Number The Stars

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We were hugging for so long, it felt almost as if we were doing it for hours. There was a bang on my door.

Startled, I pulled away from Luna and started towards the door.

I turned back, and saw Luna was gone. And the window had been open, the wind was blowing at the curtains.

I sighed, and opened it.

Masky stormed in, looking furious. "What the fuck Hoodie!" I furrowed my brows. "...What?"

Masky rolled his eyes, he did not have his mask on. I pulled mine down. "You were supposed to kill Rowina's sister! you fucking idiot!"

Masky never told me Rowina had a sister. "Er, Masky. You never said she had a sister." Masky narrowed his eyes. "Either way, SlenderMan is furious. Were fucking dead thanks to you."

I groaned. "Why does this affect us?" Masky scoffed. "Well genius, she called the fucking cops. She got perfect disrecptions of me, and you, why do you think activity has been more lively lately?"

Just like a few months ago, when Masky was caught in a picture. SlenderMan destroyed it, along with murdering the teenage boy. "Let's just go kill her then!" I exclaimed.

"...Let's go." Masky whispered.

We both sprinted down the stairs, and out the door. Careful not to disturb Slender.

We dashed down the streets, within two minutes, we were at her front door.

All the windows were open.

I climbed in through one, and walked down the hall way. Masky stood outside, watching for anyone else who might call the cops.

I met with her door, and sneaked in.

Guilt took over me.

She was a young girl, maybe eight or nine.

I heard other people sleeping, most likely foster parents.

I walked up to her bed, and stared down at her.

She had long blonde hair, she held a teddy bear close to her.

I sighed, and held my machete over her head. I looked away, and quickly murdererd her. I looked away, disgusted.

I heard screaming coming from the other room, and Masky's laughs.

At the same moment, we both came out of the rooms. "You did not tell me she was a fucking kid Masky!" Masky laughed.

"Oh yeah! forget to tell you. Kids scream more anyway, suprised she didn't. You didn't scare the crap out of her? not even torture her?"

I was flabbergasted. Masky never did that to kids, at least I thought he didn't. "Your fucking sick." I spat.

Masky shrugged, and we ran back to the mansion.


I held another rose, and placed it down on Jane's grave.

I had not prayed in a while.

If Hoodie is right, and there is no God, I truly believe him.

I have not gotten a break, in so long.

Satan seems to be the one conducting my life, for there is never a light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm always searching, and searching for a way out. Always getting lost in the everlasting darkness.

"Oh darling, how much I've missed you!" I whispered.

The rose was a deep black.

A rose a day, keeps the pain away.

The roses started to build up, and wilt.

I sat on a tree stump, and continued to stare at her grave.

Memories flashed back to me.

Her smile, her laugh.

Her deep dark eyes, that always drew me in.

...Our first kiss.

"Oh sweetheart, how I've missed you!" I spun around. "Wait what? who's there? not again, God no!"

To my horror, no one was there.

Another voice whispered into my ear. "You don't remember me? I didn't think you'd move on so quick! its Jane!"

I was not going to get my hopes up again.

"Fuck off, go away. I know your not real."

"Jane" sighed. "Your too far gone, Luna." Thats when she stopped.

Maybe she is right.

Maybe there all right. Maybe I have lost my head, maybe I am to far gone!

I was so gulliable.

I didn't know, that with love, comes pain.

I sighed, and looked up at the starry sky.

As we continue to number the stars, one by one, I saw it as each life that has left the earth.

Maybe Jane's up there, as a star, like the one she was.

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