Chapter Four

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"Come on girls take a seat. We don't have all day", he sighed. I began walking towards the chairs breaking eye contact with the three boys. I quickly  took the seat beside Ryan and the chair creaked, while Elise and Sidney took the seats beside me.

Sitting down, I peaked a glance at Ryan and he was looking at me completely pissed off. Taking a look at his nose, I understood why.

His nose was was sporting a bruise of multitude of hues. Colours that normally should not be on someones skin. It was garish purple, running across the bride of his nose.

I gave him a sad, small smile and in return he scowled at me rolling his eyes.

Embarrassed, I looked down at my hands and shifted  uncomfortably in my chair. 

Way to make me feel like a monster.  

"Now I'll put a name to the face, I'm Mike Watson and thats about all the formalities I'm going to do now since we don't really have much time to spare.", Mr. Watson began taking a stack of files and began laying them across the table. " So you guys might be wondering why I called you here and the answer is very simple; I need a favour from you girls" He continued taking a sheet of paper out and laid it in front of us.

I slowly picked up the paper and began to read it:

"Terms and Conditions:

The terms and conditions set out for: Skylar Edwards, Elisa Thompson, and Sidney Burton will be apart of the employee's contract with  Hockey Canada in effect from the start of the 2013 World Junior Hockey Championships.  


Personal Trainers For The 2013 WJC


Traveling and assisting the Team in the Championship games. Includes: coaching and being at all games. All payment and cost is covered by Hockey Canada. 


I stopped reading and looked up at Mike Watson. Was the he crazy?

" No" I announced, looking directly as him.

" What do you mean no? You're going to agree no matter what!" he threatened,  slamming his fist down on the mahogany desk causing the ink pen to rattle.  

" I'm not spending the next months of my life training a bunch of hooligans and dogs for nothing. What are you going to do about it Mr. Watson? I'm sorry, this is a bunch of nonsense." I reasoned.

 " You'll have to or you'll lose your position on women's team" he smirked. " I've seen you play. Amazing, I must say.  Certainly the best skill I've seen in the young today. You all crushed our top boys and to be honest they need you. And as for what I'll do, well lets just say its better if you don't know. I know how short you are on money right now Ms. Edwards and in the condition you've dug yourself in, you'll be needing every little cent to pull that your little family that you have. And for you Miss Sidney, I know how much being on that women's team means to you. What is it that you want to do? Oh yea, prove to the world women superiority right? I know how much Mr. Burton would love to see his little girl fulfil his broken dream, Now, we wouldn't want history to repeat its self now right? It would hurt to see such talent go unrecognized." Watson paused and I looked over at Sidney. She had her fist clenched by her sides. She hated when people talk about her father like that and hated when people threatened her. It pushed buttons you never wanted to push. 

" And you Ms. Thompson, you sure are something behind the net. It would be a shame if the girls lost their started. Alexandra is okay but she's a bit shaky in net. Now you wouldn't let down you're team like that? Now you girls will sign that contract and agree to every term in there or lose you position. Its that simple."

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