Chapter 15

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I parked at the beach..I said to meet me here at 2 and its 1:40 I walked near the water sitting down I'm wearing sweats and a hoodie with shades you never know if paparazzi's are gonna be around I had to ask for my moms car cause they don't know how it looks ahhhh!
Where is she..please don't tell me she's not gonna show up...
I hope it's her
Y/n: where are you??
Karla: I'll wave my hand up and down okay?
No ones Pov*
Y/n got to the beach not seeing a girl only a boy with a blue hoodie
As she read the text she saw the boy waving his hand up and down at first y/n frowned walking closer to him sitting next him
Camila's Pov*
I felt someone sit next to me I took a deep breath
"Karla?" I hummed in response she stood quest for a bit then she tackled me into a hug "omg I thought you were a boy!!" Well then how can I look like a boy? Didn't she see my Cuban ass? Oh wait I was sitting down I hugged back inhaling her scent she smells just like chocolate.."are you still scared..?" She asked hiding her face in the crook of my neck I nodded "why?" Okay I have to do this cmon Camila "promise you won't freak out or hate me?" She nodded handing me her pinky aww babe I interlocked them siting up making her sit next to me I took my hoodie off and shades I turned to see her face to face "I-I y-you.."  I looked down "aren't you from fifth harmony..?" She asked I nodded "your..your Camila..! "She started laughing "wasn't it enough that you bullied me?! Now you made me fall! Ha! Of course! You used me how funny Camila!!" She moved away..ouch..I looked up at her "I have a reason.." She nodded me to continue "since the first day you moved  here..the first day I saw you at school..I just couldn't get my eyes off I stalked you..and I wanted to be close to you but I didn't know I started bullying you..if anyone was going to do something to you or hit you or plan it I would stop them cause I thought you were mine.."I said my voice cracking at the's been 5 minutes and she hasn't said a thing.. "So that explains why you bit me until you left marks..right?" I nodded slowly I would bite her until I would leave a 'hickey' so people would know she was mine.. "Do you really like me Camila..?" I nodded looking in her eyes "I do..believe me..when we started texting I..I would just smile all the time ask the girls if you want" she nodded "honestly ..even though what I'm about to say is going to hurt me..." She took a deep breath .. Oh god no.." Wait!" She looked at me confused "before you say anything..can I just do something..?" She nodded slowly "close your eyes" she did I started to lean in until our lips met I closed my eyes God there so soft..she pulled away "Camila I can't trust you..I'm sorry.." She ran to her car
She can't trust me..that's what I get don't I..?
Him: yes Camila?
C: can I kidnap your daughter..?

Messed up love Camila/ youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz