Sand Ochra Bay

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Sand Ochra Bay

The burrowed TARDIS finally landed and the Master went out to navigate telling the girls to stay exactly where they were. He hoped he would have better luck than the Doctor but no, one of them disobeyed his command: "I told you to stay in the TARDIS!" he hissed as he was scouting underneath giant ferns, yellow phallic looking plants that the Master avoided.

"That body and face means more to me than it does to you!" Nyssa hissed back, "I will kill any future version of yourself but not any past and definitely not the present form!"

"I have no doubt you would, dear Nyssa!" the Master smirked. He could play on that later. "Are you not going to ask where we are?"

"Sand Ochra Bay!" Nyssa replied, "Part of the Equatorial Galaxies - each Planet gradiates in warmth. This is in the heart of the warmth - The Planet's name is unknown but this particular area has a name due to the fact that ..." she gazed at the Master and blushed, "sorry, this is your job!"

"Is that how the Doctor operates?"

"Yes," Nyssa said, "it is perfectly acceptable for him to tell us where we are!"

"Before he rushes into a situation where you end up imprisoned; infected with a deadly poison, have to release a bomb, or have to fight me?" the Master smirked.

"So he is not perfect I still lo- like him!"

Love him, the Master's eyes twinkled. He could use that later on too: "Carry on, Nyssa," Nyssa lowered her eyes and saw something and ducked down. The Master followed her gaze and followed suit. "I adore your sense of caution, Nyssa, it bodes well!" he whispered.

An Alien walked forward with a very unsavoury looking companion of the same species a female, she was showing too much cleavage for Nyssa's tastes. Her green hair and amber eyes seemed to pierce through velvet: "He said he'd be here, Glax!"

"Why do we rely on him, Firsha?"

"Because he has the vessel, Glax!"

"He won't look at you, Firsha, if that is your intentions to stay loyal!"

"I am after the treasure he brings back. We're stranded, here, in case you had forgotten. He promised to help us!"

"Yeah, that was five years ago now!"

"Sssshhhhh!" Firsha whispered.


"I think we're being observed!"

Nyssa wrapped her fingers tightly around the handle of a knife and the look in her eyes made the Master almost want to take her there and then back to the TARDIS but he wanted to see how she would work this out by herself. Glax stepped forward. Nyssa had a good view of his knees. Quietly, she grabbed a purple tendril and managed to tie his legs together without him noticing as the foliage at the spot was wide enough for her to work and for any movement that his companion complained about he replied that it was probably a sea rat scuttling back to home. Carefully she threaded the rest of the tendril through the spare gap and she glanced at the Master: "Go!" she whispered.

"Not without you!" he whispered back.

"I will be fine!"

"Where did you le..."

"No time, just go!" she hissed.

The Master crawled through on the mud on his hands and knees and saw a stone and decided to give Nyssa some time to get back to the TARDIS. He picked it up and threw it in the opposite direction and it landed where some beautiful birds were hiding and they squaked and flew in the air as the stone landed amongst them. Firsha snarled and ran to see what the fuss was about. and to kill one of the creatures. This was when Nyssa yanked the tendril causing Glax to land flat on his back as the knot tightened against his legs.

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