A Time to Talk

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Ava sat in her parent's living room watching TV. Being quite late, the darkness and the loneliness of being there showed. Her parents were working at the studio. Again.

Her Nanny, Brielle, sat at a table on the other side of the room with Ava's brother, Alex.  The two worked on homework.

Ava liked her nanny. She really did. But she missed her parents constantly, and she knew Alex did too, despite being a year younger.

Suddenly, the little girl heard the door open. She ran over and saw her daddy, Austin, come in.

"Daddy!" She screamed happily.

"Hey sweetheart." Austin picked up the little girl.

"I missed you." She mumbled. A seven year old girl needs her parents.

"So did I." Austin grinned.

Just then, Alex came running. 

Austin put Ava down and picked up his little boy.

"Hey Alex! How you doing?"

"Good." Alex smiled, with a tooth missing. "Brielle and I were doing math."

Austin turned his head to see Brielle wave.

The man waved back.

"Where's mommy?" Ava asked. She really missed Ally, too.

"She'll be coming home soon." Austin replied. "She's discussing something with one of the producers. We agreed that I should get headed home. Don't worry, she'll be here."

Ava nodded as Austin put Alex down.

A few minutes later, Ava sat at the desk in her room, coloring a picture. Austin knocked on the door.

"Come in." 

"Hey." Austin smiled.

Ava turned around. "Oh. Hey daddy."

Austin walked up closer to her.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. "You seem to be a bit upset."

"I'm okay." Ava sad smiled. "I just miss you and mommy a lot."

Austin stared at her.

"I thought you liked Nanny Brielle."

"I do." Ava confirmed. "I do. But nothing can beat your own parents."

Austin sighed. The man looked down.

"We miss you too." Austin admitted. "Your mom and I hate being apart from you and Alex for such a large part of the day. There are just certain things you gotta do, you know?"

"I know. It's just..." Ava paused. "Sometimes I wish you guys weren't famous."

Austin didn't interrupt, but instead, kept listening.

"Sometimes, I like to imagine you, mommy, Alex and me living in a normal sized house, with mommy making us breakfast everyday. I like to imagine all of us home at the same time, playing a board game together."

Austin nodded.

Ava continued. "But you guys are always at work. And when we finally are together, there are stupid reporters chasing you around."

Austin shook his head. "This is what we do Ava. It's how we earn money. We do our best to get home every night, and spend some time with you before we tuck you in. Other times, we have commitments we can't get out of."

Austin thought for a bit. And before he could say another word, Austin and Ava heard the door open again.

Ava's eyes went wide.

"Mommy!" She screamed.

Both the father and daughter galloped downstairs in a rush.

"Hey guys!"Ally kissed Austin then leaned down to Ava.

" You're home!" Said Ava with a wide toothed grin.

Ally smiled. "I am."

Running in came Alex.

"Mom you're here!" Said the little boy.

Although they had only last seen each other that morning, the family group hugged, happily.

"I wish we could spend more time together in the day." Ally chuckled.

The group let go.

"About that." Austin responded. "I was thinking about how we haven't been spending that much time together as a family. Maybe we could occasionally bring the kids to the studio, or postpone the album a bit so we have more time with each other."

Austin winked at Ava.

Ava smiled.

"Its true." Ally said. "We do need more time together, and I often find myself upset missing you guys." Ally looked at the kids.

"So will you be spending more time with us?" Ava asked.

Austin put his arm around his wife.

Ally nodded. "We'll arrange something." She smiled.

"Yay!" Ava hugged her brother, and then both her parents.

They were one big, happy family.

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