. I should probably head back to the hotel. Thanks for inviting me
for dinner." She glanced at Jessica. "I hope me being here wasn‟t too awkward."
"No, not at all. I enjoyed it."
"Me too." Yuri looked at them both, then raised her eyebrows. "I kinda need a ride."
"Oh, I completely forgot," Krystal said. "Jessica volunteered to take you back."
Jessica glared at her sister, a rebuttal on her lips. However, she knew it would do no good to
protest. Krystal was smiling triumphantly as she sipped from her wine.
"Yes. I‟ll run you back," she said as she shoved away from the table, finding some solace in
the situation as she pinched her sister on her arm as she walked past. She grinned at the muted
ouch she heard.
"Good to see you again, Krystal."
Krystal stood and gave Yuri a quick hug. "You too. It was nice to visit with you. If you‟re ever
in San Antonio, look me up."
"Will do."
Jessica waited patiently as the scene was repeated with her parents. She was a little
surprised by the affectionate hugs both her mother and father gave Yuri, as well as the invitation
to stop by if she was ever back in Calloway.
"You have a great family," Yuri said as they backed out of the driveway.
"Thanks. They have their moments."
"You mean like Krystal volunteering you for the ride?"
"Yeah, that." Jessica smiled. "And dinner."
"Well, I enjoyed the evening. I‟m glad she invited me."
Without thinking, Jessica reached over and squeezed Yuri‟s arm. "I didn‟t mean that I didn‟t
enjoy your company. I did."
Yuri nodded. "So, you‟re leaving tomorrow?"
"Yes. I need to get back."
"I‟m sure you miss...Faith and everything."
Jessica frowned at the slight hesitation. Was Yuri starting to question whether Faith really
existed or not? She tightened her grip on the steering wheel. Or-and I‟ll kill her if she did-had
Krystal opened her big mouth and told Yuri the truth?
She squared her shoulders. "Yes. I miss...her." She finally relaxed as the hotel came into view.
The evening was nearly over.
"I‟m really glad I came to the reunion, Jessica. It was good to see you again."
Jessica slowed, turning into one of the empty parking spots. She debated leaving the engine
running, but thought that would be rude. "Yes. After dreading it as much as I was, I‟m glad we
had a chance to catch up."
Yuri was quiet, then her glance slid to the hotel. "You want to come up to the room?"
Jessica shook her head. "No, I...I should get going."
Yuri tilted her head. "We‟ll probably never see each other again. You want to say goodbye in
a car?"
"We used to do a lot of things in a car," Jessica blurted out, immediately wishing she could
take the words back.
"Yes, we did. And I guess we said our share of goodbyes there."
Jessica looked at her, hearing just a hint of disappointment in her voice. Knowing she had no
business going to Yuri‟s hotel room, she gave in. "But you‟re right. We probably won‟t see each
other again. I guess a proper goodbye is in order."
"Thank you."
They were silent as they walked into the hotel and down the short hallway to the elevators.
The door opened immediately and they got in, Jessica leaning against the wall, mimicking her
position from the other night. When she realized it, she pushed off the wall, turning away from
Yuri to stare at the doors. It was a short ride to the second floor and Yuri motioned her off, then
led the way to her room.
Jessica was actually nervous as Yuri slid her key card into the slot, watching the green light
flash before Yuri pushed it open. Jessica followed her inside, hearing the distinct click as the door
swung shut and locked.
"I‟d offer you something to drink, but I never really stocked the fridge," Yuri said.
"I‟m okay. Thanks."
They stood several feet apart, watching each other. Jessica was afraid to go to her, afraid to
hug her, afraid to say goodbye. As they‟d said, they probably wouldn‟t see each other again.
There was no reason to.
"Well, again, it was good to see you," Yuri said, taking a step closer. She smiled slightly.
"You‟ve grown into a lovely woman, Jessica. But I think my memories of you will always be that of
the beautiful teenager I fell in love with."
Jessica nodded as those words hit home, making her take a step nearer to their goodbye.
"Yes. When I think of you, I see the skinny girl with the long dark hair." She slowly reached out,
touching Yuri‟s hair. "But I like your hair shorter like this. It suits you," she said as her fingers
threaded through the longer strands at her neck. She dared to meet Yuri‟s eyes, surprised by the
questions she saw. She immediately lowered her hand.
They were silent as seconds passed, then Yuri spread her arms. Jessica moved to her without
hesitation, her own arms circling Yuri‟s shoulders as they both pulled each other closer. The hug
started innocently enough, yet neither pulled away. Jessica closed her eyes, relishing the feel of
Yuri‟s body for what she knew would be the last time. Her arms tightened, as did Yuri‟s, both of
them moving closer still until their bodies were flush with each other, head to toe. Jessica bit her
lip, trying so hard to feel nothing, willing her body to remain under her control and not Yuri‟s.
But-as had always been the case-her body didn‟t listen to her, not where Yuri was concerned.
All it took was Yuri‟s hands slipping lower, the light pressure there causing Jessica‟s hips to
move, however slight. She moaned, feeling her body betray her as it simply melted in Yuri‟s arms.
It was she-not Yuri-who pulled back, just enough to lift her head, just enough to find Yuri‟s
mouth. She gave up trying to pretend it was a goodbye hug as soon as their lips met. Memories
crashed around her as their mouths opened to each other, tongues brushing together for the first
time in twenty years.
She let herself go, her fingers tangling in Yuri‟s hair, holding her close, their moans turning to
groans as their kisses deepened. She felt Yuri‟s hands cup her buttocks, squeezing hard, pulling
Jessica‟s hips intimately against her.
Jessica pulled her mouth away, gasping for breath, but Yuri‟s lips found hers again, drawing
her back. Without thinking, Jessica parted her legs, allowing Yuri‟s thigh inside. She pressed down
hard against her, feeling what she hadn‟t felt in twenty years-desire and arousal so acute she
was afraid she‟d climax right then and there. The certainty that she was about to do exactly that
pulled her out of her stupor.
"Oh, God," she whispered as she pulled out of Yuri‟s arms, her chest heaving as she breathed.
She covered her mouth, shocked by what had just occurred. Shocked that she‟d allowed herself to
lose control so easily.
Yuri‟s face was flushed, her breathing as labored as Jessica‟s. She slowly shook her head.
"I‟m...I‟m sorry."
Jessica backed away, her eyes never leaving Yuri‟s. "I have to go," she said in a rush, then
quickly fled the room.
She didn‟t bother with the elevator, instead running to the stairs and pushing the door open.
She was surprised that she didn‟t stumble as she blindly took the stairs down, her mind still
reeling. She hurried out, ignoring the receptionist as she passed by. Once inside her car, she
leaned back, taking deep breaths, trying to calm down.
"I can‟t believe I just did that," she murmured.
She avoided her eyes in the mirror as she backed up and pulled away from the hotel. The
short ten-minute drive to her parents‟ house passed far too quickly. She wondered if she could
sneak up the stairs and into her room without being seen. Even if she could, she knew it would do
no good. Krystal would find her.
The house was quiet and she assumed they were still out on the patio. She paused to collect
herself, taking a deep breath, hoping she appeared normal as she stepped outside, but only
Krystal remained. There was no sign of her parents.
"That was quick."
"Uh-huh," Jessica said, eyeing the nearly full bottle of wine. Krystal slid over a glass for her
and Jessica filled it. "Where are they?" she asked, motioning to the empty chairs.
"Having sex."
Jessica nearly choked on her wine. "Gross. Must you?"
"What? You think Mom and Dad don‟t have sex?"
"I don‟t want to think about it. And I certainly don‟t want to talk about it," she added.
Krystal laughed. "Mom told me they bought some sex toys."
Jessica sprayed wine on the table as it spewed from her mouth, coughing as some went up
her nose. She stared at her sister, then they both broke into a fit of giggles.
"Oh my God," she gasped. "I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that."
"I know. But now I‟m dying to find out what they have."
Jessica refilled their glasses. "Why don‟t you just ask? Knowing Mom, she‟d show them to
Krystal shuddered and shook her head. "No. I think I‟m going to draw the line there when it
comes to their sex life. But I think it‟s great that they‟re still active."
"Yeah. Great. I mean, it‟s fabulous to know your parents are having sex and you‟re not."
Krystal leaned closer. "So what happened with Yuri? Did you talk?"
"We said goodbye." She paused. "In her hotel room."
Krystal grinned. "Oh? And?"
"And our goodbye hug turned into a goodbye kiss."
Krystal clapped her hands. "So you told her about Faith?"
"If I‟d told her about Faith, I‟d be in her bed right now."
"I swear. Isn‟t that where you want to be?"
Was it? Jessica wasn‟t sure. Yes, she was still attracted to Yuri. There was no doubt there.
But did she want to sleep with her? Yuri was willing, that much was obvious. But what purpose
would that serve? She was heading back to Houston, back to her life. Yuri would go back to
Corpus and do...well, whatever it was she did and whoever it was she did it with. They would still
say goodbye.
"Earlier, you said you were afraid."
Jessica nodded. "Yes. I‟m afraid if I sleep with her, I‟ll fall for her all over again."
"Jessica, you‟re not a teenager anymore. You‟re a grown woman. You‟re allowed to have
casual sex and not feel like it has to mean something."
"I know that. But it‟s different with Yuri. It wouldn‟t be
"How so?"
"For one thing, we have far too much history between us for it to be casual." She took a deep
breath and leaned her head back, looking up at the stars. "And I‟m way too attracted to her." She
rolled her head to the side, smiling at Krystal. "We were fully clothed and standing, and I nearly
had an orgasm just from kissing."
Krystal laughed. "Well, yeah, it‟s been years, right?"
She slapped her sister playfully on the arm. "What I‟m trying to say is, one time with her isn‟t
going to be enough. So why torture myself?"
"My memories of being with her in high school are vivid enough. Why add new, fresher
memories to the pile?"
"I think you‟re taking the wrong approach. She‟s single. You‟re single."
"What are you suggesting? That we start dating again?"
"Why not?"
"It would be weird. That‟s been too many years ago. Besides, we live in completely different
"You could always-"
"No. We couldn‟t." She shrugged. "And who‟s to say these feelings aren‟t just conjured up
memories from the past? I mean, just being back here, together, talking about old times, it‟s
bound to have an effect on us, right?"
"I suppose. I just would hate to think that you‟re letting an opportunity slip away, that‟s all."
An opportunity, perhaps. But an opportunity for what, Jessica didn‟t know, and she supposed
she would never know. She was going back to Houston in the morning.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Jessica woke from a fitful sleep, the sun sneaking in through the half-closed mini blinds
flickering across her face. She rolled onto her back, away from the sun and stared at the ceiling,
her mind still on Kwon Yuri and that damn kiss, just as it had been each time she‟d awakened
during the night. She clenched her fists, trying to rid herself of the memory, knowing she never
would. How could one kiss have that effect on her? Well, it wasn‟t really just one kiss, was it? No,
it was a heated make-out session, much like those that occurred when they were younger. One
kiss always led to so much more. Which is exactly where they were headed last night until Jessica
came to her senses, thankfully.
Thankfully? Was she really thankful? Instead of waking up alone in her parents‟ house, she
could be in bed with a naked woman. A naked woman whose mouth would be moving across her
breasts, waking her slowly. No matter how sated she was, Yuri could always arouse her to a state
where she was begging for more. Would that be how it could have been this morning? After a
night of lovemaking, after they‟d fallen into an exhausted slumber, would Yuri wake her, wanting
"Stop it," she whispered. "Stop it, stop it."
But she couldn‟t stop it. She wanted to be that woman, that woman in Yuri‟s bed, that
woman who would scream with pleasure as Yuri made love to her. She remembered it like it was
yesterday. The taste of Yuri‟s skin, the feel of those soft hands as they caressed her body, finding
all the secret places that only Yuri knew. She remembered how it felt to lie on top of Yuri,
snuggled tight between her legs. She remembered the sounds Yuri made when Jessica slipped
inside her, her fingers finding the spot that would drive Yuri wild. And she remembered her own
body writhing beneath Yuri as she teased her, her mouth getting closer and closer to her center,
her tongue finally moving into her wetness, making her climax so hard they would rock the bed.
"Oh, dear Lord," she groaned, unable to chase the memories away. They replayed
themselves over and over, flashing through her mind with lightning speed. She pushed the covers
off and got up, knowing she couldn‟t just leave and go back to Houston, not like this.
