Chapter 8

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I can't tell you enough how relieved I was when the King told me that I was actually a citizen of Wonderland. But that leaves me with more questions. Is that the reason why mom left me here? Because she couldn't handle the people of Wonderland? And what of my father? His whereabouts? What is Wonderland not telling me? 

"Aye, Brat. Get your damn head out of the clouds. We're here." He spoke sharply. If he wasn't of royal status or dangerously close I would've rolled my eyes at him. He's been patronizing me the whole time. I looked at him at batted my eyelashes in a mocking way. He smacked his teeth and looked out the window. 

"Your new home. Pray I don't kick you out of it." He said again as we went across the massive drawbridge. I felt my mouth drop in awe. This castle was amazing no, any other adjective couldn't even describe its greatness. Despite red being the kingdom colors, I expected it to be a little brooding and malicious looking, but there was elegance instead. It looked like love. Red and white with some golds and blacks. It was beautiful. I felt the queens' eyes on me. From my peripherals, she looked indifferent. There was no look of pride...more like a strange curiosity. She looked at her husband, whose eyes were fixated on me the whole time. She released a shaking breath and looked out her window. 

"This castle was built three hundred years ago Lady Hatter. We have had renovations done to it recently. We added a new servants quarters next to the kitchen. I'm sure you'd love it there." She spoke. There was a little venom laced in her words. It wasn't there when we were riding here. I looked up at the King who was seemingly glaring at her. Her jaw clenched and unclenched as she continued to look out the window.  I felt him release a breath out of what seemed to be amusement. 

"You do seem a little kitchen mouse." 

"I don't want to seem like I'm bragging your grace, but I can make some badass tea cakes." I blurted. I felt my eyes widen at the mistake I allowed to slip. His brow raised as he smirked at me. 

"Well being the niece of the Mad Hatter, I would expect you to do so." 

Well, he sure didn't make a big deal about it. I've let myself get too comfortable around them and it's only been two hours. We rolled around to what looked like the back of the castle. There was a massive rose garden and a small stone waterfall at the base of the dual staircase. Like Queen Hanji's castle, Ivory stairs, Columns and a large Ebony wooden door. The only difference is that there was a red heart emblem in stone. As well as their guards. They were a stack of cards. A little short woman, with a large red flower of a dress ran to the Kings side. 

"Your grace, the magistrates of the Black Diamonds are in your study awaiting for your arrival to discuss the land underwater. And the Duchess of Umbridge would like to cordially meet with you and the queen on the topics of an heir."  

Her unwavering gray eyes flickered to mine. She cocked her head to the side and furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity. 

"Give those old farts news that I have arrived and tell that nosy wench that we will not meet with her over matters that do not concern her. And Mikasa, along the way, please show our new guests to her room. She is important to us. Show kindness." 

"Yes sir." She seem to grumble. She walked towards me and took me by the hand. 

"Right this" 

"You can call me [Name]." 

"Right this way [Name]." She said tugging gently. As I was being tugged by this cute little muffin I heard the Queen mutter. 

"She received more attention than you have ever given me. And within just those three hours."  

"You better watch it." The little girl stated. "The Red Queen is a jealous woman. And it's best not to make her Red." 

The King of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now