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Adam was concealed behind his brother, pressed against the trunk of a large oak. He could see Sarah over to his left, hidden. He waved to her and she returned the gesture, smiling. Tom ran about from tree to bush to tree. His laugh was infectious and both siblings had to hold their hands over their mouths to stifle their own sniggers.

"Come on out!" he shouted. "I can't find you!"

Adam put his arms to his side, making himself as thin as possible and Sarah ducked down further, tucking her legs under her body and wrapping her arms around herself. Tom was coming closer and the anticipation threatened to burst out of them, declaring their hiding places in fits of giggles.

"Adam! Sarah! I don't want to play anymore!"

Typical Tom. If he couldn't find you immediately, he became bored and started moaning. Adam saw Sarah look at him, her gaze questioning. She was asking him if they should come out, reveal their location to keep their little brother happy. He shook his head. Not this time.

Sarah shrugged and then nodded. She knew Adam was right. Tom needed to learn. He gave in too easily and spent the rest of the day whining. This time he could play the game properly and find them. He just needed to look, that was all. There were only so many hiding places, even in a forest this big. Look behind the trees. Delve into the bushes. Peek over the decaying, fallen sections of trunk.

Adam held his breath as he heard his brother shuffling about. The energy had left his gait and he was now moping. Well, tough. Tom wouldn't like it if Adam or Sarah went mardy and moaned all the time. He could find them, that was it. Adam, himself, was growing tired of hide and seek, anyway. He wanted to climb and explore. He wanted to find hidden treasures or get scratches and scrapes from trying. Tom was getting in the way of that. Sarah would join in - she wasn't what their father called a 'girlie girl'. She enjoyed the same things as he did, which was one of the reasons they got on so well. The fact she hated spiders simply gave him some ammunition. It didn't stop her climbing into dusty old lofts or falling-down garages, it just meant he could scare her once she did.

He heard Tom stop moving. The boy was fairly close to the tree his brother was hiding behind. Adam desperately wanted to peer out, but knew Tom could be looking in his direction and the game would be up.

He heard Tom yelp, a part cry, part choke which was followed by a deep growl he could feel through the bark of the tree trunk.

Then Tom screamed.

The growl became a snapping snarl and Adam felt a thud as something very large landed heavily nearby.

He began to shake, fear replacing the excitement he'd been feeling. He looked over at Sarah and saw she was shaking too. He could see tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. He moved to look around the tree but Sarah shook her head. No! Stay where you are!

There was a crunch and Tom's scream was cut off. Adam couldn't help himself - he had to look. Slowly, he eased himself away from the tree and moved his head so he could just see what was happening.

At first, he couldn't make out what he was seeing. It was a large mass of black and grey fur, with thick legs holding up a huge body. He gasped when he realised what it was.


The animal looked around at the sound. An arm, Tom's arm, was hanging from its mouth. Blood streaked the maw and dripped from the fingers of the hand. Adam could see his brother's head. It had been torn from his body and lay, dead eyes staring, at the wolf's feet.

The beast stared at Adam, then picked up the head in its mouth. It looked back at the boy before snapping down, teeth popping through the bone to crush Tom's head. Brain and blood splattered the ground. A piece of skull fell at Adam's feet.

Sarah screamed and the wolf turned, calmly, in her direction. It didn't need to rush or be fearful. It seemed to know, if they ran, it wouldcatch them. If Tom was dinner, theywould be dessert. It snarled at thegirl, baring its teeth. Red eyes stared for a moment, then the wolf turned and continued to feast on its kill.

  Red eyes stared for a moment, then the wolf turned and continued to feast on its kill

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