She took a quick shower and dressed, then knocked lightly on Krystal‟s bedroom door. She
smiled as she heard the mumbled "go away," then pushed the door open.
"It‟s time for you to get up anyway," she said as she sat on the edge of the bed.
Krystal sat up, shoving her hair away from her eyes. "What time is it?"
"You leaving already?"
Jessica looked away nervously. "Actually, I‟m not leaving."
"Oh? Why?"
"I‟m going to see Yuri."
Krystal‟s sleepy eyes opened wider. "You are?"
"Yes. You were right. We need to talk."
"Talk is cheap. You need to have sex."
Jessica blushed. "Yes. That too."
"Oh, my God," Krystal shrieked. "Are you?"
Jessica stood up and smiled at her sister. "Well, if I‟m not back by the time you leave, then
you‟ll know how I spent my day."
"You call me," she said as Jessica turned away. "I mean it. You call me tonight with details."
Jessica laughed. "Have a safe trip, sis. We‟ll talk soon."
"Tonight," Krystal yelled as Jessica shut the door.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Yuri had just slipped her T-shirt over her head when she heard knocking on her door. She ran
her fingers through her damp hair to straighten it, not yet dry from her earlier shower. She
glanced at her reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. Her nerves told her that Jessica
would be on the other side of the door when she opened it. Was she coming so that they could
try their goodbye again in the light of day? No, she doubted that was the case. The way Jessica
ran from the room last night, she wasn‟t coming back for another goodbye. Most likely, Jessica
was angry with her for what happened last night and was here to tell her that. Or maybe she was
coming by, thinking Yuri owed her an apology.
She paused at the door a second or two, then pulled it open. As she expected, Jessica stood
there. What was unexpected was the nervousness in Jessica‟s eyes. What? Did she think Yuri
would throw all etiquette aside and try to resume their rather heated goodbye kiss?
"Good morning," she said, stepping aside so that Jessica could enter if she chose.
Jessica stuck her hands into the pockets of her shorts, but Yuri could still see them fidgeting.
"Good morning."
Yuri raised her eyebrows, waiting.
Jessica offered a slight smile. "I‟m kidnapping you for the day."
Yuri let the door swing shut as Jessica walked past her. "I thought you were leaving today."
"I changed my mind."
"And this is okay with Faith? I mean, that you‟re kidnapping me and all." Yuri stood in front of
her. "Does she know about me? About us?"
"Know what?"
"Does she know about last night?" Yuri watched as Jessica nervously bit her lower lip.
"No. No, she doesn‟t know anything."
"Okay. Then I‟m not going to spend-"
"Oh, so now you‟re going to turn all chivalrous on me?"
"Jessica, if we spend the day together-"
"I know, Yuri. After last night, I know."
Yuri sighed. They were too old for games between them. "Tell me about Faith."
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me why your mother didn‟t know she existed. Tell me why both Hara and Krystal say
you‟re single. Tell me the truth."
Jessica plunged both hands into her hair and turned away. "Oh, God." She squared her
shoulders and turned back around. "Okay. There is no Faith. I made her up."
"Why? Because I was dreading seeing you again, that‟s why. I assumed you were with
someone and I didn‟t want to appear as some pathetic, lonely woman still pining for you." She
smiled slightly. "The fact that I made up a girlfriend in the first place makes me a pathetic, lonely
woman, doesn‟t it?"
Yuri was certain she‟d never seen Jessica looking more vulnerable than she did at that
moment. "Are you lonely?" she asked quietly.
"I never thought I was. But after...well, after seeing you again and everything." She nodded.
"Yeah, I have been lonely."
Yuri took a step closer. "I understand completely how you feel. Last night," she paused, "last
night I wanted you in the worst way. You ran. I didn‟t think I‟d ever see you again."
"I wanted you too. That‟s why I ran."
Yuri took a deep breath. "Okay. So now what?"
Jessica‟s gaze held hers. "Remember how we used to put a picnic lunch together and sneak
out to my grandparents‟ place?"
Yuri smiled. "I remember vividly."
"I thought...well, I thought we could spend the day out there. Maybe hang out at the pool
and...and visit."
"Visit, huh?" Yuri arched an eyebrow. "Will I need a swimsuit?"
Jessica slowly shook her head. "No. You won‟t need a suit." It was Jessica‟s turn to pause.
"So? You want to?"
Yuri nodded. "Yes. I want to."
Jessica had been blabbing nonstop about the remodeling done on her grandparents‟ house,
realizing she was just making nervous conversation. But really, here they were, heading out of
town with the intention of having sex again after twenty years. She figured she was entitled to a
little nervousness.
"You never used to ramble on so much like this."
Jessica laughed. "I‟m sorry. I‟m not exactly used to premeditated sexual encounters." She
glanced at Yuri. "Well, not since high school, anyway."
"Can I ask you a personal question?"
"Of course."
"When‟s the last time you were in a relationship?"
"What constitutes a relationship? I mean, are we talking like together for months? Or years?"
"It‟s been...awhile," she said evasively. Would she really consider anyone she‟d dated in the
last twenty years as being in a relationship? She went out with Sara for several months, but that
was before she learned that Sara was also seeing three other women at the same time. That
certainly wouldn‟t classify as a relationship. She glanced at Yuri again. "What about you?"
"No what?"
"No. I haven‟t been in a relationship with anyone."
"Not ever?"
"Not since you, no."
Jessica was surprised by her answer, but then again, maybe she shouldn‟t be. Yuri hopped
around from girl to girl that first semester in college. Maybe that‟s how she‟d spent her life, never
settling down with anyone long enough to have a relationship.
Jessica slowed, turning onto the road to her grandparents‟ property. She stopped at the gate,
then leaned back in her seat, trying to fish the keys out of her pocket. She held them up and Yuri
took them. Just like in the old days, Yuri grinning mischievously as she got out to open the gate.
I can‟t believe we‟re about to have sex.
"Believe it," she whispered. She gripped the steering wheel tighter as she drove through,
waiting for Yuri to close and lock the gate once more.
When they were young, the gate was never locked and Yuriwould bound out of the car
before Jessica had even stopped, hurrying to open it. They would drive through, taking the first
dirt path to the left, the road that would lead them to the pond. There, they would lay a blanket
on the ground, going through the motions of having a picnic when all they really wanted was to
be together and make love.
"Is the old pond still there?" Yuri asked when she got back
"Yes. They actually repaired that old deck and pier. Uncle Dave likes to fish so that was his
They were both silent as Jessica drove down the winding road that would take them to the
house. When it came into view, Jessica was still startled at the difference. It looked nothing like
the old ranch house from her grandparents‟ days.
"I know."
"Did they tear the whole thing down and start over?" Yuri asked.
"Once you get inside, you can tell where the old house was. They just added four wings on
each side. The modest two-bedroom, one bath is now four bedrooms and five baths. Almost the
entire space of the original house is now kitchen and living areas. They sold more than half of the
land to pay for the remodeling." They got out, standing at the pristine picket fence surrounding
the house. "All four of them now have their own master bedroom, my parents included," Jessica
"So when everyone is together for Christmas, your parents stay here?"
"Mostly. Unless all of my cousins come, then they‟ll give up their room. I mean, it‟s only thirty
minutes from town."
"Is that all? It used to seem like an eternity back in high school."
Jessica laughed as she pushed through the gate and went to the front door. "I do believe we
entertained ourselves on the drive out." She blushed as she recalled exactly how they entertained
"Yes. Remember that time when my face got caught in the steering-"
Jessica stopped Yuri‟s words with a quick hand to her mouth. Yes, she remembered. She had
begged Yuri, wanting her mouth, not her fingers, at that particular moment. It was a miracle she
hadn‟t driven them into the ditch. Her jeans and panties were shoved down her thighs, Yuri‟s head
was between her legs, and when Jessica‟s orgasm hit, she lifted off the seat with such force, she‟d
pushed Yuri‟s face into the steering wheel.
She met Yuri‟s eyes, both of them remembering. Then, as it had been that night, they broke
into laughter. "Oh, my God. I thought we were going to have a wreck," Jessica said as she
removed her hand from Yuri‟s mouth.
"I had to brake with my hands."
"I couldn‟t reach the pedals because your head was-" She stopped, the smile disappearing.
"My head was between your legs," Yuri finished for her.
"Yes." Jessica‟s nerves came back full force. Then she smiled. "Technically, your head was
now caught in the steering wheel."
She pushed open the front door, about to offer a tour to Yuri. When she turned, she knew
the tour would have to wait. She‟d seen that look in Yuri‟s eyes hundreds of times before.
There was no more need for words. They both knew why they were here. She took Yuri‟s
hand, feeling her fingers tighten around her own. She led them down a hallway and into her
parents‟ room. She felt her nervousness subsiding as desire took its place. She stood still,
watching Yuri, waiting.
"Were you angry at me last night?" Yuri asked gently.
"No. If anything, I was angry at myself."
"Because you wanted more?"
"Because I was about to have an orgasm and I was still fully clothed," she whispered. She
moved closer, not hesitating as her mouth found Yuri‟s. There was no preliminary exploring. They
knew each other far too well for that. Jessica gave in to her desires, not shy as her hands traveled
a familiar path, moving with a confidence she hadn‟t displayed in twenty years. Not with a woman,
anyway. Just as her hands touched the warm flesh at Yuri‟s sides, Yuri pulled her mouth away,
her lips nibbling at Jessica‟s throat. Jessica lifted her head, granting Yuri room as she found the
sensitive spot behind her ear.
"God, Yuri," she groaned, her hands finishing their journey under Yuri‟s shirt. Yuri rarely wore
a bra and today was no different. Jessica‟s hands cupped her small breasts, loving the feel of
rock-hard nipples cutting into her palms.
Their mouths met again in a desperate kiss, both moaning as their tongues battled. Then
hands fumbled with shirts and shorts, tangling with each other as they tried to shed clothes. They
broke apart, both grinning as they hurried to undress. It was a familiar scene, Jessica
remembered, as neither of them wanted to stop long enough to get naked.
"Beautiful," Yuri whispered. "Always so beautiful."
Jessica dropped her bra and reached for Yuri again, this time without clothes to block their
way. Skin on skin, they moved together, their kisses slower now, exploring, and reacquainting
themselves to something that was once second nature. And now, like then, their bodies took over,
guiding them, leaving no room for thought...or regret.
Jessica hastily pulled the comforter back, needing to lie down, needing to feel Yuri‟s weight
on her. She tugged Yuri with her, a rush of memories sending her senses into overload as her legs
parted, letting Yuri settle between them.
"Oh, dear God," she breathed as Yuri‟s mouth captured a breast, her lips closing tightly over
her nipple. Twenty years was too long to go without sexual pleasure and Jessica was positive
none of the handful of women she‟d been with had ever aroused her as much as Yuri was doing
now. She felt her wetness pooling between her legs and she gripped Yuri‟s hips, pulling her tight
against her. "Don‟t go slow," she murmured. "Not the first time. Don‟t go slow," she begged.
Yuri didn‟t. She lifted her hips slightly, her hand finding its way between their heated bodies.
"So wet," she whispered.
"You always did that to me," Jessica replied as their eyes held. She waited, her breath frozen
within her as Yuri‟s long fingers filled her. "Yes," she hissed, her eyes closing as her hips rose to
meet Yuri‟s thrust.
Yuri‟s pelvis rocked against her own hand, forcing her fingers deeper inside with each push.
Jessica held tight to Yuri‟s waist, guiding her, feeling her power, opening herself fully to Yuri.
Much too soon, she felt her body losing control, felt herself slipping into the joyous bliss of orgasm.
She fought against it, not wanting it to end, not yet.
"Let go," Yuri urged as her hips continued to slam into her.
"God," Jessica groaned, finally giving in, letting herself fall into ecstasy. She gripped Yuri‟s
waist tightly, holding her fingers inside as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her. When
she opened her eyes, she saw a contented look on Yuri‟s face. "I lied," she said between uneven
breaths. "I haven‟t been in a relationship since you."
Yuri‟s face suddenly turned serious. "I haven‟t made love to anyone since you," she said, her
voice low.
Jessica understood what she meant, and the look in her eyes told her Yuri was telling the
truth. Jessica reached up, caressing Yuri‟s cheek softly. "Me either," she admitted. She pulled
Yuri‟s head down, her lips lightly brushing Yuri‟s. "I want to make love to you now." She rolled
them over, resting her weight on Yuri, her mouth moving across her skin. It was all so familiar-
her smell, the taste of her skin, the sound of her quiet moans.
