Chapter 1: Reawaken

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 William reached over, placing his hand on his son's shoulder.

 "Come with us, We'll find another way" William said, desperate to keep his only son.

"There's not enough time. I have to do this. Go. Go!" Desmond yelled, shooing the three away. Rebecca and Shaun turned and ran like Desmond had told them to. William remained, but only for a moment. He turned and followed the other two.

 Desmond turned and stood facing the pedestale. How much power was in this? This Temple? He would never truely know. He looked at the pedestale, holding his hand above it for a moment then placing it to it. It burned. He tried to pull away but he was stuck. Sucking the life from him and burning whatever wouldn't come. It was like fire thrashing through his whole body. Then it was gone, and so was he...

 How long did he lay there? Minutes? Hours? Days?!

 "You played your part well, Desmond" Juno said to him. She was freed, her voice ripe with vengence, anger. She planed something for the world and he knew he couldn't stop it. He tried to stand up but his body wouldn't do so. He had no body. It was there, he could feel himself laying on the floor of the temple. But he couldn't control it anymore. The connection between his body and his mind had been severed. "'s time I played mine." came the sharp voice then...footsteps?

 She walked past Desmond's body, astrey on the floor. She was no longer a hologram. A spirit. Whatever you called her. She was a mortal being with an immortal life ahead of her. She had the sense. The one that the other's had spoken about. The one they did not have. She could become a new god in a matter of days. The only people that knew had either long gone or lay dead. She left his body there, Burned and charred.

 It was a week. A whole week of just laying there. Unconcious. Alone. Afraid.

 Was this really death? or was he in some sort of furture-technology-indused-coma? He got some feeling back, but he couldn't more. His stomach felt smaller with the hunger. He was cold, hungry and lonely. Desmond wanted anyone to come. Anyone. He wanted to here Rebecca laugh. He wanted to hear Shaun rant. More then anything, he wanted to hear his father. He wanted to hear him call him son, to tell him his life was useless, that he was ungreatful. Anything, he just wanted to hear his father again.

 "Desmond?" yes, like that...wait...Desmond tried to open his eyes, to stand up and find the source of the voice, his father, and run to him. Hug him. Beg him to let him come home. But he couldn't. He could just lay down there and wait. He heard the footsteps near him. His eye was pulled open and he saw him. William Miles. Desmond felt like he could cry. It was the first time he had seen his father. He knew for sure now. He was alive!

 "Typical." came the common tone. Desmond didn't care, he just wished he could tell the man he was alive. "I raise you the best I can, you run away, get abducted by Templars, get re-abducted by Assassins and now your stone cold dead on the ground." He groened, kicking the dirt. Did he really think so low of him? Still!? William grunted as he sat down next to his sons 'corpse'. They sat there for a few moments. In dead silence.

 "She misses you...Your mother." William told his son. Maybe Desmond should be concerned for William's mental health, since he was talking to 'dead' people. "She was heart broken when she found out." again, silence. Desmond wanted to scream that he could hear him, that he was alive. A loud growl circled in the temple.

 "What the hell was that?!" William exclaimed in horror. Desmond knew from the sudden pain that it was his stomach. He did something he thought he was incapaple of doing, but he did it. He flinched. Was it the presence of another life that was waking his dorment form? All he could feel now was his hand and it was only a slight nerve. He moved his hand as most he could, but it was only slight.

 "Desmond?" He heard his father gasp. He must've seen the movement. Desmond tried to scream that he was alive but it was as futile as it had always been. William placed his head on his son's chest. "he's breathing." William gasped again. He tried to pick up his son by the sholder's but his palms fell away with crumbles of his charred skin in his palms. William eyes the ash in his hands for a moment. He ran his hand over Desmond's forehead, the charred skin coming away almost instintly. He rubbed the rest of the charred skin off, revealing Desmond's usual tan skin. William pulled his son into his arms, looking around for any more signs of life.

 "Son?" he asked desperatly, running his finger's through the younger's hair to clear the ash. He opened Desmond's eye to check for any reaction. Desmond pulled it shut again, groening. "Desmond!" William yelled in joy. Desmond's eyes shot open. A sudden surge flying through his body. He looked around him, making sure he wasn't dreaming, then returned his gaze to his father.

 "Dad?" He choaked out. William pulled him into a bone crushing hug, tears wetting Desmond's fried hoodie. Desmond groened out in pain, making William pull them apart.

 "Everyone thought you were dead" William stuttered, shock clear all over him. Desmond offered a weak smile before cringing in pain. "Never mind. Let's take you to get fixed up" William pulled Desmond's arm over his sholder and his other arm under Desmond's, hoisting him up and supporting most of his weight. William dragged the younger out of the temple, strugling with the hill but making it non-the-less.

 Desmond squinted against the harsh sun rays as he was pulled to his father's car. Desmond wanted to laugh. It was the same old banger that William had when he was a little kid. William lay his son on the back-seat gently. "Hold tight." William said as he closed the door and made his way to the drivers seat, sitting and and speeding down the country road. Desmond's eyes closed ounce again once they hit the motorway.

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