Chapter 22:

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Mintfeather's eyes widened. He could see!

"Mintfeather!" The medicine cat turned to see the starry figure of Speckledfern padding towards him.

"Speckledfern? What's going on?" He asked his former mentor.

"You're in StarClan. I have a prophecy to deliver." Speckledfern mewed. Mintfeather blinked and fear clawed at his stomach. This would be his first prophecy as a full-fledged medicine cat.

"What is it?" He asked nervously.

"When the Night rises, the Dusk will fall. Only when the blackest stream realizes the power it holds will the Night be defeated." Speckledfern mewed. Mintfeather opened his mouth to say something, but cut off when the tom disappeared and the scenery of the clearing changed. He was in camp again, but something was terribly wrong.

There were dead bodies of his clanmates lying everywhere, and blood pooled around them, soaking Mintfeather's paws. He looked up with horror and spotted a couple of cats fighting nearby.

"Thrushwing, look out!" A black and white she-cat with emerald green eyes screeched.

"Darkriver?" Mintfeather muttered. "Wait, Thrushwing?" The grey tom looked around wildly until his eyes landed on a light brown tom with emerald green eyes. "That tom looks just like how Thrushwing described himself!" He thought aloud.

"He's just using you! He doesn't care about you at all! Please! I'm begging you! I don't want to fight you!" Thrushwing screeched as a ginger warrior tackled him. They were sent rolling until the ginger tom was wrenched off of Thrushwing by Darkriver. They fought as Thrushwing tried to get to his paws. As soon as he did, a black shadow loomed behind him, amethyst eyes glaring at him angrily before it leapt at him and sank its claws into his throat.

"NO!" Mintfeather screeched and tried to surge forwards towards the dying warrior, but something held him in place. Thrushwing turned his gaze towards Mintfeather and opened his mouth to say something.

"Beware the darkest star..." He choked out before all the light from his eyes died and he fell limp.

"No!" Mintfeather screeched, shooting up in his nest. He gasped for breath, his blind eyes wide and filled with tears. Once again he was unable to see anything. Sighing with relief, he couldn't help but feel a foreboding feeling twist his gut.

"Something bad is about to happen..." He heard an unknown voice whisper before disappearing, and he shuddered.

"Dear StarClan, what is this unknown evil?" Mintfeather muttered to himself.

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