Chapter One

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She woke up in an empty, starlit clearing. She could feel soft grass beneath her paws. She knew not where she was, nor where she had come from. She only knew one thing.


The name appeared as if summoned by another unseen cat. Her name.

Echoblaze looked behind her. There was nothing but a vast, endless field for as far as she could see. When she looked back, a cat was standing in front of her. The cat was a silvery gray tom. He would've seemed normal if his fur wasn't transparent and covered in stars.

"What?" Echoblaze asked, not able to find any other words. " What is this? Where am I?"

The tom replied, but not with an answer. His blue eyes pierced Echoblaze as he began to speak... "The Chosen Ones have risen...The Rueful, the one who made all of the wrong decisions. The Lost, the one who seems to have no place. The Betrayed, the one who was stabbed by those they trusted. And the Broken, the one who has lost all that they've loved. The paths of these four cats have been filled with misery, but when they join as the forest diverges, hope will awaken from the shadows, and four fates will become one in order to seal the destiny of The One Who Is Destined To Be..." He lowered his head when he finished speaking.

Echoblaze was filled with confusion and anger. "What is that supposed to mean?" She cried. "What does this have to do with me? Please, I just want to know where I am!"

The starry cat said nothing. He slowly began to raise his head. Echoblaze opened her mouth to say a few things, when suddenly she froze. The cat's eyes were no longer blue. They were completely white.

Suddenly, without warning, he leapt at her. She tried to back away, but her paws were rooted to the spot. She tried to cry out, but her jaws were clamped shut. Just as it seemed that the other cat would collide with her, everything went black.

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