"No one‟s ever made me want like this, Jessica. Not in all these years."
Jessica paused, her mouth inches from Yuri‟s breast. No, she‟d never wanted like this either.
Never before and probably never again. They would have their fun, and then go their separate
ways. She squeezed her eyes shut, pushing those thoughts away. None of that mattered now. Not
today. Today they would make love, they would be together, and they would experience each
other‟s pleasure as adults, not teens. So she closed the distance between them, her tongue raking
across Yuri‟s nipple, wetting it before her lips closed around it. Yuri always had such sensitive
breasts. That hadn‟t changed, judging by the delightful moans coming from her. Jessica took her
time, feasting on Yuri‟s breasts, ignoring the urging of Yuri‟s hips as she pressed against her.
"You know, that don‟t go slow works both ways," Yuri panted.
Jessica smiled against her skin. "Don‟t be ridiculous," she murmured as her teeth nipped
below the swell of Yuri‟s breast.
Yuri grabbed one of her hands and tried to force it between her legs, but Jessica resisted.
"No. Not that way," she whispered as she moved lower. She couldn‟t very well tell Yuri she had
been starving all these years, but right now, she wanted to make love to Yuri in the most intimate
of ways. As she nibbled along the hollow of Yuri‟s thigh, she felt Yuri‟s hands threading through
her hair, pushing her down to where she needed her.
"Jessica, please," Yuri begged. "It‟s been too long."
"I know," she breathed. Too long. She always knew that something was lacking whenever
she‟d had sex, and she always attributed it to not being in love with the other woman. That may
have been part of it, sure. But what was really lacking was that innate connection between two
people, a connection that is so natural and instinctive that there‟s no need for words. Not the
spoken word. Not when their souls speak for them.
She raised her head, finding Yuri watching her, her eyes dark, filled with desire. No. There
was no need for words. She lowered her head, spreading Yuri‟s thighs, moaning at the sight
before her. She no longer wanted to go slow. She buried her face between Yuri‟s legs, satisfying a
thirst she once thought unquenchable. She held Yuri tight as Yuri‟s hips lifted off the bed, her
mouth closing over her swollen clit, feeling it throb inside her mouth.
Yuri‟s words were incoherent, one hand still holding fast to Jessica‟s head, the other with
sheets tangled in her closed fist. Jessica parted her even more, taking all Yuri had to offer, her lips
tugging, sucking, her own hips rocking against the bed as the taste of Yuri ignited her desires.
When Yuri‟s hand tightened suddenly in her hair, she used her tongue to send Yuri over the edge,
loving the deep, satisfied groan Yuri made as she held Jessica‟s mouth hard against her.
As soon as Yuri‟s hand went limp, freeing her, Jessica slid up, straddling one of Yuri‟s thighs,
pressing her hot center hard against her as she sought her own release. Yuri‟s muscles tightened,
increasing the friction between them. Jessica‟s breath came in quick gasps as she rode her, her
head flung back as she got closer...closer to heaven with each stroke.
But then-seconds before she climaxed-Yuri flipped them over. Before Jessica could protest,
Yuri‟s mouth covered her, her tongue stroking her hard and fast.
"Oh dear...God...Yuri." She screamed out, her orgasm blinding her as Yuri sucked the very
last tremor from her. It was her turn now to hold Yuri‟s mouth against her, slowly coming back
down to earth, her hips relaxing, finally releasing Yuri.
"I thought I was going to have to kill you there for a minute," she muttered with uneven
Yuri didn‟t say anything. Instead, her mouth found its way to Jessica‟s breast, slowly nibbling,
her tongue snaking out to tease her nipple. Even though Jessica‟s body wasn‟t that of an
insatiable eighteen year old, it still responded to Yuri‟s touch. How, she didn‟t know, as it was still
a throbbing mess of nerves from her last orgasm. But she gave in, not wanting to miss a single
second of being with Yuri.
"You‟re as passionate as I remember," Yuri whispered against her breast.
"And you‟re as skilled," Jessica replied, her hand moving lazily through Yuri‟s hair as she
continued to kiss her breasts.
Yuri paused, leaning up on her elbow, watching Jessica. "Why are you single?"
"I don‟t know. I...I used to think it was because I didn‟t trust anyone."
"Because of me?"
"Yes. But that was really just an excuse. I‟ve had a handful of lovers over the years, but none
that got into my heart. And I didn‟t want to settle for less," Jessica admitted. Her hand stilled.
"What about you?"
"Honestly? I spent the first ten years running from your ghost. And I‟ve spent the last ten
years growing up and accepting ...well, accepting the fact that I‟ll never find what we had with
each other. I don‟t think it can be duplicated."
Jessica nodded. "I know. I‟ve tried to find it too."
Yuri returned to Jessica‟s breast, her tongue flicking across her nipple, making Jessica moan.
"You didn‟t really pack a picnic lunch, did you?"
Jessica shook her head. "No." She tugged Yuri up, spreading her legs and urging Yuri
between them. "Can‟t you find something else to eat?" she asked wickedly, pulling Yuri‟s mouth to
Yuri smiled against her lips. "You may be sorry you asked that question."
Yuri swam naked in the pool, conscious of Jessica‟s eyes on her. Jessica was leaning on her
elbow, watching. Her skin glistened, the late afternoon sun touching skin that was normally
hidden by a bikini.
"You‟re still an exhibitionist," Jessica said with a smile.
"I‟m sure I don‟t know what you mean," Yuri replied as she flipped over onto her back, her
breasts now visible above water as she attempted a backstroke. She heard Jessica break into a fit
of laughter as she sunk below the surface. She came up gasping for breath, joining Jessica in her
laughter. "Okay, so I don‟t know the backstroke."
She slicked her hair away from her face, then rubbed her eyes, clearing the water. Jessica
had rolled over onto her back and Yuri was free to stare. After spending hours in bed-until they
were both sated and exhausted-they ventured out to the pool, napping on lounge chairs, neither
of them bothering with clothes. It had been a wonderful, albeit unexpected, afternoon. After their
goodbye at the hotel, Yuri doubted she‟d ever see Jessica again, much less spend the afternoon in
bed with her.
But now what? Where did they go from here? Obviously the attraction was still there, even
after all these years. As teens, they made love on pure instinct, letting their bodies tell them
where to touch, how to touch. Now, as adults, that same instinct took over, their bodies
reacquainting, their hands now sure and experienced, no longer filled with wonder. No, making
love now had none of the ineptness she felt back then. Even though it was so good between them,
Yuri always wondered if it was good enough for Jessica. That insecurity she carried with her was
the real cause of their breakup. If she were honest with herself, she would admit that she never
really thought Jessica was having an affair. But the possibility of one was what drove Yuri to end
their relationship. Better to deal with a broken heart at nineteen than twenty -five. She shook her
head as she realized the absurdity of that rationalization.
She moved back into deeper water, bouncing on her feet to stay afloat. Again, where did they
go from here? Was Jessica just interested in an afternoon fling? Would they leave here, one going
back to Houston, the other to Corpus? Was it premature for her to think that perhaps Jessica
might be interested in seeing her again? They were both single, neither of them ever finding that
one special person to settle down with. Would Jessica be receptive to dating?
Yuri smiled as she sunk under the water, swimming again into the shallow area. Whatever
she and Jessica made of things, she doubted they would call it dating. Despite being apart for
twenty years, they knew each other too well. Sure, they‟d changed some. Everyone did. But the
fire between them was still there. Yuri suspected it would always be there.
"You actually have the energy to swim?"
Yuri shook the water from her hair, standing in waist-deep water. Jessica was unabashedly
staring at her breasts and Yuri felt her nipples harden. "Come join me."
Jessica shook her head. "No. You come join me," she said.
"I don‟t think that lounge chair is big enough."
"True." Her smile was wicked. "I guess I‟ll have to join you then."
Yuri laughed. "Remember that time you almost drowned me?"
"Me? It was you who wanted to try oral sex in a pool," Jessica reminded her.
"And I learned that‟s nearly impossible."
Jessica went to the edge of the pool, diving in with barely a splash. She surfaced next to Yuri,
her hands sliding intimately up her body. "I‟ve had a really good day," she said. "Me too. I‟m glad
you kidnapped me."
"I‟m starving, you know."
Yuri laughed. "So am I."
But their smiles vanished as Jessica pulled her closer, her mouth meeting Yuri‟s, urging her
lips apart. Yuri moaned as Jessica‟s fingers teased her nipples, squeezing them.
"I always loved your breasts," she murmured against Yuri‟s lips.
Yuri stood still as Jessica‟s mouth moved lower, her tongue raking across her already rockhard nipples. Now, as always, Jessica‟s touch chased out all other thoughts. Yuri lifted her head to
the waning sunlight, her eyes closed as Jessica‟s hand slipped between her thighs.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Jessica sat in her car, staring at her parents‟ house, wondering what she was going to tell
her mother. The fact that she was a grown woman who didn‟t need to explain where or with
whom she‟d spent the day didn‟t occur to her. Of course, knowing Krystal, and the fact that there
were no messages on her cell, her mother most likely knew exactly how she‟d spent her day.
"Just so she doesn‟t ask questions," she muttered as she finally got out of her car. She
paused, letting one last image of a very naked Yuri flash through her mind before pushing those
thoughts away. She opened the front door, debating whether she should sneak off to her room or
find her mother to let her know she was back. The rumbling in her stomach and the very enticing
smells coming from the kitchen made up her mind for her.
Her mother glanced at her then motioned to the pitcher of cocktails on the counter. "I won.
Thank you very much," she said.
Jessica frowned. "Won what?"
"Krystal bet me twenty bucks that you wouldn‟t show up for dinner."
Jessica felt a blush color her face. "I‟m so happy I was able to entertain you both," she said
as she filled a glass. "I‟m starved, by the way."
"No doubt. I trust you left the house in one piece?"
"Oh, good Lord. We went swimming. It‟s no big deal."
Her mother smiled sweetly. "I suppose you‟ll let Faith know about your swim party then?"
Jessica glared at her. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Very much, yes. I assume you did as well."
"If I wasn‟t so hungry I would leave right now," Jessica threatened.
"I doubt it. I made the double battered fried chicken just for you. I figured you‟d be
Jessica‟s mouth watered at the thought. "And garlic mashed potatoes?" she asked weakly.
"Yes. And homemade dinner rolls."
"You‟re evil."
"Does that mean you‟ll stay for dinner?"
Jessica pointed her finger at her mother. "But no questions. I mean it."
"But I have a ton of them."
"You know I‟ll find out from Krystal."
"As if I‟ll tell her anything, the big blabbermouth."
After two helpings of everything-and an extra piece of chicken as she was helping her mother
clean up-Jessica shut her door and fell down on the bed, groaning as she rubbed her full belly.
True to her word, her mother had been full of questions, but Jessica deflected them all, refusing
to answer even the vaguest ones. She‟d never been comfortable discussing her private life with
her mother. And for the most part, she never really had a sex life to discuss with her.
Today, Yuri notwithstanding, she still didn‟t.
Yuri was staying in Calloway until the weekend and she‟d asked Jessica to stay as well. At the
time, Jessica had agreed. They could spend tomorrow together. One more day to...to what? Make
love? Have sex? Then what? Then Yuri would go back to Corpus, out of her life once again. And
Jessica would be left with fresher, more vibrant memories. Not the stale, used ones she‟d carried
since high school. One more day of being with Yuri. One more day of opening her heart, letting
Yuri back inside a little.
She rolled over, curling her hands beneath her chin, feeling a familiar ache in her chest,
recognizing it as the weight of loneliness she‟d carried all these years. By being with Yuri, she‟d
made it worse, not better. As much as she‟d enjoyed their time together-and she really, really
did-she was just setting herself up for heartbreak all over again. She almost hadn‟t survived her
first broken heart. Now much older, and more emotionally mature, she was still certain she
wouldn‟t survive being hurt by Yuri again.
And really, she knew this would happen, didn‟t she? When she dropped her off, as they said
their goodbyes, their hands touching, lingering, their eyes not letting go, she knew. Maybe they
both knew that was all there‟d be. Just one afternoon. That‟s all it could be.
Jessica had to escape while her heart was still intact. She would leave in the morning, back to
Houston, back to her friends ...and back to the job she hated.
