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The inky black night sky is matched perfectly with the rushing skyline. It's base surges with light colored in harsh yellows, deep blues, and glaring reds. The light sways to its own beat, the buildings serving as gray beacons against the colors. However, the buildings aren't solid, but rather broken by the light of each window inside them. All over Casteleia, these windows added to the rushing traffic scene with pieces of life, pieces of hope, pieces of happiness.

Julie's window was pitch-black.

She stared longingly from her high rise at the sidewalk below, gazing through the wall of glass that made up her apartment building. Julie wanted nothing more than to jump, to fall and fall and splat onto the ground, finished with all. Remembering all of her past failures in life, all the times she had ever failed to do her job correctly, all the times she just was too lazy to get her work done, drove her too mad to think about anything else. She leaned onto the window, hoping for it to give way, but it was as solid as the wall on the other side of the room. Julie backed up, took a slow breath, and prepared to jump.

And she did.

Julie burst through the glass and fell off the edge. Time slowed down as she seemed to float down towards the end, falling faster and faster. She was frozen, unable to think of anything but the ground zooming closer and closer to her. She wiped her brow and sighed. This was what she wanted, so why wasn't she happy?

"Even till the end, you never stop being selfish," Julie smiled darkly. Hoping to take her mind off of it, she looked through some windows, the glass building showing so many content people. People who didn't need her.

About halfway down, she heard a booming voice, and turned to a T.V turned up louder than all the others. Why she could hear this T.V, she didn't know, but she could hear the words as much as she didn't want to. It was some foreign Gym Leader, reading some poem of some kind to all the people in her room on the T.V, which in itself wasn't that noticeable. It was just more people that confirmed her decision that she wasn't needed. Rather, the part that caught her attention what the poem she was reading. She didn't hear it all, but remembered it back from her youth, and felt all too guilty remembering it.

Giving up was an option
I never thought remained
No matter how hard I slipped up
Or failed to obtain
For I knew deep within my heart
That through my judging eye
I gave myself worse punishment
Than death could ever try

If Julie had ever had second thoughts, that poem multiplied them, jeering on with cries of how easy it was that she was giving up, how easily she had jumped without thinking of anyone else. Her family would miss her slightly, after all, as would her friends, hopefully. Her boyfriend probably would, and her Pokémon definitely would.

Tears forming, she scolded herself for being a baby, hit herself for never doing the right thing. She was of no use to anything or anyone, just a hunk of trash, and yet she still was too selfish to hold onto life. She couldn't just jump, like the thousands of others that did every year.

And yet here she was, tears falling fast now, wanting to go back and change her mind.

The ground looked so close it scared her. It inched closer every second, ready to end her. Taking out her Bravery's Pokéball, she threw it up. After all, even if her Bravery didn't help, she'd be fine. She'd most likely just try it again some day. But, no matter how hard she wanted to just die, she felt that stupid, stupid poem had put her out of the mood to anyway...


...I know I already failed, Nyx. If you want, you can just give the award to CottonCandyMe, since she deserves it so much more. I just figured I was so screwed anyway, I might as well upload it and claim I tried to win. I, to be honest, never really thought of suicide. It just always felt like giving up to me, so I never thought too much about it, which explains the 600 number word count. This was just something for Nyx's contest, I myself am not thinking of completing suicide or anything. Besides, if I did, then I'd never actually upload a real story for you guys, and that'd just be harsh. So, I guess here you go.

Oh, and if you're curious, she could have died. Or maybe she didn't. It's up to you if someone of no worth deserves to live or not...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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