Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Amanda sits down across from Harry, a sigh exiting her lips. "So Harry,"

Harry wipes his sweaty hands on his jeans, knowing exactly why he has to talk with one of Modest! managements managers. Parker. The picture taken of them just three days before went on nearly every magazine cover with the title, "HARRY HAS A NEW GIRL, AND THIS TIME YOUNGER?" The picture was posted online and the fans went crazy, working intensely to identify Parker until they figured it out, also figuring out her age. And Harry is, well, pissed. It turns out Louis didn't need to tell anyway, Harry screwed this all up by himself.

"So Amanda," He mimics, his eyebrows rising and his lips being bit by his own teeth in nervousness.

"I think we both know what this is about, so I'm just going to cut to the chase. You have to break up with Parker. We would normally allow any girlfriend, but considering her age the legal circumstances of the situation, the relationship is a hazard for you and the last thing we want is for you to get fined or anything else that has to do with the police. So, in conclusion, you must break up with her. No excuses. Sorry, Harry." Amanda says as calm as possible, feeling almost bad for Harry.

Harry closes his eyes, and a tear exits each one, silently going down his face and even Amanda's heart breaks in two. "So there's no loop hole?"

"I'm afraid not." She replies, setting her hand on his arm and rubbing her thumb in circles. "I'm sorry."

"Shit," he whispers, lowering his head, snatching his arm away, and standing up out of his chair. He feels his heart rate go up and more tears race down his cheeks. "Shit!" Harry yells, punching a hole in the grey dry wall.

"Harry!" Amanda exclaims, standing up and running over to him in her black heals. She grabs his wrist. "Stop it."

He snaps his wrist away from her grasp. "Fuck you," He whispers harshly before walking away and swinging the door open. "Fuck all of you!"

Harry storms down the hall with a mixture of devastation and pure fury pulsing through him. He's angry at management for getting into it, angry at the fans for being nosy about her, angry at everyone that caused this to happen. But most of all he's angry at himself. He's angry at himself for being cocky and trying out for the X-Factor, causing his privacy to be thrown out the window. If he could take it all back, return all the fame and girls and money, he would in a heartbeat if it meant privacy. Because privacy means nobody will be taking pictures of him and figuring everything out about him and his life. Privacy means Parker.

And oh, Parker. The love of his life, the one that he wants to grow old with, the one that he wants to have children with and parent with is now simply unreachable. She seems completely out of grasp now, so far in the distance not even he can travel far and fast enough to catch her. And he knows he can't sneak around with her. For now, anyways. Management will track his phone calls, track who he's texting, will have the boys watch Harry, will have any pair of eyes on him to make sure Parker's aren't. So, he has to do it. He knows it's his only choice. But he is willing to wait, if not seeing her for a few years is what it takes to marry her, he's more than willing.

Harry wipes his damp cheeks off and pushes the back doors open, immediately hearing a roar of fans. He looks out upon the small crowd of fans and sends them a small smile and a wave, knowing he has to be polite. But he can't fake it right now. The tears stream down his face once again and the crowd instantaneously turns into "Awe"'s.

"What's wrong?" Asks a brunette girl with big green eyes. Definitely beautiful.

Harry was going to just walk past her, but he decides not to. He decides to tell her. He stops and turns to her and says, "Promise not to tell?"

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