Chapter 4

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The temperature dropped. Clara understood what it meant. He was going to come back. Her shoulders were shaking a bit due to the cold air but she was not feeling as much fear as before. She had people to help her now.

According to the boys, she needed iron to defend herself in case the circle was broken while they searched for the identity of the ghost. That's when Clara remembered her bar. Unfortunately, she didn't take it to the kitchen, leaving it in her room. She scanned the whole kitchen looking for a long iron thing but she could see nothing, not even a spanner.

The more time she'd spent looking for a weapon, the more cold the air would get.

She had described the ghost to the boys so they'd look for an identity. Tall, burned, cloths for this century or maybe a couple of decades ago, difficult to say due to the burns. They surched, but nothing was to be found. After a while, Sam understood searching in English for locals deaths in France wouldn't be the best idea. Only the Winchesters did not speak one word of French. Clara should be able to translate and spell the words thought Sam, but before he even could ask, Clara was out of the screen.

While they were searching for the ghost identity, Clara was searching for a weapon. It would normally not have been her first thought but when she saw the lights flickered, she knew. She ghost could turn off the light and so he could turn off the WiFi too. She would then lost connexion with the brothers. her problem wouldn't be solved. She could try to run away from the house, she actually thought about it. But the ghost might not allow her and even if she could, the ghost would still be there. So she had to take him out. So she needed a weapon.

There was no iron in the kitchen but in the living, next door to the kitchen, was a fireplace. Which means a iron poker. But leaving the kitchen would mean living the salt circle and then put herself in danger. Even if she was fast, the ghost could have the time to hurt her before she even reached the poker. Maybe he knew about the poker and was waiting for her to do that move.

Yet, it was the only chance Clara saw and in her mind she was already in danger. She first checked the boys weren't looking at her, she knew they wouldn't approve. They never approved that a "civilian" gets in danger in the books, so why would they in reality!

Clara took a deep breath and ran. She jumped over the salt line, not to break it. She heard the boys calling. It was to late to go back. Apparently, they understood what she was up to, she could hear them shout at her. But the sound coming from the computer was getting bad, she had to hurry before the ghost shut down the power or the WiFi.

According to her calculations, she would have needed about four steps to get to the fireplace and take the poker and four other steps to get back to into the salt circle.
Her jump brought her closer to the fireplace. Three steps left.
The ghost wad coming. Clara could fell its cold breath on her neck, the exact same one than in the bedroom. But she couldn't stop walking. Two steps left.
She began to reach her hand, trying to get the poker before she got to the fireplace. In a way time was passing really slowly, Clara could prepare her every move, and yet in another way it was passing to fast, she didn't know if she could get the poker before the ghost would get her.
She was taking her last step when she reached the poker.

She hold it in her hand. A smile drew itself on her face. She was safe. For a second. Clara turned back and, of course, the ghost was there. He was about to hit her, or at least its what Clara thought. She didn't get the time to see what he was doing.

Clara had started running once she had the poker. When she saw the ghost her foot when under the carpet and she fell. Hitting the ghost with the poker. She maybe had some luck after all. In fact, she thought, she was the luckiest girl in the world. She was still alive and she had the Winchesters in her kitchen. Not literally, but it was enough for her. Sam and Dean were waiting - not really what they were doing but this thought would stimulate Clara - for her, she had to go see them.

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