Laxus x Reader

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Laxus x Reader. (( Request by @kittykat5900

(( Guide: (M/A)= Magic Attack. ))
(Your P.O.V) (This takes place before the fairy tail war/Fantasia parade then progresses)
You sat next to Laxus on the second floor of the guild hall, you where an S class wizard. You and Laxus are child hood friends, grew up together in this guild; it was your home and you loved it. Though Laxus is a bitch some times, he is a fun one, you love to be around him. He has countlessly offered you a spot in the thunder legion, but you always refuse wanting to be more then just his team mate, his best friend. Soon the annual Fantasia Parade was taking place, you always loved it and couldn't stop talking about it, but he always seemed bored by it.

"I always love to dance" you giggled as you continuously blabber on about the parade, you are usually a quiet and shy person but around Laxus it was hard to hold back from him, you always had his back. "Your a good dancer" he mummers in agreement, "you okay? You hardly let me blabber on this long, you seem distracted." You whispered reaching out for his hand. You softly laid your hand on his and he pulled it away quickly, you winced and felt hurt but tried to hide it. "Im fine" he grumbled, you nodded slowly and sat silently, he is never this cold to you.

He didn't say anything as he got up and walked away, leaving you there, by your self. You looked down hurt, what had you done to piss him off?

*Day of the Parade*

It was too late when you found out why he had been so cold, he was attacking his own guild, Fairy Tail. He wanted to be master, the Thunder Legion where in on it as well. Now everyone is fighting each other to free the girls, EverGreen turned most of the females to stone; the ones who where in the pageant. Thankfully you skipped it, not caring for it... Now you had to stop him...

You where in the Cathedral, facing Laxus when suddenly, Natsu arrives. You ignored Natsu and tried to talk to Laxus. "Laxus, you dont have to do this! You can EARN the guild master title, this isn't the way to do this!" You pleaded, "no (y/n), this is the only way" he spat, "no its not, dont make me fight you" you beg. "Shut. It. Dont threaten me!" He snarled, "Laxus, please!" You beg. Mystogan was there as well, Laxus kept accusing him of weird things. Soon Erza arrived as well, "Laxus!" You shout storming over to your friend, he glared at you as you stormed over. You reached up to the tall and burly man and slapped him straight across the face...

Suddenly he released multiple magical attacks on you, sending you flying and he kept attacking you, as if he never was really your friend. You cried out in agony as your clothes tore and you where bruised and scarred, soon you passed out...

*Back at the Guild Hall*

Erza had brought you back and saved you from your best friends wrath.... "The pain isn't as bad as the agony of who attacked me, my best friend..." You whispered as Levy cleaned you up, she stayed silent and flashed you a look of pity before continuing. "I got you new clothes, your old pair where shredded and torn." Levy said quietly, you nodded and blinked at her in thanks. You stayed quiet as she cleaned,your wounds, they dripped blood from where you where sent flying by his attacks and where rammed into the pillar.

"We have to take down the Lightning Lacrima." Erza explained to everyone, you nodded standing up. Levy was about to stop you but you put your hand signally for her to not even try, she stayed quiet as you and many other members of Fairy Tail went to destroy the Lacrima. You sent relentless (m/a)'s at the lacrimas, ultimately sending the attack back at you. You finally collapsed from your wounds.

*Tenrou Incident Time*

You had to be fought for more wizards to try and become S class, so you where now on Tenrou island... Laxus had scarred you
for life, leading to trust issues, you where always silent. Never talking to anyone unless necessary, avoiding as much human contact as you could. The Grimwore heart attack had already happened and you where getting healed by Wendy, a young blue haired child who was a Sky Dragon Slayer. "(Y/N)!" Someone yelled your name as if they where sobbing and crying, you looked up and saw the man who ruined you, your ex best friend... Laxus Dreyar....

You let out a loud scream and took off in a sprint crying in terror, you kept running but tripped into a creek. You sat there bringing your knees to your chest, you kept sobbing and you where shaking. You heard someone running and a loud splash, you used your arms to shield the large splash of water, you slowly lowered your arms. It was Laxus.. (( big shocker author.... Cause it totally would have been Zeref.. ))

You lifted your arms again as a shield, you bit your lip to hold back tears and hoped the current ones looked like water from falling in the creek. "(Y/N!)" he said sounding like he was sobbing, you lowered your arms very slowly. "Y-yes?" You stammered, "Im so sorry!" He burst out as tears ran down his cheeks like water falls. It broke your heart to see him like this, you unconsciously moved over to him and wrapped your arms around his large figure. Once you realized what you had done, it was too late, he wrapped his arms around you holding you close.

You where tense for a bit before melting into his warm embrace, "i missed you so much" you whispered, it was barely audible but be heard it very clearly. "Im sorry for being a dick. I still haven't forgiven my self for harming you, you where always there. Defending me when everyone else talked bad about me, you got me out of trouble, and you supported me... Most of the time. Im sorry, i understand if you dont forgive me" he whispered in your ear and you pulled away to study him.

He had tears staining his cheeks, his eyes full of despair and agony. Your heart shattered at how pathetic he looked, "you look horrible" you chuckled and ruffled his spiky blonde hair. He cracked a weak smile at you, you smiled softly and brought him into another hug. "Im sorry" he muttered, "i forgive you, you weren't thinking straight. You thought you where doing it for the better of the guild" you whispered, you pulled back once again and reached your arm up to wipe his tears; but he stopped you and grabbed your hand softly and kissed it. You pulled your hand back blushing, "L-Laxus" you stuttered as your cheeks heated up. You reached up on your knees and kissed his cheek, "i always hid how much i loved you" he whispered and hugged you again.

"I love you too.... But we need to get back to the guild members, you and me are still injured." You said and he nodded standing up, he stuck his hand out and you took it softly as he helped you up. He stepped out of the creek and picked you up by your waist and pulled you out of the creek,  "your gonna catch a cold if you stay in there" he chuckled, you blushed and hit his bare chest. "It was weird not having you in the guild" you admitted as you walked back to the camp walking beside him, "its even weirder seeing you with out your guild mark" you added softly as you reached up and touched his ribcage where his black guild mark used to be. You and Laxus continued back to the camp, you and him both appeared from the trees and smiled at everyone. Everyone was looking you over questionably.

*Fairy Tail VS Acnologia...*

You released multiple attacks on the dragon, known as Acnologia, you watched as Laxus released lighting upon it. It didnt seem affected by any of the attacks, you where shaking and blocked out everyone freaking out. You looked up and saw Gajeel, Wendy, and Natsu with there exceeds PantherLily, Carla, and Happy flying them over Acnologia as they all did the dragon roars... It was thrown back but it quickly got up again and took flight, you slowly regained awareness of your guild mates. "Lets hold hands!" You heard MiraJane suggest and you turned towards them in a circle while holding hands, Laxus had his hand extended towards you, you shakily took it and took hold of Bixlow's hand...Then Acnologia attacked............

                                                                  (( imagine your self there ^

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                                                                  (( imagine your self there ^.^ ))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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