Thunder Storms // One shot

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Hello there my Lovelys! This is a fluffy one shot inspired by this picture! Hope you like it!
%%%%Chat Noir's P.O.V%%%%

It was the end of the day, and patrolling was over for today. Ladybug had already gone home, and I was yet to get there.

Suddenly it started pouring down rain. Crap. My miraculous was not wearing out any time soon so I still had my powers to get around Paris.

I jumped building to building, getting soaked with rain. At least theirs no thunder-


Spoke too soon. Lightning flashed through the sky and loud clashes of thunder was heard by all.

"EEEEEHH!" I shrieked. I most defiantly hated thunderstorms. They've just always been a big fear of mine. Ever since I was a little kid.

~Flash Back~

"Mommy! The thunder storms are scaring me!" I cried into my mom's chest. "Don't worry Adrien Honey, I will never let them hurt you. Mommy will always protect you." My mother kissed my forehead as I buried my face in her chest.

She pet my hair and whispered sweet things in my ear. She always comforted me when thunderstorms came around. I've always hated them. They sound like giant beasts. Giant beasts that are laughing at me.

Telling me I'm pathetic, weak, stupid. Every possible thing that could describe me. A crybaby.

BOOM (Flash back end)

Another wave of thunder roared through the night. "AH!" I screamed. Damn thunder. A streak of lighting hit as it flashed before my eyes. I winced as it struck a tree.

I needed to find shelter quick.

"SHUT UP THUNDER!" I yelled at the sky. "Aye! Who's up this late at night?!" Some middle aged man shouted. "Sorry!" I apologized and scurried away.


Freaking oh my gosh. Tears started welling up in my eyes. "No no no no." I ran faster.


I covered my ears and sat on someone's roof. "No no no! Go away!" I yelled. The monsters were getting in my head. 'You're pathetic!' 'No wonder Ladybug rejects you!' 'You can even get Marinette to like you!' 'Everyone hates you!' 'They just want you for you're money!' 'You're just a sidekick'

The last one felt like a knife was piercing my heart. Am I just a sidekick? "No no NO!" I screamed louder with tears running down my face. No one was here to comfort me. No one was here to tell me that the monsters aren't real. That they are wrong.

I have no one. I started sobbing. I curled up into a ball with rain soaking my costume. My Miraculous still had 4 paws left. This sucks. It's too windy to keep going and if I land on something electrical, let's just say curiosity isn't the only think that kills the cat.

I sobbed harder and more tears rolled down my cheeks. I was soaking wet and I'm probably going to get a cold. "Please go away!" I cried. I buried my face into my knees.

Thunder Storms // Marichat [one-shot]Where stories live. Discover now