
26 3 1

-Everyone has logged on-

-Horses are life: I'm bored and I'm going shopping for new clothes anyone else want to come with me.

-#Swaggiest around: Nope my bed needs me see ya.

-#Swaggiest around has logged off-

-Horses are life: I don't see the point of login on really.

-Taelien: Me too. I'll come clothes shopping with you. I could do with some new shoes to dance in.

-Horses are life: Anyone else just a simple yes or no.

-Eomma Jin: Sorry no.

-monsterofrap: yeah sure.

-The Golden Maknae: Sure

-Jimingotjams: No

-Horses are life: Be ready and down in 5 minutes

*10 minutes later*

-Horses are life: I'm ready to go. See you later Jin.

-Eomma Jin: Stay safe and let me know if someone is hurt or anything else like that.

Ella ^-^

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