Back to the life she hated.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Yuri hesitated at the door, wondering if she should just leave. Jessica‟s car was gone so
obviously she wasn‟t home. And seeing as it was after one in the afternoon, it should be obvious
to her that Jessica didn‟t want to see her today.
She knocked anyway. If nothing else, she would get Jessica‟s cell number from her mother.
Mrs. Jung opened the door with a smile, tugging Yuri inside. "I‟ve been expecting you all
Yuri frowned. "You have?"
"It‟s a bit early for cocktails but I have some sweet tea. Will that do?"
Yuri nodded and followed her into the kitchen. There was a white envelope on the counter
with her name scribbled across it. She looked up, finding Mrs. Jung watching.
"It‟s from Jessica," she said. "Come. Let‟s go out to the patio." She handed Yuri a glass and
motioned to the envelope, which Yuri snatched up.
"I take it this means she‟s not here?"
"No. She left early this morning."
Now Yuri was really confused. She would have sworn Jessica said she was staying until Friday.
Yuri flipped the envelope over and over in her hands, finally opening it and pulling out the single
sheet of paper. Yes, Jessica had indeed left. And no, she wasn‟t interested in seeing Yuri again.
There was no phone number, no address, no invitation to get together again. Just a thank you for
a wonderful day, a day Jessica attributed to old memories and familiar places clouding their
judgment, taking them back in time. A day she would treasure, she said. But it was the last couple
of lines that nearly broke Yuri‟s heart.
I doubt we‟ll ever see each other again. I wish you nothing but happiness.
Yuri folded the letter, holding it tightly in her hands. "Wow," she said. "I wasn‟t expecting
"Probably not, no." She pointed to the chair next to her.
"Have you read it?" Yuri asked, sitting down.
Mrs. Jung shook her head. "I don‟t need to read it to know what it says. I know my daughter."
Yuri let out a heavy breath. "I guess you know about us then."
"I‟ve never discussed it with Jessica, if that‟s what you mean. Not back then and certainly not
now. She wouldn‟t allow it. But I always suspected, I guess. And when she came home from
college, she was so heartbroken, so terribly hurt, I knew it wasn‟t just some fling she‟d had. I
knew it was much deeper than that. It all made sense then."
"I‟m sorry."
"For what? For hurting my daughter?"
Yuri shrugged. "We were kids. We fell in love, only it wasn‟t a teenage kind of love. It was
much more than that."
They were silent for a moment, then Mrs. Jung glanced at her. "I was angry with you at first.
We‟d opened our house to you, included you in our family. I thought you must have taken
advantage of her. It never once occurred to me that Jessica was a lesbian." She laughed quietly.
"A cheerleader and prom queen. No wonder she hated it so."
"I didn‟t take advantage of her. It was completely mutual."
"Twenty something years ago. I‟m not angry any longer, Yuri. Jessica‟s obviously gotten over
it. I never thought she would. To see her so distraught, so despondent...well, we were afraid for
her. We didn‟t know anything about having a gay child. You read so much about suicide and all-"
"Oh my God, Jessica didn‟t-"
"No, no. Nothing like that. But she was never the same afterward. Even now, she‟s still so
guarded about things. And not to place blame, Yuri. I know there are two sides to every story, but
I don‟t think she‟s allowed herself to trust anyone again. And certainly not you."
No. Certainly not Yuri. She could read between the lines. She knew Jessica‟s letter was just a
polite way to say no, she wouldn‟t take a chance with her heart again. Certainly not with Yuri,
"I don‟t mean to pry, but I assume you were together yesterday. Perhaps rekindling some old
Yuri blushed and looked away, only to hear Mrs. Jung laugh quietly beside her. "I‟m not an
old prude, Yuri. I have three very different children. And as closed and guarded as Jessica is with
her life, Mark is quite the opposite, feeling the need to tell me every detail of his exploits. Besides,
if I ran into an old lover who I still had feelings for, I‟d most likely spend the day exactly like you
"What do you mean, still had feelings for? Did Jessica say-"
"No. But she ran away again. It‟s what she does. If I had to guess, her letter there was
thanking you for a good time and wishing you a very happy rest of your life."
"Pretty much, yes."
"You wanted a different outcome?"
Yuri stood, feeling embarrassed to be discussing this with Jessica‟s mother. She paced, her
eyes riveted on the pool, the glistening water reminding her of how they‟d ended their day
"Yes." She turned, meeting her eyes. "Yes. I wanted a different outcome. I thought-however
foolishly-that maybe we could see each other, try to start over." She smiled, again embarrassed.
"This probably isn‟t something you want to hear, but the attraction we had in high school is still
there. She still takes my breath away."
"I would have to be blind not to see it."
"What do you mean?"
"Yuri, dear, when my husband, who rarely has a clue about these things, makes note of
it...trust me, it‟s there. Why else do you think Jessica ran?"
Yuri held up the letter. "Well, obviously if she feels it, she doesn‟t want to pursue it. And I
don‟t suppose I blame her."
"Well, I try not to meddle in my children‟s lives." She smiled. "Never too old to start though.
Do you have her cell number?"
Yuri shook her head.
"Want it?"
"If you don‟t mind...yes."
Mrs. Jung laughed. "I‟ve got cell, office, fax. Home address, work address. Her friend
HyoYeon‟s number too. I think I‟ve even got her boss‟s number somewhere."
Yuri smiled. "Thank you. I...I just want a chance. Our breakup way back then was all my fault.
It was stupid, childish and without communication. I think . . . well, I think we could have been
good together. I think we still can."
"Maybe you should tell that to her, not me."
Yuri nodded. "You‟re right. And I will."
~~~ *** ~~~
Twenty years earlier
Yuri rolled over to her back, staring at the sky, now turning a pretty orange as the sun faded
from view. She would miss this. Even though they‟d have more time to be together, she‟d miss
their quick trips out here. She felt safe here. Just the two of them-no outsiders, no distractions.
No one to come between them.
"What are you thinking about?"
Yuri turned her head, the thick grass and weeds poking through the blanket against her
cheek. She took a deep breath, then turned her gaze back to the sky. "I was thinking how much
I‟m going to miss this when we leave for college next month."
"What? Sneaking off to my grandparents‟ place?"
Jessica laughed. "I thought you hated having to sneak around."
"The whole concept of it, yes. But this, this is our spot. That tree right there, it‟s like it‟s
guarding us."
"The fact that we‟ve been coming out here for nearly two years and we‟ve not gotten caught,
yeah, it must be guarding us."
Yuri rolled over to her side, pulling Jessica close against her. "Why do you suppose we‟ve
never been caught?"
"Because we pull off the best friends thing very, very well. And the super studious we want to
go to college thing too."
Yuri lowered her head, finding Jessica‟s bare breast, loving the quiet moan she heard when
her mouth closed over it.
"I love you so much," Jessica whispered, her hands now moving across Yuri‟s naked flesh,
pulling her closer.
Yuri raised her head, finding Jessica‟s eyes, the sunset coloring the air around them. "I‟ll
always love you. You‟re in my soul."
"And you‟re in mine."
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
After washing the few dishes from their lunch, Yuri went in search of Aunt Lou. She hadn‟t
actually explained why she was leaving early. And really, it wasn‟t that she was rushing off to find
Jessica. She wasn‟t. She would give Jessica some time, give herself some time. But she didn‟t
want to stay in Calloway another day. She wanted to get back home, back to the coast. Smell the
salt air, watch the pelicans dive into the surf, listen to the gulls. She wanted-needed-that peace
she‟d been able to find there. Something she never admitted to before, but the peace she felt was
somehow associated with Jessica, at the place where they‟d discovered their love. She could stand
on the beach, watch the waves, and lose herself in long buried memories. Although they wouldn‟t
be so buried anymore. They would be fresh and new and right on the surface...and cut so much
deeper than those etched in her teenaged mind.
"What are you doing?" she asked when she found Aunt Lou standing at a window, staring out
into the backyard.
"Oh, I just filled the bird feeder and now those damn black birds are scaring my cardinals
"Tiffany says not to mix the seeds. Grackles aren‟t crazy about sunflower but they love the
mixed seed. Cardinals prefer sunflower."
"Oh, my. Since when did you learn something about birds? Or is this Tiffany a special friend?"
Yuri laughed. "Tiffany and her partner, TaeYeon, are good friends of mine. Tiffany‟s a wildlife
biologist. She‟s taught me a thing or two." Yuri sat down on the sofa, waiting for Aunt Lou to join
her. "Speaking of special friends, I wanted to share something with you."
"Okay. Is this about a current special friend? I was under the impression you didn‟t have
"I don‟t date very often, if that‟s what you mean." Yuri leaned back on the sofa, wondering
why she felt the need to confess to Aunt Lou about high school, about yesterday, about why she
was leaving early. She turned to her. "There‟s an underlying reason for that but I won‟t go into all
the emotional issues I may have," she said, trying to make light of it. There was no reason for
Aunt Lou to know of the horrid reputation she‟d had in college-her whore dog days, as SooYoung
referred to them.
"Since you‟re having a hard time spitting it out, I‟ll assume it has to do with Jessica Jung."
"You know?"
"About high school or yesterday?"
Yuri feigned shock. "Why Aunt Lou, do you have spies out and about?"
"Of course not. But you and Jessica were inseparable in high school. And when you made it
known you were gay and then you and Jessica became estranged...well, it was obvious to me."
"Maybe we became estranged because she couldn‟t handle my being gay," Yuri suggested.
"Which would be all well and good had not Jessica come back from college that first term,
heartbroken and distraught... and a lesbian."
Yuri grinned. "Damn these small towns. Is nothing secret?" Aunt Lou looked away and Yuri
saw the opening she‟d been waiting for all her adult life. "Of course, you had secrets too, didn‟t
"I don‟t‟ know what you mean."
"Oh, come on. I‟m not just a curious kid anymore. I‟m a full grown woman. And you‟re not
just an old maid who never dated, never married."
"Just because I never married-"
"Aunt Lou, I know what it‟s like when you have to sneak around to be with someone you love.
I did it for two years in high school. And you did it too. Your trips to San Antonio. The friend you‟d
have over for the weekend."
"And you‟re insinuating what?"
Yuri reached over and squeezed her hand. "You know what I‟m insinuating. I just don‟t know
why you felt the need to hide that from me. To still hide it. We‟re kindred spirits in that regard,
aren‟t we?"
Aunt Lou got up suddenly, going back to stare out the window. "Why do you bring this up
now? For what purpose?"
"Does there have to be a purpose? Why does our family just sweep things under the rug and
never talk about anything? You shouldn‟t have to go through your life alone. You shouldn‟t have
to hide this part of you."
"You don‟t understand."
"No. Maybe not. We were a generation apart. Times change."
Yuri stood and went to the window too. "So who was she?" she asked casually.
"It was a long time ago. It doesn‟t matter."
"Of course it matters. She was someone special to you. Yet you kept her hidden, kept her
away. For fear of what, Aunt Lou? Fear your family would turn their back on you?"
"My family, the community, my job. My church." Aunt Lou turned to face her. "Her name was
Kathy. When I was younger, I used to go to San Antonio hoping to meet like-minded women. I
didn‟t dare go to a bar though. I took the safe route. There was a feminist bookstore and
coffeehouse right at the edge of downtown, before the river became the centerpiece. I met her
"And she‟s the one you‟d have over sometimes?"
"Yes. But I was so paranoid, it was hardly enjoyable. I had fears your parents would pop over
unexpectedly. Or the neighbors would see her."
"So you locked yourself inside and had wild sex for the weekend?"
"Yuri Ann Kwon, I can‟t believe you said that! Have you no shame?"
Yuri laughed at the bright red blush that covered Aunt Lou‟s face. "I‟m sorry. It‟s what I
would have done."
"I don‟t doubt that, seeing how you disappeared yesterday."
"Jessica and I got reacquainted, yes. But she left for Houston today without a word to me.
Ran away, really." Yuri shrugged. "I guess because of what happened to us in the past, she‟s got
a little fear factor of her own."
"What happened? I know you were awfully young but-"
"We were madly in love," Yuri said. "It was my fault. I let my insecurities get the best of me."
She waved her hand dismissively. "But that‟s in the past. What‟s here, right now, is that Jessica is
single, I‟m single, and we spent a wonderful day together yesterday. A day that, well, that I
thought we could build on."
"She doesn‟t?"
