2. the new boy

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[ LEO ]


I stared out the window, watching as life passed me by. The woman in the car next to us had a smile on her face as she drove and that really angered me. What in the world did she have to smile about? I bet her husband was cheating on her with his assistant, too. 


I've never been outside Wisconsin before. It was a small place, maybe, but it was ideal. I was born and raised in the state and couldn't be anymore proud. But today, I wasn't proud. I wanted to get out of that filthy place that was home to so many destroyed memories and crushed hopes.

"Chris," my father called for the first time.

Snapping my gaze to the man next to me, I raised a hand to silence him "Do not call me that," I hissed. "There's no way I'm sharing a name with a bastard and cheater! From now on, I go by Leo."

"Okay," he cleared his throat, and when he spoke again, his voice was several octaves deeper. "Leo."

"Don't call me that either," I snapped. "You don't have the right."

Despite how serious I was, he actually thought that I was joking, because he laughed. "Son, you're being ridiculous."

"Don't call me son either." I could go all day with him if I wanted to, but I wanted him to stop talking and drive the stupid car so that I wouldn't have to see his face again."I am not your son."

Of all things he could've possibly done, he laughed again. "I think I'm getting treated a bit harsh," he scoffed.

"What about Mom?" I asked suddenly. "How did she get treated? Oh, I don't know. She's being treated by doctors in a god forsaken hospital because she's in a coma, all thanks to you!"

His facial expression fell flat, acting as though I suddenly crossed a line. I didn't care much about overstepping boundaries, because he and his assistant certainly didn't. Like father, like son, I guess.

"I didn't make her run into the street," he finally said after much thought.

I scowled. "And she didn't make you cheat on her, but you did. Who knew? The world is full of fucked up people." Not wanting to hear his voice anymore, I turned the dial on the radio, blasting the volume through the car's surround sound speakers.

Throughout the entire drive, I tried to think about what I was getting myself into. After weeks of living with my father and his mistress, I decided that I couldn't take it anymore and opted to stay with my aunt Sara until graduation. She lived over three hours away in Minnesota, but I didn't care about the distance. It wasn't like I was actually going to miss anyone in Wisconsin, anyway.

Maybe I'd miss Luke. My phone had been vibrating non-stop from his text messages that I never answered. It was usually the same thing, "I'm gonna miss you ... you're moving too far away ... how are we gonna see each other" crap.

I cared for Luke, honest, but Luke only cared about my body and what my body could give him. Actually, the only people I had ever talked to at school were other people who also cared about my body. I made quite a name for myself at Riverview: the faggot who blew anyone who asked. Whether or not that title held true is irrelevant because now I was going to start over at a new school where no one knew who I was.

Part of me was excited and part of me was scared to death. I didn't know what Minnesota people were like and if they were anything like the people back home, then I knew I would earn quite a few nicknames.

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