|itty bitty tiny crush|

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"God, you startled me." Rachel said with her monotone voice and a stone-cold face.

Greg smiled wickedly and said, "Quiet the sarcasm there."

"Whatever." Rachel keep walking and he trailed behind her.

"What do you want? I have never harmed you."

"Wait wait wait, you promised me to go with me to the CD shop, didn't you? And now here you are forgetting about it like your 4 days macaroni and cheese under your bed along with your Seventeen Magazines." he said as he ran in front of her and making a stop sign in her face.

Slapping his hand, she said "Oh my, I am so sorry to forgot about how I had never remember making a promises to go to your lame shop at this lame hour and how did you know about that macaroni and cheese by the way? Stalker."

"You're not gullible at all," Greg made his dissapointed face and put his hands into the pocket. "No fun."

"Why do I have to be gullible?" Rachel shot a glare at him. "I'm not you," she looks at her watch and said "Now if you excuse me I am late."

"Late for what, dude?"

"Late for my date with Finn The Human. See you around, douche-y." she said as she run away making sure he is lost from her sight, at least.

She could hear Greg yelled "I'm not a douche and  we're best friend, though." She just laughed.

As you don't know, Brooks Height High School has two session. Freshman and sophomore are in the morning session while junior and senior are in another. The students are like a population of anchovies in the sea. So many. The school decided to separate the students by two to make it easier for both them and the students.

Rachel slowed her pace. The second session students are rushingly on their way to the school. She looked at the juniors and seniors. Her eyes skimmed through the crowd looking for a person.

Daniel Garner.

He is a junior. His jet black hair and his electric blue eyes. He always throw his head back when he is laughing. She noticed that. His eyes squinted when he smile. She noticed that too. And she thinks it is really cute. Plus, he is a jock. A jock is always attractive in Rachel point of view but Daniel is beyond that. She is a jock herself. But she doesn't find herself attractive though.

Awhile after, Rachel felt as if she is a weird retard sophomore standing in the middle of crowd. She stopped skimming and turn away to head home.

She can't deny that maybe she likes Daniel Garner. Or maybe there is no maybe. But she decided to just let that kind of feeling flying around. Rachel doesn't think it is serious. Just a itty bitty little tiny crush.

Rachel dated before. Her relationship never lasted longers than 3 weeks. She gets boring rapidly fast. She just doesn't know why and it is quiet frustrating. First, she felt a big gigantic crush over them and then when she started dating them, it turned out to be dull. One had been like super cheesy and romantic it weirded Rachel out. Another had been like emotion-less. While some just plain boring dude with a so-called player type.

Daniel Garner has been Rachel's crush since 8th grade. Not one of her crush has ever beaten her feeling toward Daniel. If she was captivated with her others, Daniel is still in the top rank.

She is too afraid to confess to anyone even his bestfriend, Greg. And she doesn't want her idea of perfection about Daniel faded and turn black and white like her others if she confessed and maybe dated him. Rachel want it to be flawless when it comes to Daniel Garner.

So, no relationship in order to remain the perfection. At least, that is what she thought.


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