"Well, she left. What does that say?"
"I guess you have two possibilities. One, she‟s not interested. Or two, she‟s afraid."
"I don‟t like the first one. The second is not real pleasing either." Yuri held her aunt‟s gaze.
"What about your Kathy? Why did she stop coming around?"
Aunt Lou turned away and Yuri thought she wasn‟t going to answer her. Then she stopped,
her voice quiet. "She got tired of waiting on me. She wanted me to move to San Antonio, move in
with her."
"Why didn‟t you?"
"And do what? My life was here, my job, my family. What would I have told people?"
"Who cares? It‟s your life, not theirs."
"Well I couldn‟t just up and move without an explanation."
"So you lost someone you loved because you didn‟t have an explanation to give people?
That‟s just crazy."
Aunt Lou smiled sadly. "I always envied your independent streak, your devil-may-care
attitude. I just never had that in me."
"So you let her walk away? How long ago?"
"The last time I saw her was right before your parents divorced." Aunt Lou folded her arms
across her chest, her gaze again going out the window. "A long time ago."
"And no one since?"
She shook her head. "I‟m sixty-two. I‟m past all that."
Yuri followed her gaze, landing on the bird feeder, the black grackles fighting for the seed,
not a cardinal in sight. "I don‟t want that to be me," she said quietly. "I don‟t want to wake up
one day and be sixty-two and think it‟s too late."
"You won‟t, honey. That‟s why you‟re leaving early, isn‟t it? Because you don‟t want that to
happen to you?"
Yuri nodded. "Yes. I‟m sorry. I know we didn‟t really have that much time together."
"Don‟t be silly. It was good to visit with you. Now, you go after that girl of yours."
Yuri kissed her cheek, not wanting to tell her she wasn‟t going chasing after Jessica. Not yet,
anyway. Right now, she just wanted to get home, back to the coast. She needed time to sort out
her feelings.
"I‟ll call you," she promised as she headed out the door.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Jessica-after much debate with herself on her trip home-decided not to burden HyoYeon
and Sunny with her exploits during the reunion. Of course, neither HyoYeon nor Sunny would
consider it a burden. It would be pure entertainment for them. After all, the last they‟d spoken,
Jessica had vowed she hated Kwon Yuri and was dreading seeing her at the reunion. To confess
she not only enjoyed seeing her again, but that she‟d slept with her...well, she just wasn‟t ready
for that scene yet.
No, she took her two bags and headed up the elevator to her apartment. It was still early, the
day sunny and hot. She stripped off her clothes, rummaging in her drawers until she found her
favorite pair of biking shorts. The black nylon and spandex hugged her body, yet on a very hot
and humid day as today, kept her skin dry. Instead of the equally form-fitting and matching shirt,
she pulled on a baggy, sleeveless white T-shirt. She twisted her hair and tied it behind her neck,
grabbed her helmet and bike and was out the door in less than ten minutes.
She was on her bike for two reasons. One, she‟d been a lazy slug for the past week and
needed some exercise. And two, she needed to think. The long drive back to Houston would have
been the opportune time to sort out her thoughts, but she hadn‟t been ready to hash it all out.
Instead, she‟d turned the music up loud, losing herself in mindless lyrics, singing along as the
miles carried her farther from Calloway.
And farther from Yuri.
Which, in reality, was quite the opposite of what she wanted. She nearly laughed at the
absurdity of it all. First, she‟d kidnapped Yuri for a day of fabulous-really, really fabulous-sex.
Then she‟d panicked and written her that silly, childish note. And then, as if that wasn‟t enough to
show her immaturity, she ran away.
"Juvenile," she muttered as she pumped harder on the pedals, her thighs straining as she
climbed the lone hill on the trail. She relaxed as she crested, the bike rolling easily down the other
side. Not only juvenile, but inconsiderate as well. It was almost as if she‟d used Yuri for sex, then
left without even a thank you. Especially since she‟d all but agreed to stay in Calloway for a couple
more days. But no, that wasn‟t an option. She couldn‟t see Yuri again, she couldn‟t be with her
again. That would only lead to complications, to drama. No, she didn‟t need that in her life. She
was perfectly happy-content-just the way things were.
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
She sped up, taking a corner a little too fast but keeping control of her bike. Maybe this trying
to get her thoughts sorted out wasn‟t such a good idea. Because what she knew in her head and
what she felt in her heart were two different things. Being the logical person she was now, she
decided to go with her head. She‟d followed her heart once before where Yuri was concerned.
Yuri had left it broken, shattered. After all this time, it still held the scars.
She squeezed the brakes suddenly, pulling off to the side of the trail. "What an egotistical
bitch you are," she whispered. All this soul searching she was doing was a bit presumptuous,
wasn‟t it? They‟d had sex. Great sex. Yuri indicated she‟d like to spend more time doing the same.
Not once did she mention dating. Never did Yuri suggest they see each other again. Her eyes
And you left her that stupid-ass note.
"Great. Now she thinks I‟m an idiot."
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Yuri walked alone on the beach, her gaze lingering on the horizon. The morning was
surprisingly clear, the water shimmering in the distance as it appeared to be an endless expanse
too large for her to comprehend. Seeing the perfectly rounded contours, she found it amazing that
long-ago people believed the earth to be flat. Of course, people generally believed what they were
told, even if it went against what they thought to be true. It was a trick they used often in their
advertising business. If you hear something over and over again, you eventually believe it to be
The same could be said for her personal life. However, in Yuri‟s case, it was mostly her telling
herself half-truths, ones she‟d come to believe over the years. The breakup with Jessica was her
fault, that wasn‟t a half-truth. While it was hard to overcome her insecurities at the tender age of
eighteen-nineteen-she knew she was using them as a crutch, as an excuse. It was easier than
living with the possibility of Jessica cheating on her, or worse, Jessica leaving her for someone
else. Ten years after their breakup she still told herself she wasn‟t good enough. Not for Jessica,
not for anyone. So her one-night stands became common practice. No relationship meant no
chance of a breakup. Even though she didn‟t truly believe she wasn‟t good enough, she‟d told
herself that so often, for so many years, that she believed it.
Even now, twenty years later, it still nagged at her. Insecurity was no longer the reason for
her single status. No, that was attributed to her not meeting anyone who could give her the same
feelings that Jessica had. She was a confident woman now, a successful business owner. She was
content in all aspects of her life. All but one. A week ago, she would have said she was content in
her personal life as well. But that was before she‟d seen Jessica again, before they‟d slept
together...and before all those long-buried feelings surfaced again. At least for her, they surfaced.
But Jessica‟s note conjured up those old insecurities again.
She‟d read the note a hundred times. She read the words and she read between the lines.
She tried to put herself in Jessica‟s place, tried to imagine what Jessica was thinking as she wrote
it. Was she running away as her mother suggested? Did she still harbor feelings for Yuri? Or was
she simply putting an end to it before it ever got started again? Was she afraid Yuri wanted to
take a chance on their relationship again? Or perhaps afraid Yuri didn‟t, and the note was to save
Or maybe her old insecurities were true this time. Maybe Jessica really wasn‟t interested. It
was a day of sex. Nothing more, nothing less.
She stopped and turned, looking back as the morning sun was now glaring in the sky, heating
the summer air around her. The horizon was no longer crisp and clear, the hot, humid air forming
the familiar haze that would linger through summer, not lifting until the first cool day of fall. She
hoped her own personal haze dissipated much sooner.
"Are you ready to talk about it yet?"
Yuri looked up, seeing past the curiosity in SooYoung‟s eyes to the concern. She‟d avoided
talking about the reunion at all, but she knew SooYoung was wondering at her absence each
morning this week. She‟d taken to leaving well before dawn, making it to the beach in plenty of
time to catch the sunrise, to walk the beach, to try and sort out her feelings.
She put her pencil down, the scribbles on the paper resembling nothing more than doodling.
The ad she‟d been working on for the last two days had yet to take shape.
"I‟ve been a little distant," she admitted. "Sorry."
"A little?" SooYoung took the stress ball off her desk and tossed it at Yuri. It was a habit
they‟d taken up from the start, tossing the ball back and forth as they tossed around ideas. Over
the years, it had become a symbol of their friendship.
Yuri caught the ball, squeezed it between her hands, then tossed it back at SooYoung. "I
slept with her."
SooYoung‟s eyebrows shot up. "Her who? Jessica?"
"Wow. I didn‟t see that coming."
"Neither did I," she said, catching the ball with one hand. "It wasn‟t as weird as I thought-
seeing her again. In fact, we were able to talk, talk about the breakup, talk about old times."
"And one thing led to another?"
Yuri flipped the ball back and grinned. "The dance led to the elevator kiss, which led to the
goodbye kiss, which led to the make-out session, which led to Jessica taking me away for a day."
"Which led to sex?"
"When we were in high school, we used to sneak off to her grandparents‟ property. They had
this secluded pond with this big giant oak tree. We would go there, take a blanket, have sex." She
caught the ball again, then tossed it on her desk, watching it roll to the edge. "We didn‟t resort to
a blanket in the weeds this time. The house is sort of a vacation place for the family now. We had
it to ourselves, as well as the pool."
"And you made a day of it?"
"It was a wonderful day. I thought for both of us."
"Oh no." SooYoung leaned forward. "One and done?"
"She left the next morning for Houston. Left a note for her mother to give to me."
"Oh, Yuri. I‟m sorry."
"For what? That she ran out on me?"
"That, yes. I never said anything, but all these years, you‟ve just been going through the
motions of dating, not ever really putting much into it. Now, you don‟t even bother with that
anymore. It was because of Jessica, wasn‟t it? You still had feelings for her when you broke up,
didn‟t you?"
Yuri nodded. "Yes. I was still in love with her."
"But you were the one who ended things, right? You never really told me why."
Yuri took a deep breath. "It doesn‟t matter. That was twenty years ago." She stood, walking
across the office, her hands tucked in the pockets of her shorts. "You‟re right. I never got over her.
Every woman I dated, I compared to her. And no one could ever chase her from my heart." She
turned. "I still have feelings for her, SooYoung. After all this time, I still do. Part of me thinks she
does too." She shrugged. "And part of me thinks she doesn‟t."
"Well, the only way to find out is to ask her."
"I know. But I‟m afraid she‟ll say no. Then I‟ll-"
"Be crushed," SooYoung finished for her. She got up, coming closer. "Maybe this is for the
best, Yuri. You need to know one way or the other. If it‟s no, then maybe you can finally let go of
her. Maybe date again, meet someone."
Yuri nodded. She knew SooYoung was right. But even if Jessica‟s answer was no, Yuri would
still compare every woman she met, she would still try to recapture that magic she and Jessica
And she knew she would fail each and every time.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
"You‟re bordering on pathetic," HyoYeon said as they walked, not jogged, along the trail.
"So find yourself another workout partner," Jessica said.
"You call this a workout? We haven‟t had a workout in three weeks," HyoYeon complained.
"I‟ll even get on a damn bike for you. Anything but this mindless walking we‟ve been doing."
"I think better when I walk."
"It‟s obviously not working. You‟ve been doing it for three weeks."
Jessica stopped, glaring at her friend. "I want to call her."
"Then do it already."
"I‟m afraid to. I left that stupid note."
"Stupid-ass note," HyoYeon corrected.
"She could call me."
"You didn‟t give her your number."
Jessica rolled her eyes. "Most likely my mother gave her every number I have."
"Why don‟t you ask your mother?"
"Because then she‟ll know I want Yuri to call."
"And what?"
HyoYeon let out an exasperated breath. "You and your mother have a weird relationship. So
what if she knows you want Yuri to call you?"
"She‟ll tell me I‟m being childish and to call her myself."
"Well you are. And you should."
Jessica sighed. "I don‟t have her number." A lame excuse. She knew all she had to do was
call Yuri‟s Aunt Lou. Or even Hara. But then, they‟d know. They‟d all know what an idiot she was.
"Besides, I don‟t really know that I want to talk to her."
"Okay, just for the record, you‟re driving me crazy with all this. You just said you wanted to
call her."
"No." Jessica shrugged. "I need to just let it go. I know that. We had a day together, that‟s all.
It was brought on by old memories, being back there, talking about things. But I know we can‟t
go back, HyoYeon. I know that. But still..."
"Look, I can‟t help you work through this. If it was just sex, then let it go. If it‟s more, if you
still have feelings, then you need to call her."
