Chapter 7

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**editing completed 4/12/15**


School has been going on for three days and I'm already done. Of course there is the Kate factor, but it's just so much stress and not enough free time. I haven't had that breath of fresh air to make everything seem okay, and it's becoming a problem.

I really need for the football teams to be made already. That's the one thing that can make me feel calm, and without it everything is bottling up inside of me. I swear I'm going to go crazy and I don't know what to do about it.

Since I'm not a returning player or someone who knows the coach so I can't ask for equipment. I need to find a way to get my hands on some. Even if I have to go out to town and buy myself a new ball.

Honestly the hardest part about going to Uni was choosing what to take and leave. In my parents opinion a football is not something important to bring with me. They are very wrong, I should call them with a friendly message about how I'm loosing my mind.

Wait, Louis might have connections.

Sure I've only talked to him once, but he had balls then. Since then he's also been called in by the coach to do whatever so he must know where to get at least a ball.

The only flaw in that plan is Kate, but I could care less about her. I'll let her do the whole protective girlfriend thing and I'll try to do as little intervening into that as possible. All we've done is bicker and I don't want to do any more of that with her.

Why do I even care about her? She can bitch all she wants about me, but I can always kick a ball at her head.

I turn around to face them and Kate scoffs at me. "Louis, can you help me with something?" His eyes widen and he realizes that I'm making contact with him outside of the field.

Sure he's probably in deep shit because I'm asking him for help, but what's she going to do to him? Literally she needs him to get her popularity, she's not going to drop him for talking to me.

Louis looks uncomfortable and tries to disregard the question, but Kate's eyes are beating down on me. "S-Sure, what do you need?" I feel terrible for putting him in is awkward position, but I'm going to save him.

"You practice football on the fields everyday," I can tell that he's freaking out a bit, but he's totally doubting me. "would you be able to get me some balls to use after practice? I would like to thank the fact that I'm an excellent liar for helping me right now.

Before Louis can even react Kate is ready to pounce. "How do you know that he's out there everyday, do you stalk him or something?" I can almost see the smoke coming out of her ears, I don't think she's ever hated me more.

"I don't stalk him, but my roommate does." I cross my arms and smirk, purely to anger her more. Maybe she'll lay off me and go after Rose, she's the real threat here.

Once the words leave my mouth Louis chuckles. I knew that he would like that joke, but it didn't go over well with his other half. She's even angrier than before and it's kinda hilarious.

Kate hits Louis on the arm and he stops laughing immediately, his face red as he tries to hold everything back. "Who is this roommate and what do I have to do to get rid of her?"

"I will pay you to get rid of her, she's a literal psychopath." Kate laughs and rolls her eyes at the thought of having a challenge. "Her name is Rose Dawson, I'm not exactly sure what major she is, but I'm sure that won't be a problem for you." As I wait for her to react, I realize that the topic at hand is completely different from the original one. "Louis, you never answered my question."

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