Part 13

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Chapter 13

Sydney glared at Isaac as he pushed her into his vehicle.  “I can’t believe he just did that.  He picked them over us.”

Isaac rolled his eyes at her and walked around the car.  He hopped into the driver’s seat before saying, “He did not chose them over us; he found the situation that would be best for everyone as a whole.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared out the window.  If she were being honest with herself, then she would admit that it wasn’t the fact that Blake sent them away that was bothering her.  She didn’t like how he had stood there, stared at her, and then picked up that woman.  He had walked off without a backwards glance, leaving her and Isaac in the middle of a crazy mob.

“Wait,” Isaac drawled out, “are you jealous?”

“Me?” she asked, hoping to stress the disgust she felt.  “I am not, and will never be jealous over the women in Blake’s life.”

“You’re jealous of Ally.”

“Ally,” she mumbled.  “You already call her Ally.”

“What gives, Syd?  You’re not acting like yourself.  Is it the after effects of the fight?  Or have you really turned into a moody bitch since I left?”

“Everyone likes her,” Sydney mumbled, admitting to herself that she did feel a bit envious of the woman.

Isaac snapped on his seat belt, started the engine and pulled out onto the road before replying, “It’s because she doesn’t put up fronts.  Plus, I know for a fact that there are people who don’t like her.”

Sydney waved her hand dismissively.  “They don’t like what she is, not who she is.  It’s different.”

“If you would quit pretending to be so mean, people would enjoy your company too.  You put way too much energy into keeping this façade up.  The people closest to you know how you really are.”

She began counting trees as they passed by.  It wasn’t an easy task, and the faster they went, the more impossible they became to count.  “Do you even know where we are going?”

“Nice change of subject, but to answer your question, yes.”


He glanced her way for a moment.  His gold eyes connected with hers, and she immediately knew the answer.  Keeping her mouth shut, she still waited for him to speak.  “When I was a lion, I came through here a lot.  I actually stayed in a local motel once when it became to blurry.”


“Yeah,” he said with a nod.  “I didn’t know whether I was born a lion or a human.  When that happens, you know it is time to shift back to your human form.”

“How long were you a lion?”

Something flashed in his eyes before he turned his attention back to the road.  “The motel is just a couple miles up the road.”

“Nice change of subject.  How about we talk about something else?”


She thought about the events that had just passed.  The fact that she was about to kill Kris didn’t bother her.  She now knew that that wasn’t her.  It wasn’t her that had the urge to snap the white neck; it was someone urging her on, someone who had magic.

“Who do you think was pushing their magic on me?”

Isaac paused for a moment, and Sydney knew that he was thinking the question over.  “It wasn’t Kris.  The girl was petrified when Blake saved her.  It had to be someone with a lot of power, and who wanted a war between the lions and the leopards.  My best guess is that it is someone who doesn’t want Ally on the throne.”

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