"No. I will not. First of all, my stupid-ass note indicated that it was just fun and sex, nothing
else. I‟m not going to make a complete fool of myself by calling her." She shrugged. "And
secondly, if she still had feelings, then she would have called already."
"Okay, so you‟ve answered my question."
"What question?"
"Whether it was just sex or whether you still had feelings. And yes, you‟re being an idiot. I
thought making up a girlfriend named Faith was absurd, but this is ridiculous. You still have
feelings for her. You‟ve always had feelings for her. Why do you think you‟re still single? Why do
you think you don‟t date?"
"I told you, there‟s never been a spark with-"
"Because she‟s your spark, Jessica. That‟s why you can‟t find it with anyone else. She‟s your
It was the truth. There was no need for Jessica to pretend it wasn‟t. "I‟m afraid. She
shattered my heart, shattered my world. It was so intense with us. I was a kid. I survived. But
now, I‟m not sure I could."
HyoYeon nodded, apparently understanding. She motioned with her head. "Come on, let‟s
finish our walk."
Jessica fell into step beside her, her mind as full of Yuri today as it had been three weeks ago.
But she wouldn‟t contact her. She couldn‟t take a chance. It was better just to let it go and tuck
the most recent memories in with the others, only pulling them out on lonely nights...and
wondering what could have been.
~~~ *** ~~~
Twenty-one years earlier
"Shhh," Jessica whispered as the stairs creaked beneath their weight. "They‟ll hear."
Yuri pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. "Hurry. The sun‟s coming up."
Jessica closed her eyes for a moment, the smell of sex still surrounding them. She tightened
her grip on Yuri‟s hand, for a second wanting to ditch the sunrise and take her back to bed and
make love all over again. But the dawn was approaching; her parents would be up soon, wanting
to pack, wanting to get on the road. So she nodded, leading them down the stairs of t he rented
beach house, careful not to bang the screen door as they hurried out to the deck. She still held on
to Yuri‟s hand, pulling her along the trail between the dunes to the beach, slowing finally when
they reached the sand. She squeezed Yuri‟s hand hard, pulling her closer now that they were out
of sight of the house.
"I hate that we have to leave today."
"I know. And summer will be over before you know it. Then back at school."
"But our senior year." Jessica gazed out over the water, the sky still holding on to the night,
only a dim flicker of light shown to the east. "One more year, then college. It happened so fast."
Yuri led her a little farther down the beach, up against the sand dunes, where they laid out
the large beach towel. They sat close together, arms tangled together, the early morning breeze
chilling their bare skin.
"Where do you want to live when we get out of college?"
Jessica smiled with contentment. She loved it when Yuri asked questions like that. It meant
they‟d be together. It meant Yuri wanted them to be together. She leaned her head on Yuri‟s
shoulder, letting her eyes slip closed as she imagined them older, both dashing off to work after
one last hug and kiss, then coming home from work, sharing cooking and dinner, cuddling on the
sofa, then in bed, making love, holding each other while they slept.
"Remember last year when I said I wanted to live in a big city?"
"I think I‟ve changed my mind," Jessica said. "Nothing small like Calloway though. But I don‟t
think I‟d like a big city like Dallas or Houston."
"Maybe. What do you want?"
"I‟d live anywhere with you," Yuri said.
"But if you had your choice, where would you pick?"
"I don‟t know. I kinda like it down here." Yuri kissed her forehead, pulling her closer. "The
beach, the sand, the surf-it‟ll always remind me of you, of us. I think even when I‟m old, like
forty or fifty, it‟ll still remind me of you and these summers we spent here. It‟s where we fell in
Jessica nodded, turning, finding Yuri‟s mouth, their lips moving gently together. "Even if we
can‟t live down here, we should plan to come once a year, just to sit like this, if nothing else."
Yuri grinned. "Yeah. Maybe we can still share a house with your parents."
"Funny. No, I want our own place."
"Why? So we don‟t have to be so quiet in the bedroom?"
"Yes." Jessica pulled away, trying to find Yuri‟s eyes in the shadows. "I want to tell them."
"Your parents? Tell them about us?"
"Yes. What do you think?"
"Oh, Jessica, I don‟t know. I mean, they‟re going to freak out. Your mother is going to freak
out. She‟s still mad that you quit cheerleading. There‟s the prom coming up. She‟ll-"
"You don‟t want me to?"
"I think it could make our last year at school miserable," Yuri said.
Jessica sighed. "You‟re probably right. I‟m just so tired of sneaking around." And tired of
hiding this. She loved Yuri. Yuri loved her. They shouldn‟t have to hide it.
"When we get to college, we won‟t have to. Then we can tell them."
"What about your parents? Do they ever ask you questions?"
Yuri shook her head. "No. They don‟t really seem interested in anything I do. My dad hardly
even asks about basketball anymore."
"Do you think you‟re still going to get a scholarship?"
"I don‟t know anymore. Calloway is such a small school. We don‟t really get noticed that
much." She shrugged. "It doesn‟t matter. If I don‟t get a scholarship, I‟ll just have to apply for
financial aid, get a job. Other kids do it."
"Other kids also have help from their parents."
"I‟m sure they‟ll help me if they can."
"What about your grandmother? The one who paid for Catholic school," Jessica suggested.
This was one topic Yuri never wanted to talk about-paying for college. To Jessica, it was the
most important thing. She knew she wouldn‟t have to work. Her parents had already set aside
money for her. But Yuri? She would struggle.
"If I asked my grandmother, then she‟d have control," Yuri said. "She‟d make me go
somewhere else, I‟m sure." Yuri kissed her. "Don‟t worry. If it comes down to it, I can always beg
my Aunt Lou for help. She doesn‟t have any kids."
"I‟m just scared we‟re going to end up apart, that‟s all."
"We‟ll never end up apart. I promise."
Jessica leaned against Yuri, both staring across the water as the sun finally showed itself, a
giant red orb rising out of the gulf. Around them, the sounds of the day began as gulls swirled
overhead and pelicans and herons flew from shore in search of food.
"You swear we‟ll never be apart?" Jessica whispered.
"I swear."
Jessica sighed, again resting her head on Yuri‟s shoulder. At that very moment, everything
was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Their last sunrise, one she wanted to remember forever. Their
last morning at the beach, at least for this year. Yuri was right. She didn‟t think she could ever
come down here to the coast without feeling that it was their place. Too much had happened
between them here. Their first kiss. Their first time making love. And always making plans for
their future.
"I love you," Jessica murmured. "I mean, I really, really love you."
She closed her eyes as she felt Yuri‟s lips brush her hair, heard her whispered reply.
"I really, really love you."
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Yuri bent over at the waist, trying to catch her breath. She hadn‟t been on her regular
evening run in so long, she felt winded. She also felt good. As good as she‟d felt in the last month.
The run had taken her focus off Jessica, had allowed her thoughts to subside, her mind to rest.
After a month of indecision, a month of soul searching, a month of hoping Jessica would contact
her-she had finally concluded that if anything were to happen, if they were to see each other
again, she would have to be the one to make the first move. Jessica would not.
She headed slowly back up the beach to the state park where her Jeep was parked, enjoying
the evening breeze off the water. The sun had just set, leaving the sky streaked with pinks and
reds. She stopped, looking out over waves, a rush of memories coming back to her. She and
Jessica had been so attuned to each other, the few weeks they‟d spent here at the coast were
some of the best times of her life. It was the only time they‟d been able to be together day and
night. They shared secrets, shared their dreams, learned what falling in love felt like. They made
promises and talked of the future. And the future was full of so many possibilities. Their future. A
future Yuri totally screwed up.
She knew she had to get past the what-ifs and what could have been. While they would
never get the years back, it would do no good to dwell on them, no good to wish them back.
There was also no point in wasting the future years, not if they didn‟t have to. The only obstacle
to that was Jessica.
Yuri had been over it time and again, trying to figure out exactly what their day of
lovemaking had meant to Jessica. While it had been playful between them-it always had -there
was also an intimacy in their touches, in their glances. Remembering that is what had kept her
sane this last month, knowing that Jessica had some feelings for her.
Now, Yuri was ready to find out how strong those feelings were and how much Jessica would
give her. And how much she would trust her.
The problem was reaching out to Jessica. Did she just call her? E-mail? Did she invite her
down to the coast for a casual visit? Or did she tell her how she felt and what she wanted? Maybe
she shouldn‟t give Jessica a choice. Maybe she should just show up on her doorstep.
She shook her head. No need in trying to force things. She would make the offer for Jessica
to come down and then let it be her decision. Yuri just hoped it was the right decision.
It was nearly dark when she reached her Jeep, yet she lingered, feeling the breeze, smelling
the humid air of the gulf. Yes, after all these years, the coast-the sound, the smell, the taste-
still made her feel Jessica. It always would, she knew. She wondered what Jessica‟s reaction
would be. Would she still feel that connection?
A thought came to her as she got in her Jeep. She got her cell from the console, finding Kim
TaeYeon‟s number as she drove away.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Jessica stared at the box. There was no name on the return address, but even if it hadn‟t had
Corpus Christi there, she would have recognized Yuri‟s handwriting, even after all these years. She
left it unopened, instead going to her large windows and staring out over downtown Houston. She
wondered why Yuri mailed it to her office and not her condo. But the fact that she did confirmed
her suspicions that her mother had given Yuri all the information she wanted.
But why had it taken her nearly six weeks?
She glanced back at the box, her curiosity piqued. But still, she didn‟t open it. She was afraid.
Afraid of what it was, afraid of what it meant. Was Yuri reaching out to her? Why did she wait six
weeks? Was Yuri afraid too?
She moved closer to her desk, her eyes riveted on the neat handwriting. Yuri always had such
pretty, elegant handwriting. Must be the artist in her, she mused. She sighed, knowing she had to
open it. She found scissors and carefully cut the tape along the edges. The box wasn‟t large, but it
was flat. She hesitated before opening it, aware that her heart was beating just a little too fast.
She swallowed nervously, finally breaking the last seal.
She pulled out the bubble-wrapped item, carefully removing the protective plastic barrier. It
was a framed print, the 8x10 carefully matted and enclosed in a larger frame. She sat down
heavily in her chair, her eyes focused only on the rising sun, the giant red orb coloring the water,
the sand, the sun. She blinked several times, her hands trembling as they held the picture.
It was their sunrise.
Oh, Yuri.
She took a deep breath, then flipped the frame over. Kim TaeYeon Photography. She nodded,
remembering Yuri‟s photographer friend. In the corner was a business card. She plucked it out,
seeing Yuri‟s name stenciled across the front. Her address, her phone number. Instinctively, she
turned it over. Three words were written on the back.
Come see me.
She dropped the card on her desk and stood up, her feet taking her again to the windows.
This time as she looked out she didn‟t see the endless cityscape of the buildings around her. No,
she saw the sun, she felt the sand, she heard the waves, the birds. She closed her eyes,
She hadn‟t been back to the coast since that last summer, twenty-one years ago. She hadn‟t
wanted to. At first, the opportunity just never came up. But once she moved to Houston, she was
just a stone‟s throw from the beaches at Galveston. It was then, when she balked at going, that
she admitted it was because of the memories the beach held for her. Memories of Yuri, memories
of them as a couple. And at that time, she didn‟t want any memories. She still hated Yuri fiercely
back then and she didn‟t want any reminders of their relationship. The habit of avoiding the coast,
the beaches, became branded in her mind. She never once was tempted to go.
She glanced back at the picture, feeling it beckon her, pull her. Yuri couldn‟t have found a
more appropriate gift, and Jessica supposed that was her intention.
Dare she go?
No. That would just be crazy. Because if she went, it would only mean one thing.
Dare I go?
She closed her eyes, remembering the carefree days they shared at the beach. But now, in
her mind‟s eyes, Yuri wasn‟t the teenager she‟d been back then. No, she was the woman Jessica
had made love to after the reunion. She was the woman whose touch still had the power to
render Jessica defenseless, to make her beg and plead for more, to make her lose control.
She smiled. Teenager or adult, that hadn‟t changed between them. Their lovemaking was as
intense as it had been twenty years ago.
That‟s what really scared her. The intensity.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
"It‟s going to be so weird," SooYoung said as she watched Yuri carry another box down the
"Why weird? I‟ll still come in to work every day."
"Yeah, but I‟m used to you being here when I leave and being here when I get in."
"Well now you‟ll have that with Darrell."
