
500 20 27

Heyy everyone.
First of all, I'm so happy.
18.7K reads and 2.2k+ votes. It's unbelievable. I feel amazing tbh. The support that y'all have given me is awesome. I'm so happy that you guys actually read my imagines. Without y'all, I'd never be motivated to keep on writing. Thank you so much.

Second, I'm sorry for not updating, I've been so busy with exams. (Exams start tomorrow fml).
My last paper is on the 3rd of March. So, after that, I'll be updating a lot. I promise. I won't be able to update during exams (because finals ugh). I'm so sorry.

Thank you to the following people for supporting me through this:
• Ishaaa (loml ((: and I forgot your @ so sorry hon.)

I love you all so much.
And of course, everyone who reads my book ((:

Bye for now xx. I have to go studyyyy.

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