Chapter Two

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John. He became my best friend. If he wasn't at my house, I'd be at his. At the time we both really liked soccer and wrestling. We would have wrestling matches outside in the yard. I would usually win because I hate losing.

One time he came over and we watched a movie about these flying bugs that had long needle like noses. We called them suckers. They would put a gash in you and go inside your body. It was a really weird and disgusting movie.

But one day we were at Johns grandparents house playing on a pile of bricks. I know, I know. You don't have to say it.

John fell and there was a gash on his knee. When his mom came all I kept saying was "It's those bugs! I think I see it!" His mom told me to shut up and she took him to the hospital.

Because we were like family I stayed and waited. Three hours later they came to pick me up to go back to their house. He had 14 stitches.

We both got really bored. When we got bored we would go outside and do something. We wouldn't sit inside all day like most kids these days and play video games. We enjoyed our child hood.

I kept saying "Lets go outside and ride our bikes." I kept forgetting that he couldn't. Do you remember how in the good old days kids would get together and it'd be like a bicycle gang of 10 or so kids? Yeah, that was us.

After eight weeks we could finally do it again. But by that time we both got use to playing video games. Soon that's all we would want to do. I didn't mind though, I still got to be away.

One time during summer vacation I even stayed a whole week there. It was one of the best times of my life. I even got mad at my mom for coming to pick me up.

One of my favorite things about being there was Johns grandpa. He would give us $2 dollars each day. One dollar for the ice cream man and another to go to the gas station.

His grandparents always had a freezer full of fudge pops. And they always had Dr. Pepper in the fridge. Maybe that's where I got addicted to that wonderful drink.

A God Ideal "Part I"Where stories live. Discover now