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*Cue most of the original UT opening story*

Years after, a young child nearly escaped death from a mad man, who had shot and killed their family. The child had been saved by the last thing classified as a MONSTER on the surface. The monster cared for the child, like the monster was the child's own mother. The child and the monster formed a very close bond. One day, the child wanted to travel to Mt.Ebott on their own. So the monster let them.

20XX, Mt.Ebott

Children who fall in are said to never return.

The child fell into an underground forest, meeting many friendly cats along her way. Although they were able to make it out, the magic of that forest had turned them into a cat as well. The child ran back to the monster, only to find the monster didn't know it was her. Filled with grief, the child went back to the cats of Mt.Ebott. They went back to the family that had taken them in. Only a week passed before the child passed of an illness. The child asked their adoptive brother to take them to see the golden flowers once more. So, the brother obeyed, only to get killed by that same mad man, who in drunken influence missed the deer he was aiming for. The child, because of this, finally snapped. She found a girl around her age with magical powers, and ordered her to steal away any human child that the forest monster found. 

But now, that was 4 years ago, and the real story has just begun.

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