Chapter 15: Everybody Dies

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The sound of a window breaking echoed through the house. It was from Molly's room. Sam and Molly sprung up in her bed. There was a grenade rolling on the floor. Damon rushed in and threw it back out the window in the blink of an eye. The boom rattled the whole house.

Damon, Sam and Molly all went to the window to see who threw it. They looked down to see Jackson, Derek, Scott, Stefan and an army of demons walking up to the house, loaded with guns. Stefan, covered in blood with solid red eyes, kicked down the door and went straight for Damon.

When Stefan got to the top of the stairs, Damon was waiting there with Stiles' bat. One quick swing and Stefan was flying to the bottom of the stairs. Almost the second he hit the ground, the guns started going off.

Everyone rushed to a spot for cover. Sam dropped to the floor and reached under Molly's bed. He and dean saw this coming from a mile away. Half of their arsenal was under Molly's bed and the other half was in the freezer. That was Dean's idea.

"Molly! Damon!" Sam yelled as he threw them both shot guns and payed two pistols on the bed.

He pulled out a fully automatic assault rifle for himself. They all walked out of the room fully strapped and looking bad ass. Instantly, they started firing. Demons were dropping like flies. Everyone else managed to slip away to the freezer.

Dean passed out the ice cold guns and gave everyone one grenade.

"This is war," Dean shouted through the sound of gun fire, "aim to kill. Scott and Derek included." when Dean said this, Stiles' heart dropped.

The thought of being on the opposite side of his best friend, his brother was too much for him. Lydia grabbed his hand and kissed his lips. She then stood and started firing at everything. She landed a shot on Jackson's chest.

Damon and Stefan were fist fight in the middle of the flying bullets. Bullets landed in their skin but it didn't faze them at all. Molly and Sam were still firing from the top of the stairwell. Elena was zipping around ripping off demon heads. Stiles and Lydia were behind the moved couch, only coming up when they had an open shot. Dean and Cas were back to back shooting at anyone. Who wasn't Molly, Sam, Stiles, or Lydia.

"Cover me!" Molly yelled as she took off running down the stairs.

Sam stood confused, but he followed her orders. She ran through the demons and tackled Jackson who had a clear shot at Dean's head. This was beginning to be too much for Lydia. She stood from behind the couch and screamed as loud and hard as she could. She managed to focus the blast at the enemy.

She screamed with her eyes shut tight and the second she opened them, she was horrified. Nearly half of the demons had been killed and the other half simply went deaf. All the windows were shattered, but worst of all. Derek's head was blown off. He was running up to her when she screamed, he was basically face to face with her.

Lydia looked down to see that Derek's hand was finger deep in her upper stomach. She dropped to the ground. The whole house went silent. Demons went running out. Sam shot and killed Jackson while shooting everyone who ran. When the house cleared, Damon and Stefan had ripped each others heads off.

"Cas! Molly! One of you get over here!" stiles yelled furious and depressed.

Sam, dean, Cas, and Molly all rushed over to see a bloody unconscious Lydia. Cas tried to heal her, but dereks claws had gotten too deep.

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