Plan B

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My breathing clenched when I heard a twig snap under my foot.

"Please Josephine. You have to be quiet." Drako clenched my hand harder has he guided me though the trees.

The sun was barely peaking over the horizon, creating a gold ring that kissed the earth and dark sky. Pulling them together, light and dark.

They don't match. They are contrasting colors, although they seem so perfect for each other. They make each other standout.

"Josephine repeat the plan to me." He whispered

I huffed as I repeated the plan for the hundredth time. "Stand outside Pan's door until the sunrise is over. If Pan asks where you were say you woke up early because you wanted to watch the sunrise like you do almost every morning. After a couple of minutes thank him for taking you away. Tell him what he wants to hear. Make him feel good about himself, like he is the hero."

"Okay good, I think you're ready." We let go of each others hands as we climbed over the large rocks. The forest changed. I was surrounded by large healthy trees, streams, and rocks. It was very beautiful for the 'personality' it has and it was very very different from late last night.

"What are the odds of this plan actually working?" I climbed over the last rock and stood side by side with Drako.

"Uhh I don't know... I guess 5/10." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah thats sounds about right, half and half."

"For pete's sake can we actually come up with a plan that will work?"

"We can't though. This plan makes you sound more innocent than you all ready are. Young girl waking up at the crack of dawn just to watch some silly sunrise... sounds cute to me. I have a feeling Pan will over look your lies, it may even make him smile just a little bit." He looked over at me and smiled a cheeky grin.

"I don't think it will work, but if worst comes to worst I'll kiss him, make him forget about it." My hands covered my mouth as I giggled to myself, blushing at my words.

"Ahh see already 1% of your purity is gone. And you seem to be very confident you will be able to make Pan weak at the knees." Drako joked with a smirk. We began walking again, faster than we were before.

"Hey I'm just putting your words of Pans feelings towards me into action. I can use it as an advantage." The sky began to get lighter.

The darkness disappearing slowly.

The leaves and sticks under my feet crunched quietly as we became closer and closer to Pan's territory.

Drako stopped walking and turned towards me, "I'm going to stay here, you will have to walk the rest of the way. I can't risk getting caught. It's not far from here, just keep walking straight and you will run into it."

"What no! I can't go alone, I'm too scared!" My face grow with fear as I remembered the events from last night.

"Josephine please." Drako begged sounding slightly annoyed. "You'll be fine. If anything happens run back to me, I'll still be here."

I nodded my head at him, turning around and facing the direction I needed to walk. "Okay, I can do it" I took a deep breath before taking a step.

"Remember the plan" Drako whisper shouted as we became farther and farther away from each other.

After about 5 minutes of walking the tree houses started to come into view. I slowly walked over to the one I believed was Pans because it was the largest. I put my hands on the ladder and started to climb.

My mind became over whelmed with possibilities on what can happen when I see Pan. By the time I got to the top the sunrise was over.

Right when my hand ouched the door nub, the door swing up with a sleepy Pan on the other side.

"Oh hi Pan."


Ive never been good at writing fanfics bc i always have an idea about what i want to write but idk how to write it like idk how to put it into words and so i get annoyed and stop writing then i forget about it :////

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