Chapter 22

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Zayn's POV

I was in the bathroom showering for the afternoon just because I wanted to when I looked down and noticed something strange. My stomach was very pudgy, I have been very worried about this happening because of all the food Papa and Dad have been making me eat, and now I'm seeing the negative effects of it. I sighed and got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, I snuck across the hallway and into Papa and Dad's bathroom and saw their scale, I stepped on it and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. 78 pounds! I was at most 64 pounds when I got here, I knew I needed to gain a pound or two but not this much. I stepped off of the scale and walked out of the bathroom to be met by Dad.

"What were you doing in there bub?"

"I um lost my um t-shirt and thought I left it in there when I showered in there the other night, sorry."

"No worries, now go get dressed!"

I nodded and made my way into my room and went to my closet where I got some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I walked downstairs where Niall and Harry were and sat down next to them but Niall just pulled me onto his lap.

"Oof! Zee, you're getting heavy there aren't ya?" He said.

I knew he was just joking around with me but it doesn't mean that he's wrong, I nervously laughed and rested my head on his shoulder because I was very worn out from doing nothing all day. (Literally me).

"Okay boys, snacks are in the kitchen!" Papa said as he walked into the room.

I got off of Niall's lap as him and Harry ran out of the room and into the kitchen. I just laid down on the couch and went to turn on the TV when Papa crouched down in front of me.

"I know I'm not as good a cook as Daddy but my snacks are still delicious!"

"Sorry Papa, I'm just not hungry."

"Okay, but I expect you to eat all of your dinner, deal?"


"Okay, now I didn't get any cuddles today so move over!"

I laughed as I moved over letting Papa sit down before resting my head on his lap silently giving him permission to run his fingers through my hair. He didn't quite get the idea so I took his hand that was rubbing my back and and put it on my head and then he seemed to understand. He chuckled and then I soon felt the familiar feeling of my Papa petting my hair. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Dad's voice.

"Liam! Don't let him fall asleep, he won't go to bed tonight if he sleeps now."

"But I'm tired." I whined.

"Yea Lou he's tired!"

"Oh don't make me the bad guy here, it's only 4 pm!"

"Okay, come on Zee let's get up, daddy is being a meanie."

I groaned and heard daddy scoff at Papa's statement, Papa picked me up and brought me over to the kitchen where everybody else was sitting.

"So what's going on this afternoon?" Harry asked.

"Well it's friday so you don't have homework, I was thinking we could go to the movies?" Dad said.

Everyone nodded and I of course tried to fall asleep on Papa's shoulder but he wouldn't let me.

"If you loved me you would let me sleep!" I said dramatically.

"I love you, but you're not going to sleep." Dad said.

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