Chapter Four

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   If the kitchen and rec-room had felt homely earlier, it was nothing to how Draco found it when he came back down with the dirty dishes. Dusk had rolled in, so the curtains had been pulled and several lamps turned on. Rich smells of tomatoes, herbs and cheeses wafted through the air, and Teddy laughed raucously as he watched a cartoon and ate his nuggets with his fingers on the couch.

"Hey," Harry said fondly from where he was stirring the heavenly smelling sauce, a glass of white wine in hand. "How's Andy? She said she only wanted soup but I'm worried it wasn't enough?"

"She's fine," Draco said after a beat, crossing the room and loading the contents of the tray into the dishwasher. "She's resting now with her book."

Harry nodded. "You're staying for dinner aren't you? Do you want some wine?"

Draco hadn't known what he'd been expecting, but he suddenly felt gripped by panic. Dinner? He'd have to talk to Harry if he did that, unless they could watch a film? Maybe wine would help, but he knew if they were looking after Teddy they couldn't exactly get drunk. What should he do, should he leave now, make an excuse?

"Yes," he spluttered, even though he was almost certain he'd been intending to say no. But he couldn't bear the thought of seeing Harry disappointed. "O-of course."

Harry's smile widened as he poured a glass for Draco and handed it over. "Is pasta okay?" he asked. "I'm just throwing together what I can find in the fridge?"

Draco took a sip of wine, and as the cool buzz hit his tongue, he gave a more relaxed, genuine smile. "It smells wonderful, whatever it is."

"Dwaco?" Teddy called, having obviously just spotted him. "Are you having a sleepover?"

"Um, maybe?" he said, purposefully not looking at Harry. But Teddy squealed.

"Please say yes, please! Hawy said we can all make weal pancakes in the morning if you do."

At this, Draco did glance at the other man, but he only got a devilish shrug of the shoulders back. "Well," he said, trying his best to be brave. "If there's pancakes involved, I think I better stay for sure."

Teddy jumped up and flung himself at Draco's legs again for one of his signature hugs. "YAY!" he bellowed.

Harry chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Okay champ," he said. "But finish your dinner first alright, then cuddles."

"Dwaco come watch Night Garden with me!" The toddler tugged on Draco's hand, and he let himself be lead to the sofa, where some rather alarming multicoloured creatures were dancing about on the TV.

For the next ten minutes he watched Teddy muddle through his dinner, eyes glued to the TV show, glancing occasionally at Harry at work on their own dinner in the kitchen. The third time Draco looked over Harry caught his eye and winked, and after that he stubbornly kept his focus on the TV.

"Right," Harry said, coming over and wiping his hands on a tea towel. "That will be good simmering for a while. I think that makes it bath time Teds." Teddy pouted and made to protest, but Harry was already turning off the TV. "You can show Prince Draco your bubble beard?" he said enticingly.

Teddy forgot all his protests at that and jumped to his feet, grabbing Draco's long fingers with his chubby hand and dragging him back towards the stairs. "It's so funny Dwaco, you're gonna laugh so much!"

Draco felt his panic creeping back up his throat. Giving Teddy a bath was something his mum always did, it seemed like a big responsibility and he wouldn't know where to start? But that was when he felt Harry right behind him, his hand lightly touching the small of his back and smiling when Draco turned to raise his eyebrows at him.

"Don't worry," he whispered. "I've got you."

Teddy hauled him up the next flight of stairs, but they stopped as they all went in to say goodnight to Andy who was just on the edge of sleep, her book held precariously in her hand.

"Night night Nanny," Teddy whispered loudly, and kissed her clumsily on her cheek.

"Night night cherub," she said back, her voice raspy from tiredness brought on by her painkillers.

Harry rescued the book least it fell to the floor and placed it on the bed-side drawers, before leaning in and giving Andy a kiss of his own. Then he and Teddy stood back whilst Draco remained rooted to the spot, unsure if he should do the same and offer a kiss? The thought made him practically break out in a sweat though, he didn't touch anybody like that, he barely hugged his mother. This wasn't like helping his aunt walk to the bathroom, what if he did something wrong? In front of Harry?

Andy though just cracked an eyelid and smiled at him. "Goodnight Prince Draco," she said croakily. "Will we see you in the morning?"

He swallowed and nodded stiffly. "Yes," he managed. "Teddy, uh, bribed me with pancakes."

Andy chuckled and closed her eyes once more. "Marvellous," she said with a sigh.

Draco wasn't sure if he'd just made another mistake, but Harry's hand was on the small of his back again and then all three of them were back out in the corridor as the door gently closed behind them.

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