Chapter One

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  "Hey, Cass!" Reid called, jogging a few steps to catch up to his teammate.
  "Yeah?" Cassidy asked.
She paused for a second, waiting for him.
  "My apartment is getting repainted this weekend," Reid explained. "I'd have it done while we were on a case but I want to be close in case something happens. I was wondering if you have an extra room?"
  "Yeah," Cass nodded after a moment's consideration. "Come on, I can give you a ride too."
  "Thanks," Reid smiled.

The two agents walked out to Cass's car and she unlocked it. Buck promptly jumped into the passenger's seat.
  "Sorry, buddy," Cass chuckled. "Spencer's gotta sit there."
Buck whined about the new development, but hopped into the back. Reid replaced him in the front.
  "So," Cass said, pulling out of the FBI parking lot, "the whole weekend?"
  "If that's all right," Reid nodded.
  "Stay as long as you like," Cass shrugged. "It's a big house."
  "It's been in your family awhile, hasn't it?"
  "Yeah," Cass muttered. "I'd love to get rid of it, but I couldn't do that to Mr. Carter. Plus, I've got a batty uncle threatening to write me out of his will if I sell it. I wouldn't care, except he's got something that should be mine anyways, and the only way I'll get it back is if he leaves it to me- which he will providing I haven't disposed of the farmhouse before then. Rotten man wants the farm in the family, but he doesn't want it himself. I even offered to give it to him."
  "Mr. Carter is your caretaker, right?" Reid checked.
  "Yeah," Cass nodded. "He gets all his food from working the farm and all his money goes for his sick wife. If Uncle Rick died tomorrow I'd still keep the farm until both Carters were gone."
  "Close to them, then?" Reid assumed.
  "They've helped me out before," Cass shrugged. She pulled into her carport and hopped out of the vehicle.

Cassidy unlocked her front door and left it ajar for Reid.
  "Pick a room upstairs," she called over her shoulder as she vanished into another room on the ground level.
Reid walked up the creaky old stairs and stared down the hall. There were three bedrooms and a bathroom up here. The house itself seemed too old to include the latter, so Cass or her father must have had it updated. The genius selected the room at the end of the hall next to the bathroom and opened the door. It stuck a little and creaked as it swung open.

The room was dark and coated in a layer of dust. Things were smashed and cloths were strewn all over the floor. The whole space reeked of death, and Reid hastily backed out and closed the door.
  "I wish you hadn't seen that," Cass sighed.
Reid whirled around and saw her standing behind him.
  "I'm sorry," he said hastily.
  "No, I should have told you not to go in there," Cass mumbled.
  "What- what exactly was that room for?" Reid asked.
Cass stared at him for a long time.
  "Come with me," she said, turning and walking down the hall.
Reid cautiously followed her and she opened the door furthest from the destroyed space.
  "Use this one," she said, going back down the stairs.

Author's Note:
I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention. I do not own Criminal Minds. If I did, I would not be here I assure you. I do, however, own Cassidy, Buck, and every other character that you've never heard of before. The plot's mine too.

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