Invisible E-mails

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There are two types of invisible emails I have come across and they are both just as irritating, well atleast irritating to me.

Now I know for a fact that I am not the only one out here who has them invisible emails. I call them invisible emails because they are suppose to be there but they are not showing up. You know when you send yourself a confirmation email and it says you should get it within a few minutes to a few hours and 1 week later and you haven't gotten it.  Then you are stuck worrying whether you have put in the right email address so you check and recheck and even resend it...yet nothing happens. I have even created an entirely new email address just so I could have the ability to respon to the confirmation. Crazy, right?

The second invisible email I will talk about is for those with a smart phone. You know how you have those wonderful apps (especially the iphone) that whenever something happens, a little number  shows up to let you know. Now I have a little OCD problem and I love when there are no numbers what-so-ever. And I usually have no problems with the exception of the email app. For some reason it likes to keep the number 1 right above it even when I've read and checked every last email on it. I've gone as far as deleting everything on it to get rid of the number but it just won't go away.

It hates me.

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