"I can‟t believe he wants to move into that tiny apartment." She laughed. "Of course, you
lived up there for six years."
Yuri added the box to the others by the door. The apartment was tiny, yes, but it had
become home to her and she‟d grown comfortable there above their office. At the beginning,
when they were just getting started, she couldn‟t afford anything else. SooYoung had been telling
her for the last several years that she needed to get a real home, but Yuri was content living there.
It was a bit of a safety net for her. If things didn‟t work out with the business, she could pack up
and leave. Of course, things had worked out. Their business was steady and SooYoung was
always adding new clients. She was relatively debt-free. It was time.
Truth was, it was time to get on with her life. It had been over a month since she‟d sent the
print of the sunrise to Jessica. At the time, she told herself she‟d give it a week. But when that
first week dragged by, she gave it another, thinking-hoping-Jessica would call. But who did call
was TaeYeon and Tiffany. They were at the beach house and invited Yuri for dinner one evening.
Once again, TaeYeon broached the subject of selling. They had been living at the ranch house on
the refuge for years and seldom used the beach house. TaeYeon had been trying to get Yuri to
buy it for the last three years. Yuri‟s excuse was always that she wasn‟t ready to settle, wasn‟t
ready to commit to that kind of investment. But she was only kidding herself. She was settled.
This was where she belonged. So this time, when TaeYeon asked, Yuri said yes. And that was a
whirlwind three weeks ago. Three weeks of securing a loan, dealing with inspectors, insurance,
changing over the utilities and hiring a painter. They hadn‟t officially closed on it yet, but TaeYeon
had given her the keys that night. The first thing she needed was furniture. TaeYeon had left a
few pieces but most had already been moved to the ranch house. Her old bedroom furniture and
the futon, she was leaving for Darrell. SooYoung had forced her into shopping one Saturday and
Yuri had been shocked at the prices. When she suggested a discount furniture store, SooYoung
told her she was being ridiculous and proceeded to hand her an application for a credit card.
Thirty-six months, interest free is what sold Yuri, but her debt-free status was disappearing
"You‟re taking the rest of the week off. Monday‟s a holiday. So I‟ll see you on Tuesday, right?"
"You‟ll see me on Tuesday."
"Are you sure you don‟t want to come over on Labor Day? I mean-"
"I know I usually join you guys but I just want to get settled in." She shrugged. "And get
used to living there. There‟s all this space, you know." She pointed up the stairs. "I‟m used to that
up there, which is about the size of my bedroom now."
"I know. I just worry about you."
"Well quit worrying. I‟m fine. And I‟m taking your advice and moving on. This is the first step."
SooYoung surprised her with a tight hug, one which she returned. "Okay, get out of here. Go
enjoy your beach. I‟ll see you next week."
"I will. Thanks."
Yuri picked up the last box then headed out the door. It was still stifling hot but the Jeep was
topless. She tucked the box on the trailer she‟d rented and pulled the netted cover over
everything. She was soon crossing the causeway to Mustang Island. The bay was crowded with
fishermen, most getting a head start on the Labor Day weekend. She assumed the beaches would
be crowded as well. She was thankful that public access was limited at the beach house. While
not considered a private beach, the nearest public access road was two miles away. Most of the
beach traffic there would be from other homeowners and their guests.
She grinned, feeling really good for the first time in awhile. Since she‟d mailed the print, that
is. She was so sure that Jessica would call. Each day that passed brought her down just a little.
But now she was moving on. She‟d accepted Jessica‟s silence for what it was. She wasn‟t
interested. Fine. Yuri wasn‟t going to force her to talk to her.
So each day she let it go a little more, each day her acceptance of the situation got stronger.
She was getting on with her life. Next thing you know, she‟d be dating.
She laughed at herself, thinking she must really be getting old. The prospect of dating held
none of the excitement as being a first-time homeowner did.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Jessica glanced at her GPS, making sure she was turning on the correct street. She was as
nervous as a schoolgirl and twice on the drive down, she‟d nearly turned around and abandoned
her trip. Of course, logic told her she should have called first. They could have made plans to
meet. But so many weeks had passed, she thought it was past the point of being rude. Not only
had Yuri sent her a beautiful gift-and an expensive one, judging by Kim TaeYeon‟s Web Site-but
Yuri had also extended an invitation.
Come see me.
And Jessica had simply ignored it. No thank you. Nothing. She told herself nothing could ever
come of it. She wasn‟t foolish enough to fall into that trap again. But the scene in the print
became too much for her to overcome. It literally drew her in. She found herself staring at it, able
to hear the waves, smell the air. If she stared long enough, she was certain to see the rippling of
the water, the sun moving higher, the lone pelican in the corner flying away.
Come see me.
Every day it grew stronger-the pull. That invisible string that linked her with Yuri, that string
that had never been broken. Not when Yuri walked away from her, not during their estrangement
and certainly not now. It was as strong as ever, pulling at her, beckoning.
It was a week ago that she sat up in bed, her dream so real she could smell Yuri, taste her,
feel her. Her eyes immediately found the print, next to her bed. It was at that moment that she
knew she had to go. Not so much the dream, but the fact that she moved the photograph from
room to room, from home to office, told her she wanted-needed-to go. She‟d lose herself for
hours, staring at it, imagining them sitting there, watching the sunrise. Imagining so much more.
To say her job had suffered was an understatement. She couldn‟t muster the enthusiasm for
the work any longer. She had written her last loophole, drafted her last contract. She gave them a
month‟s notice, but when they couldn‟t talk her into staying, not even with a generous pay raise,
they terminated her. She wasn‟t really surprised. It was a cutthroat business and they had their
interests to protect.
She wasn‟t worried. Her savings account was full and would be enough to hold her over
without her having to touch her investments. She also knew she wouldn‟t have trouble finding a
job, but she would never go back to the oil and gas industry again. In fact, she was very likely to
switch sides. She figured there were many environmental agencies and nonprofit groups who
would love her expertise to fight the big oil companies.
But all of that could come later. Right now, she had to find Yuri.
She glanced again at the GPS. She was only a few blocks away and she took a deep breath,
trying to ignore the anxiety she felt. She remembered the last time she‟d suffered from this kind
of nervousness-her trip to the reunion. And that time, as well as now, was because she was
about to see Yuri. She wasn‟t as apprehensive this time as she‟d been then. This time she was
flat-out scared.
What if Yuri hadn‟t waited for her? What if Yuri had given up on her? Or worse, what if she
started dating someone?
No. Yuri would wait.
She had to.
Jessica pulled into a parking spot, smiling at the name on the wall. Sunrise Advertising. Sims
and Kwon. It was a beautiful beach scene and she wondered if Yuri had designed it. She pushed
down her nervousness as she reached for the door, pausing only a second before opening it.
She stopped immediately, thinking perhaps she was in the wrong place. Not only was the
office set up haphazardly, but a man and woman were dancing. They stopped, both with startled
looks on their faces, then laughter as they pulled apart.
"I‟m so sorry. I must be in the wrong place," Jessica said, now slightly embarrassed.
"Oh, no, honey. This one thinks she can learn to tango, even though she has two left feet."
He sauntered over to her, dramatically placing one hand on his hip and arched what Jessica would
swear was a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "How may we help you?"
The woman rushed over as well. "Yes, I‟m sorry. I‟m SooYoung Sims." She held out her hand
in greeting and Jessica shook it. "What can we do for you?"
"I‟m actually looking for Yuri Granbury," she said. She held up the business card Yuri had sent
her all those weeks ago. "Is this the right place?"
"Looking for Yuri, are you?" His hands switched hips. "I‟m Darrell, by the way. And you are?"
"I‟m sorry. Jessica Jung. Yuri and I are-"
"Oh my God. You came."
"Took you long enough," Darrell added before SooYoung pushed him out of the way.
"Ignore him. Please, come in," SooYoung offered.
"Yuri‟s not here?" Jessica asked.
"No. She left."
Jessica‟s heart sunk. "Left? For good?"
"Oh, no. No, no," SooYoung said. "She used to live here, in the apartment upstairs. She
bought a beach house on Mustang Island and she‟s just moving in this week."
"I see." A beach house on Mustang Island? Was she actually living on their beach? Jessica
took a deep breath. "I guess I should have called first, but...well, it‟s been a few weeks since she
invited me to come and-"
"You thought she might say no?" SooYoung guessed. "And for the record, it‟s been over five
"So she‟s told you-"
"Everything," Darrell supplied.
"Don‟t you have work to do?" SooYoung snapped.
"Oh, now that the good part‟s coming, you‟re concerned about my work. You didn‟t seem to
care earlier when you wanted to tango," he said.
Jessica smiled at their conversation. "It‟s okay. Maybe I‟ll just give her a quick call and see
"No, no," SooYoung said, smiling wickedly. "I‟m going to give you her address and you‟re
going to surprise her."
"Oh, this‟ll be fun. Can we come watch?"
SooYoung glared at him then turned back to Jessica. "If you‟d called, she wouldn‟t have said
no. She‟s going to kill me for saying this, but she was so heartbroken, so lifeless when she didn‟t
hear back from you. She bought this house on a whim and I‟m so glad she did. It‟s put a light
back in her eyes. But you‟re the one she‟s been waiting for. All the years I‟ve known her, she‟s
never been interested in anyone. Now I know why."
Jessica didn‟t know what to say. She looked from SooYoung to Darrell, then back to
SooYoung. She didn‟t know these people and she wasn‟t willing to share her feelings with them.
But to know that Yuri was waiting for her-had always been waiting-nearly broke her heart. So
many wasted years.
"If you don‟t think Yuri would mind, I‟d appreciate you telling me where she is."
"It would be my pleasure."
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
Yuri opened up the house, letting in the breeze from the gulf. Even on such a hot day, the
breeze made it bearable. Her back was hurting from carrying boxes up the stairs to the beach
house raised up on stilts, so she took a break, going out to the deck, her eyes scanning the water,
looking at what was essentially her backyard. She was going to love it here. Stepping off the deck
for her morning run, evening walks along the beach, watching the stars at night from the deck. Of
course, there was one thing missing from that picture, but she didn‟t want to go there.
Instead, she planned a nice, long weekend alone. She‟d get the house in order, set up the
huge TV she bought and get the kitchen sorted out. She‟d enjoy some holiday traditions like
getting the gas grill fired up on the deck, thanks to TaeYeon who insisted it came with the house.
She would grill a steak or a burger, enjoy the sand and sun, the beach. She smiled. Yeah, she was
going to love it here.
But she still had half a trailer to unload, so she turned away from the water and went back
Yuri visibly jumped, then gasped. "Jesus Christ," she said, her hand holding her chest. "What
are you doing here?"
Jessica shrugged. "You said to come see you."
"Well, it took you long enough." Yuri moved closer, not sure if a hug was warranted or not.
She motioned at the mess in the room. "Sorry. I‟m just moving in."
"I know."
"And I‟ve got the AC off so it‟s a little warm in here. I was in and out so much, I didn‟t see
the point of having it running." Yuri went to the control panel on the wall and turned the AC back
"Yuri, it‟s okay." Jessica took a step toward her. "I‟m sorry I didn‟t call you."
"You mean after the reunion?"
"That too. I loved your gift."
"Good. I hoped you would." Yuri let a little of her hurt show. "Of course, when I didn‟t hear
from you, I assumed the print meant nothing to you and-"
"It means everything to me." Jessica reached for her, pulling her closer. "I‟m sorry," she said
Yuri went to her, her arms wrapping tight around her. The feeling of completeness nearly
overwhelmed her. "I‟m sorry too."
Jessica pulled away from her. "You don‟t have anything to be sorry for."
"Yes, I do. All these years-"
"No," Jessica said, stopping her. "No, that‟s in the past. It‟s over and done with." She grabbed
her hands, squeezing hard. "Can we talk, Yuri? Can we just talk? Can we be honest with each
other and just...talk?"
Yuri nodded. "Okay. I‟ll start," she said, swallowing down her fear. "I-"
Jessica put a finger to her lips, stopping her. "I‟ll start," she said. "I‟ll start with why I left
Calloway." She took a step back. "One day with you...one day and I fell in love with you all over
again. And I left because I didn‟t want you to hurt me again. I didn‟t want to spend a few days
with you, being with you, making love with you then have you leave me. I just couldn‟t do it. So-"
"So you left me instead," Yuri finished for her. "At first, I thought it was a payback for twenty
years ago."
