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Name: Lilianne "Lux" Lovejoy

Age you appear: 16

Real age: 156

Gender: Female

Type of spirit: Regular

Personality: Quirky, happily morbid, cute, hyper, can be oddly serious at times.

Appearance: Media. Can make legs appear.

Sexuality: Straight

Romantic interest: Open

Cause of death: "Fell" out of a third story window.

Story of death / backstory: Lux was raised in the house by her high class family. She was quite the socialite and was loved by many though others were jealous of her fame and fortune. One night during a party she mysteriously fell out of her bedroom window after retiring early with the excuse of a headache. The fall killed her and though the officials insisted that her death was an accident many to this day say that it was actually a murder.

Room you most frequently haunt: Her bedroom on the third story, the hallway around her room, and the gardens especially near where she fell.

Theme song: Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift

Family: None

Clothes: Media

Other: Is the baby of most of the ghosts in the house and is often dotted on by them.

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