Chapter 2

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Ciel POV

Ciel looked at him as he let go of his hand. He sighed, looking around waiting for the queen.

Queen was finished, started walking down to the room, opening the door seeing Ciel, Sebastian also Eren. "Oh my seem like you both met each other already. My boy! How are you? "

Ciel stood up quickly, smiling at her "I'm fine how are you my queen" took her hand, kissed it then looked at her

Queen looked at him, nods "I been fine anyways Eren jaeger came from Germany and I want you to show him around."

Ciel looked at her, sighed "fine I'll show home around just for you my queen"

Eren POV

Eren glanced between them, nibbling on his lip. Of course the two of them were well acquainted. Ciel simply seemed to be the type that would be /up there/ with those in high power.

Shifting his weight in the chair, he avoided looking directly at them until their display of affection was over. It was scenes like this that made him quite sick for the company of his family. But, no, they were in Germany.

At the mention of his name, Eren rose to his feet and let his eyes flicker from one to the other. He swallowed the nerves that bundled in his throat, giving a sheepish smile in Ciel's direction. So, this child was supposed to show another child around?

Ciel POV

Ciel looked at him, sighing. "Sebastian get the carriage ready." He then smiled at the queen "I will not disappoint you my queen" he bows, started walking out.

Sebastian bowed to the queen, leaving quicker to get the carriage ready.

Queen looks at Eren. "We'll go on before your left behind." She smiled, looking at him.

Eren POV

Unsure what else to do, he mimicked the actions that Sebastian had pulled and mumbled a small, "Thank you," before he was on his way. Hurrying after Ciel, he gave small grimace at the thought of being left behind - it would be a typical stupid thing to do.

Eren's movements were quite quick, he was able to catch up to Ciel before dropping back into a placid walk rather than his frenzied jog that he was doing before.

Nibbling on his lip, he wasn't positive what was waiting for him out there. Whether it be good or bad... Well, he was about to find out.

Ciel POV

Ciel looked at Eren hearing the Queen saying something, stopping quickly "a other?" Looking back.

Queen looked at him mouthing Levi then talked "I'll send him over to your manor when he comes over" she smiled.

Ciel smiled and bows, walked out "bloody hell!" Walking to the Carriage. As Sebastian opened the door, walking in to the carriage and sat down.

Eren POV

Eren kept close to Ciel, noting the way that he turned round to peer at the Queen and asked her a question. He stopped, hovering nearby uncomfortably at the question that had been asked: another? Who else was joining them?

Quietly, he noted the bow and started to walk as soon as Ciel had. He was surprised by the words that flowed from his mouth as soon as they stepped out into the shade and frowned.

The frown stayed in place the journey they walked to the carriage, and it was still there when he paused outside the carriage. Did he have to get in too? Was he allowed? Or was he supposed to sit upon the luggage compartment at the back.

Attack on Titan crossover black butler (( somewhat modern day))Where stories live. Discover now