"No. I would never do that to you. But I thought maybe you‟d call, maybe it meant something
to you too."
Yuri motioned out to the deck and Jessica followed her. The afternoon sun had shifted,
offering them shade on the deck. I fell in love with you all over again. Was it true? Could one day
together erase the betrayal, the hatred, the anger?
"It did mean something to me," Yuri admitted. "That‟s why I was so surprised when you left.
I must have read your note a hundred times," Yuri said. "That‟s why I didn‟t call. Sometimes I‟d
read it and I thought maybe you wanted me to call." She shrugged. "And other times, it would
sound so final. I didn‟t want to contact you if you had no desire to see me," she said.
"It was stupid of me to leave the note," Jessica said. "And then I felt silly for leaving it,
presuming you wanted to see me and trying to cut you off, yet not knowing if you even wanted to
see me in the first place."
"I go to the state park on the island," Yuri said. "I used to go there to run. It was always so
peaceful for me, comforting. I never realized it before, but it was where I felt you. After the
reunion, when I went out there, it hit me. The years I‟d been living here, that‟s why I gravitated
to the beach. It made me feel close to you, a part of you. Or maybe you a part of me, I don‟t
know." Yuri took her hand, letting their fingers entwine. "One evening, right at sunset, the sky
was full of colors, the day was ending and I was thinking about you. I didn‟t want to let another
day go by without reaching out to you, yet I didn‟t want to just call. I didn‟t want to force you to
talk to me if you didn‟t want to. I felt so connected to you here, I thought maybe you‟d feel it too.
So I went to TaeYeon‟s gallery in Rockport. I saw that print and I knew it was the one. A beautiful
sunrise, the beginning of a new day. Maybe a new life."
"Oh, Yuri. I‟m sorry it took me so long to come. I was just so scared. I needed to-"
"I love you, Jessica. I‟ve always loved you."
Their eyes held for long seconds, neither pulling away. In those blue depths, Yuri saw the
uncertainty fade away, the doubt melt. She waited, finally seeing what she needed to see. Jessica
moved into her arms.
"Tell me again."
Yuri kissed her slowly, without the urgency she‟d felt the last time. "I love you," she
whispered against her lips. She pulled Jessica tighter into her arms, into her heart, into her soul.
She would never let her go again.
"Perhaps we should go inside," Jessica suggested when their kisses turned heated. "I would
love a tour of the house."
"A tour? Sure." Yuri closed the door behind them, then held her hands out. "Living room."
She pointed. "Kitchen. The utility room is-"
"I want to see your bedroom," Jessica said, her voice low. "I‟d really, really like to see your
"I see." Yuri took a step closer to her. "So the tour was only a ploy?"
"Imagine that."
Jessica closed the distance between them. "We should probably talk first, but I just want to
be with you." Her hands moved under Yuri‟s T-shirt, finding her braless. "I swear, do you ever
wear a bra?"
Yuri sucked in her breath as Jessica‟s hands closed over her breasts. "No. I‟m not sure they
make bras that small," she said before Jessica‟s mouth found hers.
"They‟re prefect," Jessica murmured. She leaned her head back, meeting Yuri‟s eyes. "I love
you. I don‟t want to be apart any longer."
Yuri nodded. "Me either. Houston‟s not that far away. I could always-"
"No. We belong together here," Jessica said. "Besides, I kinda quit my job."
Yuri raised her eyebrows. "So...you‟re kinda free then?"
"Kinda, yeah."
"So you can stay with me all weekend?"
It struck Yuri suddenly. Here they were, calmly discussing their future, acting like it hadn‟t
been two and a half months since the reunion. But then, it had always been like that between
them. After twenty years of being separated, they‟d picked up right where they left off,
reconnecting, letting nature takes its course for them. Both of them should have known not to
fight it.
She smiled, pulling Jessica‟s hands from under her shirt. "I love how we do this."
"Do what?"
"Just pick right up as if nothing‟s happened."
"I‟m sorry. I just-"
"No, Jessica. I meant that sincerely. We could draw this out with lots of drama, but why? We
both know we belong together. We‟re connected," she said, pointing to her heart. "We always
have been."
"This is what I‟ve always wanted. A life with you. The last twenty years have been so damn
empty. We can‟t get them back, but I hope we can make up for the loss." She took a deep breath.
"I‟ve loved you all these years, Jessica. I promise to love you until I die."
Jessica‟s eyes filled with tears. "And I promise to always be with you. I give you my heart, my
soul...my life. I give you my love."
Yuri leaned closer, lightly brushing her lips. "Did we just get married?"
Jessica laughed as she wiped at her tears. "If we did, then I‟m ready for the wedding night."
"I‟m ready too." Yuri took her hand, leading her down the short hallway to the bedroom. She
paused at the door. "Our bedroom."
Jessica stepped into the room, her gaze traveling over the new furniture, the polished
hardwood floors and new rug, to the four large windows providing an endless view of the Gulf of
Mexico. She slowly turned back to Yuri.
"It‟s gorgeous. Everything is so beautiful."
"I‟m glad you like it. If you want different furniture, we can always-"
"Oh, no. This is lovely. It‟s perfect here."
Yuri nodded, pleased she liked it. But she felt they‟d done enough talking. She pulled her shirt
over her head, watching as Jessica‟s gaze traveled to her breasts. Jessica walked closer, then
stopped. She slowly pulled her own T-shirt off, her fiery eyes never leaving Yuri‟s as she disposed
of her bra as well.
"I‟ve never seen a woman more beautiful than you, Jessica," Yuri whispered.
"Yuri, you, my darling, are a goddess. And I‟m going to make love to you and show you how
much I truly love you," she said, her hands sliding over Yuri‟s shoulders and pulling them together.
She paused, their lips only an inch apart. "You‟re mine, Yuri. I‟ll never let you go again."
Yuri lowered her head, their lips meeting, mouths opening to each other. Yuri led her to the
bed, pulling Jessica down with her. True to her word, Jessica took control, kissing Yuri with such
passion, she nearly whimpered. She wanted to tell Jessica to hurry, but the look in her eyes told
Yuri it would be a slow, glorious torture-her lovemaking. She gave in to the hands and mouth
moving over her body, relinquishing the power to Jessica.
There was no need to hurry. They had the rest of their lives
to love each other.
~~~ *** ~~~
Present Day
"Come on, get up."
Jessica groaned and rolled over, seeing nothing but darkness outside the windows. "You‟re
kidding, right?" she mumbled.
"No. I want to show you something."
"Yuri, please. We just went to sleep. I‟m exhausted."
"I know. I was up with you, remember?"
Jessica opened her eyes again. "How can you be so chipper? We‟ve had maybe two hours of
"You‟re the one who kept waking me up so that you could-"
Jessica covered Yuri‟s mouth with her hand. She knew perfectly well what she had done. And
the thought of it aroused her again, despite her exhaustion. She reached for Yuri, trying to pull
her down to her but Yuri resisted.
"Oh no you don‟t," Yuri said, standing up again. "Up. You‟ve got to see this."
Jessica groaned again and sat up, rubbing her eyes. Her stomach rumbled. "Did we even eat
last night?"
"No wonder I‟m starving. Are you trying to kill me?"
"Me? You‟re the one-"
"Okay, okay," Jessica said, holding her hand up, stopping her. "So I got a little crazy last
night. It was just so perfect, and it felt so good to be with you."
"Jessica, we can‟t make up for twenty years in one night. We‟ll kill each other."
Jessica smiled, watching as Yuri‟s gaze drifted to the windows. The night sky was showing
signs of light. Dawn.
Yuri turned back to her. "We need to hurry."
Finally Jessica understood. The sunrise. She nodded. "Okay." She slipped into the shorts
she‟d discarded hours and hours ago then blindly put on a T-shirt that she immediately recognized
as being Yuri‟s.
"Looks good on you."
Jessica followed Yuri into the living room. "Coffee?" she asked hopefully.
Two mugs sat on the counter and Yuri filled them. She searched through an unpacked box,
pulling out a bag of brown sugar. "Will this do?"
"You don‟t do cream, right?"
"Good. Because I don‟t have any. I haven‟t done any shopping yet."
"We can go together," Jessica offered. She sipped from her coffee with a satisfied moan.
"Come on. I promise to take you out to breakfast later."
They went out the back and down the stairs to the sand. Yuri had a towel tucked under her
arm and she led Jessica closer to the water. Yuri stopped, looking back at the beach house,
silently counting.
"What are you doing?"
"You‟ll see."
She walked three paces to the east, then handed Jessica her coffee cup so she could lay the
towel out. They sat side-by-side, quietly sipping their hot coffee, waiting for the day to come alive.
Jessica leaned her head on Yuri‟s shoulder, feeling total and utter contentment. Which,
considering the last couple of months of turmoil, was a huge change. Yuri was right. She had
been trying to make up for twenty years last night. It just felt so good to be together. So right.
There was no apprehension, no fear or dread. No concern as to what tomorrow would bring. They
were together. There would be no games between them. They made a pact last night that no
matter what happens, they would talk. They would communicate. They would build a life together.
"Listen," Yuri whispered.
Jessica did, finally hearing the first stirrings of the birds. Gulls off in the distance, the
distinctive call of a heron as it flew out into the bay, the tiny chirps of the shorebirds as they
returned for their morning meal, sounds she remembered from so long ago. She followed Yuri‟s
gaze as the first colors of the morning began painting the sky-the softest of pinks before a
darker red appeared.
She put her coffee cup down, snuggling closer to Yuri as the sun rose out of the water, the
giant orb turning the sky a beautiful crimson, the colors streaking out in all directions. The sky,
the water, all bursting in reds and oranges. She absorbed it all, taking it in, shocked by the
familiarity of it. It had been twenty-one years since she‟d sat on the beach and watched a sunrise,
yet it felt like only yesterday. She sat up straighter, her eyes widening.
"Oh my God," she whispered.
"Do you see it now?"
"This is...this is the picture," she said, knowing it was true. She‟d stared at this scene for
hours on end, this beach, this sunrise.
"Yes. TaeYeon told me she took that shot right here. It‟s the main reason I bought the house.
I thought maybe, even if you weren‟t here with me, maybe you‟d look at that picture occasionally.
And you‟d be looking at what I was looking at."
"Oh, Yuri. That‟s so romantic. That picture was the perfect thing to send me. I stared at it
constantly. The picture became you. I took it with me everywhere. To work, back home again. I
slept with it beside my bed. It was my connection to you."
Yuri leaned closer and kissed her lightly. "It‟s right here. I‟m right here."
Yes, Yuri was right here, in her arms. Where Jessica vowed she would always be.
"I love you, Yuri. Always."
"I love you. You‟re the light in my life. The light that‟s been missing." She kissed her again
then stood, pulling Jessica to her feet. "I promised you breakfast," she said.
"After that beautiful, romantic sunrise, you want to have breakfast? I was thinking more like
breakfast in bed."
"You said you were starving," Yuri reminded her as they walked back to the house.
"Well, that‟s true."
"Breakfast. Shopping. Unpacking."
"Yeah. Because if we go shopping and unpack the kitchen boxes, then we won‟t have to go
out again." She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. "That would mean breakfast in bed."
Jessica stood on the bottom step, making her taller than Yuri. She pulled her closer, kissing
her thoroughly. "I can‟t believe how everything worked out," she said. "It‟s almost too perfect."
"I think we deserve it. We‟ve been so long without love."
Jessica touched her face, caressing her skin gently. "I‟m glad you waited."
"There was no choice. There‟s never been anyone but you, Jessica. I‟d have waited the rest
of my life."
Jessica nodded. "Yes. I would have too." She kissed her again. "Take me to breakfast now or
I‟m taking you to bed," she murmured against her lips.
Yuri wrapped her arms around Jessica, lifting her off the stairs and turning her in a circle,
causing Jessica to laugh with joy as she held on tight. Yuri set her down and slipped her hands
under Jessica‟s T-shirt. Desire replaced hunger immediately.
"Breakfast can wait, hmmm?" Yuri asked, staring into Jessica‟s eyes as her hands covered her
Jessica nodded. "Oh, yeah." She moved closer, pressing her body to Yuri‟s. "Breakfast can
wait. Love can‟t."
They broke apart, hurrying up the stairs and into their new life. Together.

~~~ *** THE END *** ~~~

[SNSD] Love Waits - Yulsic (Full)Where stories live. Discover now