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    15 minutes into the court session, I fell into my rhythm and began working as I always had. Smoothly, naturally, it passed in a blur. When it finally ended, for today at least, I was convinced I had done well. I stepped out of the courthouse feeling tired, yet confident when Dan trotted up to me.
"That was awesome Kyle! D-do you think we're going to win the case?" He asked, half-hugging me.

"I don't know Dan, this trial could last for years." I said, and as he hugged me, I quickly pushed his arm away.

"You can't do that here" I snapped, looking around "If anyone saw, they could get me fired from your case for conflict of interest" I said, instantly regretting it when I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah. Okay" he replied softly "Sorry..."

"No, Dan, it's okay. You didn't know, I promise" I said, trying to comfort him "How about we go out to lunch tomorrow?"

He nodded "That sounds good." He said, giving a small smile.

I smiled back, heading to my car. I felt a little better, but I knew I had hurt him badly, and that it was something that would take a long time to forget. I drove silently, not even bothering to turn on the radio as I headed for my flat, exhausted, and now feeling shitty for snapping at Dan. I finally pulled into my flat, parking and slamming my car door shut, running up the steps and walking in. I tossed my briefcase down and flopped on to the couch. I turned on the television, needing some distraction until I eventually passed out.

I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache, feeling like I was on a hangover. I snapped awake when I saw that it was nearly 10 am, and I'd somehow slept from the time I'd gotten home till now. "Shit" I muttered to myself when I remembered that I was supposed to take Dan out to lunch, and he'd be over in an hour. I bolted for the shower, quickly washing and dressing myself, not even bothering to groom my beard as I stumbled into the living room when the doorbell rang, just in time.

I answered the door, hoping I didn't look to disheveled to find an officer standing on my porch. I was immediately confused, and I waited for him to speak.

"Kyle Simmons?" He asked, his tone brisk and sharp.

"That's me, yes...is something wrong, officer?"

"Well," he replied, sounding bored "it seems your uh, friend, Daniel overdosed on some heroin last night. He's in the hospital, and he said you were the only person he wanted to know."

The color drained from my face, and I felt fear strike in my chest, spreading shock and pain through my body as if meekly nodded.

"Okay...can I go see him now?" I squeaked, unable to speak.

The officer nodded "Yeah, he'll need to be in the hospital for a few more days, but he should be fine."

I nodded, waving him off as I snatched my car keys off the table, slamming my door shut and racing to my car, driving well over the speed limit until I made it to the hospital. After checking in at the front desk, I jogged to Dan's room.

I nearly cried when I saw him. He was asleep, but he was unnaturally pale, his hair contrasting deeply with his skin, his eyes sunken with dark circles under them. I sat in the chair next to his bed, holding his hand and ignoring the stench of bleach and 409.
"I'm so, so sorry Dan...this is my fault, I shouldn't have snapped..." I whispered, choking back tears as I leaned close to him, running my fingers through his hair and stroking his cheek softly

"It'll be okay....I'll never do this again Dan, I promise. I love you" I whispered as I kissed him softly on the cheek, leaning back up and rubbing my eyes. The nurse came in a few minutes later and beckoned for me to follow. And as I stepped out of his room and into the hallway that reeked of urine and hysteria, I could swear I heard a faint "I love you too."

Troubled//a Dyle FicWhere stories live. Discover now